The "Your face" insult
Nearly anything works if you simply combine it with "your face". Remember to be creative, otherwise, your enemies will begin to predict what you'll say next. For example, say someone said "You're ugly," or something similar. You could say, "I'm ugly? Well, YOUR FACE is uglier."
Alright, I admit, that one wasn't the greatest, but the "your face" jokes are always best when thought up on the spot. It doesn't work when you think of them in advance.
Also with "your face" jokes, is the possibility to confuse your enemy. This is the best, because they have no clue what you're talking about. For example, I think once someone said something to me about a basement and I replied with "Well, your face is a basement. It's a facement," which was not only quite funny, but it also severely confused my victim.
Hope this helped!