"Okay, we got the kids- lets go-" Will said, rolling the stroller that carried three identical babies, who were fast asleep. 687Please respect copyright.PENANATt8VYYGwKd
687Please respect copyright.PENANAs90FAklWUy
They had just managed to rescue them with no trouble and we're so close to getting out with no problems. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAPwiLxnIvOo
687Please respect copyright.PENANA0CBFyL2lLs
He looked up and saw Clint's face, which was as white as paper, staring behind him.
His stomach dropped. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA9mkOMKuAd2
687Please respect copyright.PENANAxR5cnHxfAs
One time. One time can't we just get out with no issues?
"Whatever you do," Clint warned, his eyes wide. "Do not look behind you."
And, because Will is a fucking genius, he looked behind him.
Behind him on the rafts of the old building were a lot of mutated monster birds. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAs69o63TvrU
687Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0r7Nkhc5c
They stared at Will and Clint, red eyes bulging from their bald heads, yellow and longer than normal talons gouging into the wood. They all had dark, raven black feathers, their bodies large- about the size of a school desk.
And then they dove.
Will turned around hastily and pushed the stroller in front of him. Clint helped him push, hearing the loud flapping of the birds behind them, cawing and shrieking as they fled.
"WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE WORDS 'DONT LOOK BEHIND YOU'?!" Clint snarled into Wills ear over the flapping and shrieking of the birds.
"Now is not the time to yell at me, Clint!" Will hissed back, heading for the exit, but he skidded to a sharp halt when some of the birds flew in front of them, snapping and screeching, blocking their way out.
The birds flew directly at them, talons outstretched, shrieking.
"Damn it,"Clint muttered, drawing his sword, Clint drew his sword as Will protected the babies with his body, shielding them from the birds, Clint slashing at them once they were close enough.
Black blood sprayed onto them, and if it touched their bare skin it burned them.
If it touched their clothes, it burned through them, creating tiny rips and ruining them.
The birds surrounded, tugging at their shirts and clothes, hooked beaks snapping at their hair and earlobes. Will could feel their blood burning his clothes, feeling the hot burn on his neck and back. He bit down on his tongue, arms over his head- But he refused to leave the babies unprotected.
He could hear them crying in his ears, and his head felt like it was about to split in two with the crying, the shrieking and Clint's loud cursing all ringing in his ears.
And suddenly, there was a loud crash and the sound of glass shattering. He looked up, hesitantly, and saw that a small figure was falling from the skylight, glass raining down around her, arm pulled back as she shot down two of the crows, landing on the rafters with her legs bent; Talyn.
And with her, came Iris. She dropped down from the skylight, her hands glowing purple as she brandished her whip sword.
She lashed her whip out, taking down three, shrieking a little when the blood touched her. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAwObp5CN4Do
687Please respect copyright.PENANABOe7kt5uB8
She too landed on the rafters but proceeded to jump down, lashing the birds with her whip as she fell.687Please respect copyright.PENANArShygpmUbd
687Please respect copyright.PENANAdphxnq0uEg
She landed softly as Talyn shot down more crows, their heavy bodies dropping to the ground with a loud thud.
Will still kept his body over the stroller and looked away again, the shrieks of the birds slowly dying as more of them were killed. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAmXRGvabqPd
687Please respect copyright.PENANAUNcEvtsOcz
We're never gonna hear the end of this, he thought to himself. Once again, Iris and Talyn saved the two of them from being killed.
In just a few minutes, they were all dead, laying on the floor with either deep gouges or arrows in their bodies. Talyn dropped down, a smirk on her face as she faced Clint and Will.
"I knew we would have to come save you little shits," she said, head tilted.
"Whatever," Clint mumbled, his pride clearly knocked down a step. "Did you find the parents?"
"Sure did," Iris replied, hands on her hips. "Ugh- I hate these things.. I really liked this sweater." She looked down at the burnt rips in her yellow sweater, frowning.
Talyn looked up at her. "Lets get these kids back, so then you can go get ready for your date-" Talyn grinned, nudging Iris in the ribs.
"SH!" Iris flushed, stepping on her foot. Talyn winced. Clint and Will looked confused.
"Date? What date?" Will asked, head tilting. He looked curious, while Clint just looked surprised that Iris got a date. Most boys liked short girls, and Iris was very very tall.
"You got a date?" He asked, one eyebrow raised. "Wow."
