No Plagiarism!365Jry5X67m6ggNDVxyYposted on P锛A锛肌 Toriel: Hey Sans check out this new game. It's called FNAF.馃榿
Sans: You sure you want to play that?馃槙8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌2b417p3Lif 缍凹
Toriel: Why not?馃槷8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌kFWfPzS8kq 缍凹
Sans: It's pretty scary.馃槙8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌9YXR4x9DCY 缍凹
Toriel: I can handle it. 馃槒8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌8pWtBeSCpx 缍凹
聽So Toriel plays the game and well.8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌CNU1lzRwz4 缍凹
Toriel: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.馃槃8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌eXk1Yzpein 缍凹
Sans: Was I right. Is it to scary.馃槉8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌b2T1Re3ZYp 缍凹
Toriel: Not at all. I found a way to be in the game.馃槃8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌mt9DP4kiaX 缍凹
Sans: Why the fuck would you want that?馃槰8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌9LVTkow3m2 缍凹
Toriel: Well the puppet dude is so nice to me and HEY WATCH YOUR MOUTH.馃槇8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌viFI7g0fFj 缍凹
Sans: What do you mean the puppet was nice to you?馃槗8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌CvkDNpfxo8 缍凹
Toriel: Well he invited me to the kitchen and he talked about these weirdos who invade the shop called Endo-Skeletons.馃槂8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌HXyzfkZmTK 缍凹
Sans: Oh since she doesn't look like a human they must not see her as a threat.馃槷8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌oBgeMKs1gT 缍凹
Toriel: Then he had sex with me.馃榿8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌8o78VV2kVL 缍凹
$@#$: I'll beat that ass bag into next week.馃槇馃敧8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌pYWpgvobyl 缍凹
Toriel: Sans I'm joking. Don't do that weird thing with your eye it's weird.馃槀8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌kk5lJ43CWX 缍凹
Sans: Right. knew that.馃槷8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌afRIb7dlsW 缍凹
Toriel: Good. Well if you need me I'll be in the pizzeria. Bye.馃槉8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌FCuOADLuC6 缍凹
Sans: UH bye. This is weird.馃槮8964 copyright protection613锛帮讥锛肌锛肌aYNMJzifEw 缍凹