He took a shaky breath.
"listen, I need to tell you something. I wanted to tell you before but I couldn't. It's hard. Ever since I met you I knew I wanted to share this with you, but it was against everything I believe in. You see, I-"
his quavering voice was cut off suddenly. Then was the darkness and the feel of rough fabric tearing at my back. That was when I blacked out.
i woke up in a room that was black in every sense in the world. The black walls, the deep shadows, even the black well of despair I was falling into. Rope bit into my wrists and I couldn't feel my legs. My eyelids were heavy and my breaths were shallow. What was happening?
a sharp click of an opened door pulled me out of my stupor, and my hands started to quiver. I thought it was the end of me. But the footsteps went away and never came back.
I've lost count of my time here. But one thing I'm sure of - I'm never getting out.
i never did find out his secret.