"You look surprised," Iris answered, her eyes narrowing dangerously.
Clint shrugged. "You've never been on a date. What're you guys gonna do?"
"Just go walking around the Island," Iris sighed. "Now lets go. I need to get ready."
"To go WALKING?" Clint looked even more bamboozled. "That's stupid."
"Shut up, I just saved your life."
As they got home, Melanie immediately fussed over them, putting cream to soothe the red burns from the bird's blood.
Iris hastily let Melanie do this, then ran upstairs to get ready, while Talyn and Clint sat down to play video games and Will went to help Iris pick out the perfect walking outfit.
At around 5, Iris was all set. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA2xxRfYNCzK
687Please respect copyright.PENANAnAep4M9cPk
She came down wearing a white top, a dark blue knife-pleated shirt with a brown belt and brown ankle boots. Her hair was curled around her shoulders, her makeup kept to a minimal. Will grinned.
Diana looked up and smiled. "Oh, hon, you look wonderful. He'll love it."
"You think so?" Iris smiled feebly, fidgeting with the belt.
Melanie came in, carrying a cupcake and coffee. "Yes, of course!" She smiled. Diana eyed the cupcake.
"...Melanie..." Diana looked at her.
Melanie glanced over, a smile playing on her lips. "Yes?"
"Can I have the cupcake?" She jutted out her bottom lip in a pout, eyes pleading.
Melanie smiled and cupped a hand around her cheek. "Diana, my love, my darling, my sun, the star in my life- I love you with all my heart.." She paused, and smirked, licking the donuts surface entirely. "But I will not share my food with you."
Diana stomped her foot. "Damn it!" She huffed, crossing her arms, shooting a glare at Melanie. "Meanie."
Melanie rolled her eyes and Will just sighed. "Im off," Iris said. "Ill see you guys later." She smiled and waves at them, walking out.
The evening was pleasant with the smell of autumn on the way.
She walked down over to the café where she had first met Icarus, her stomach twisting with nerves.
The café buzzed with people, talking and laughing and ordering. She inhaled the fresh smell of pastries and coffee, then saw Icarus sitting at a table, fidgeting with a rose.
She walked over, sitting down in front of him. "Hello," she said, looking at him.
Icarus looked up and smiled. "Hey," he said.
"Did I keep you waiting?" she asked him nervously, head tilting.
"Oh, no, no. I got here early." He looked up and smiled, then handed her the rose. "This is for you."
She took it, feeling her cheeks warm. His green eyes twinkled. "Thank you," she said. "I love roses.."
"Doesn't everyone?" He smiled. "Come on, let's go get something to eat, then we'll get to the beach. Oh, and it's all on me, of course."
"Ah..You don't have to do that," Iris protested but he shushed her and smiled, walking our of the busy cafe with her following, glowing with happiness.
"It's fine. I'm taking you out, so." He looked over at her, the corners of his lips turned up. "You like pizza, right?
"Who doesn't?" She said, nudging his arm. "At my house, we practically live off of pizza. And pasta. Will's the only good cook and he absolutely loves pasta."
Icarus laughed. "Your family sounds awesome. But if you're sick of pizza, then.."
"No, no." Iris shook her head, not wanting to mess up his plans. "Its okay. I still like it."
Icarus grinned. "Good."
Together, shoulders brushing against one another, they walked down. People of all sorts walked by freely, some gliding above the roofs with their wings, shopping bags in hands. Very few cars passed. Many people either owned bikes or motorcycles, and even horses.
Kids raced past them on their skates, legs wobbling and arms flailing, shrieking delightedly as they raced one another, shouting apologies at people they nearly knocked over.
Iris smiled, but then she turned when she heard someone hiss angrily behind them, "Watch where you're going, brat!"
She saw a plump, balding man, in a suit that made the buttons on his shirt look like they were just about to explode. He had a briefcase in one hand, and at his feet all over his shiny shoes was his coffee that spilled.
He was shouting at a timid looking boy with blonde hair, who was holding on a nearby wall to avoid falling from his skates.
Icarus frowned. "Poor kid.." He sighed. "Lets go.."
"Hang on a minute." Iris walked over, frowning some. "Hey, man," she said to the man calmly, "leave the kid. He's sorry, so there's no need to keep screaming." 687Please respect copyright.PENANA65CMNUxbBJ
687Please respect copyright.PENANABSiyQuxpS2
The child looked up at Iris gratefully, exhaling.
