There are a few main things that make a teacher bad:
- they are creepy
- they can't teach
- they're not nice
One of these will suffice, but for some reason my class seems to have collective bad luck as my new teacher appears to be all three!
first of all he has this creepy habit of walking up behind you in class and breathing down your neck while he reads your work. Then he fails to teach us anything of use so we all fail, and then he writes bad reports about us!
so me and my friend made this genius plan.
she is now constantly not paying attention in class and then acing her tests (thank you internet!) giving him no reason to report her, I, on the other hand, enjoy embarrassing him by asking questions he doesn't know the answer to. My favourite so far:
"excuse me, sir, I was reading up on the lesser known states of matter last week and I found a passage on superstates. But I don't understand how a supersolid keeps its shape without the help of friction. Could you please explain?"
this was during a conversation about particle theory and I kept him busy for ten minutes, giving my poor classmates a well deserved break.