"Well, he shouldn't be-"
"He's a child. Accidents happen. No need to scream." Iris frowned. "Get yourself a new coffee and move along, you're embarrassing yourself."
"Well MY kids wouldn't act like some hooligan-"
"You have kids?" Iris tilted her head, looking genuinely surprised. "Who in their right mind would do the frickity frack with some asshole like you?" She felt satisfied at the vein popping in his forehead, and his flabby face turned purple with rage.
He stammered, flustered and then turned to walk but Iris grabbed his shoulder. "I want you to apologize."
He turned around, looking bewildered, staring up at her. She was almost a head taller than him. "Im not apologizing to some child-"
She cut him off, her voice firm and her eyes deadly. "It doesn't matter if hes a child or not. He's a human being with feelings, you indecent toad. In fact, you're acting like a spoiled snotty toddler. Just because you're older doesn't mean you can disrespect him. Now saw sorry."
The man grit his teeth, then turned to the boy, who was smiling at Iris. "I'm sorry," he growled. Then he turned, walking past Iris and grumbling under his breath.
"Me too, sir," said the boy to his back. He turned to Iris. "Thanks, miss."
"Uh-huh." She nodded, smiling. "Now just be careful next time, okay?"
He nodded, pushed himself off the wall and skated off to his friends. Icarus was still waiting for her, and he grinned. "You handled that well."
"Ah," She shrugged. "Talyn used to crash into people all the time. And she's like my little sister, so I had to speak up for her a lot."
Icarus nodded. "Right. Now lets eat." He took her hand in his and she felt her cheeks warm. I shouldn't bring up Talyn. He doesn't even know her. She felt embarrassed. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8o1ad5LqN
687Please respect copyright.PENANAxCIdESrQOj
And together, they walked to the pizza place.
---687Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZVOJT0ibh
687Please respect copyright.PENANAWJzuzrx83c
After they had eaten (and got into a small argument about Harry Potter) they headed down to the beach. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAl48ivysqYC
687Please respect copyright.PENANAZwmd0UGk0M
The sun had barely turned a lightish pink, and people and kids were relaxed on the beach, not going in since the water had gotten a little too cold.
The breeze was cool but relaxing, and with their hands laced together.
"So what about you?" Iris asked. "What does your family do?"
He hesitated, but only for the slightest moment. "My mom died when I was little. My dad's a mailman."
Iris frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that," was all she could say.
"It's not your fault," Icarus said, waving his hand. "I've accepted it.. My dad on the other hand..Still working on it."
Iris nodded a little. "I'm sure your mom's was wonderful." She gave him a reassuring squeeze, smiling softly.
Icarus didn't look at her, his hand loose, barely even holding hers now. "She was." He gave a slight shake of his head and slowly looked up at her.
They continued their walk, before Icarus looked over at her. "What's your favorite color?"
Icarus looked at her hair, raising an eyebrow. "Really?"
Iris smiled. "Yes, really. What's yours?"
"Maroon." He shrugged. "Oh, what a pretty sunset."
Iris looked up. The sun was disappearing as it set and the sky was streaked with a violent orange color, the clouds a vibrant pink. It was stunning.
Iris sighed. "Woah.."687Please respect copyright.PENANAlrtmDOqAW7
687Please respect copyright.PENANABLqaJFrAT0
Iris loved the sunsets on the beach. Each one was different than the last, and seemingly more beautiful.
Icarus pulled her hand to a spot and sat down, as she sat down beside him, staring at the sky. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA6NOdv9M9PZ
687Please respect copyright.PENANAF9k5PS0rG0
Parents in the distance were calling their kids to go home, and the group of friends who were playing volleyball started to pack up, sweat shining on their backs and foreheads.
Iris leaned her head on his shoulder and she felt him tense, but then he relaxed, leaning his head on hers a little, closing his eyes. At least he didn't shrug her off. 687Please respect copyright.PENANADcDz8Xd3pQ
687Please respect copyright.PENANAOxbjOYoUPK
Her previous "boyfriend" had done that, and every time she thought about it she had to resist the urge to cringe.
Iris kept her eyes open, watching the sun disappear fully. They stayed like that until it was night and Iris stood up, brushing the sand off.
"I better head back," she told him. "It was nice seeing you."
Icarus smiled and stood up. "Alright..I gotta pick up something for my dad to eat anyway. "
Iris nodded a little, and she hesitated. Would she kiss him? No, it was too soon. Hug? Sure.
She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around him. His cologne smelt nice. Sorta.
He wrapped his arms around her, and they held it for a couple of seconds before Iris pulled away, smiled. 687Please respect copyright.PENANALY4pvnVGcp
687Please respect copyright.PENANAroRgaeTnWE
"Text me. I'd love to do this again," she said. Then she walked back home.
---687Please respect copyright.PENANAdhmuQS34T3
687Please respect copyright.PENANAJhMPymJxNM
When she walked into the door, Melanie, Will and Talyn immediately ran up and started launching questions at her. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAR745hFBFc8
687Please respect copyright.PENANAY09fqKTaZU
Clint and Diana, however, remained absorbed in the TV, concentrated on killing the boss in their videogames.
"You can tell us all about it at dinner," Melanie said. Her and Will wore matching aprons, and Melanie's hair was tied up while Will wore one of Iris's headbands. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAte4WbfzCgz
687Please respect copyright.PENANAWegauMEnEn
She looked up at it, and raised an eyebrow.
Normally, she'd have been irritated when he borrowed her stuff without asking, but this time she left it alone. Nothing could irritate her right now, she was still glowing from the date. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA8GXulyY1c7
687Please respect copyright.PENANApjv3zBFT2Q
----687Please respect copyright.PENANAyskHiy26OX
687Please respect copyright.PENANAa2QfqpzbYh
After she had washed off all her makeup and taken a shower, dinner was ready.
Melanie had to yell at both Clint and Diana for not listening when she called them for dinner for the fifth time.
Will set down the food; Tacos, beans and salsa. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAM8IVZdB6rY
687Please respect copyright.PENANAm4oOfdoFZp
Melanie and Talyn poured soda for everyone, and then finally they sat down to eat.
Iris was still full from what she ate with Icarus, but it didn't matter if she was hungry or not. Every single night, without fail, they'd have dinner together. No matter what.
"Oh, Iris," Diana said, looking up at her, "how'd your date go?"
Iris smiled. "Oh it was amazing. We met up at the coffee shop where he worked and he gave me a rose. Then we walked down to a pizza place," she left out the fiasco with the old man, "Where we talked mainly about Harry Potter. He's a Hufflepuff, apparently. I'm not surprised-"
She continued to talk as they ate, and Talyn just stared at her. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAQPFiYLDanO
687Please respect copyright.PENANAdT2GBe8sbT
Wasn't it a bit too early to fall in love with this guy? She wondered, but she kept her mouth shut, smiled and nodded without even really paying attention to what she was really saying.
Iris didn't tell them about his mom, for she knew that was personal and should be kept secret, between the two of them. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAg1hFSmv3sR
687Please respect copyright.PENANAnLtHRmF1Y9
She'd never really kept secrets from them before, but this was different.
"Did you guys kiss?" Will asked when she finished, starting on his sixth taco.
"No." She shook her head. "Hugged. Then I came back home."
"Sounds like you had a nice time," Melanie told her, smiling. "I'm glad it went well."
Iris nodded, and went to say something, but was cut off when Talyn practically lunged for the last taco. Will grabbed her wrist and the two locked eyes, looking slightly murderous.
"Let go."
"No. It's mine."
"You're not even supposed to be eating tacos, brace-face!"
"SO, it's MINE."687Please respect copyright.PENANAAWcLknzE65
687Please respect copyright.PENANAsPpkXPZTxM
Will tried to grab the taco, but Talyn reacted quickly and bit his arm.
"DIANA!" Will shrieked and jerked back and Talyn snatched the taco with a glare, letting go.
"TALYN!" Diana stared at her. Clint was snickering in his napkin, while Melanie and Iris just sighed.
"He's taking my food!" She hissed. "He already had like six!"
"Not true!" Will hissed. He cleared his throat. "I had seven."
The night ended with Will and Talyn bring forced to do dishes and clean the entire kitchen together (Clint got to eat the taco.), in the get-along hoodie.
The Get Along hoodie was a very large and an ugly yellow with the words "GET ALONG" in bold red letters. The hoodie was designed for two people to share, with only two sleeves. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAS9nVUAyP5V
687Please respect copyright.PENANAiGBx1riRd3
They couldn't get out of it until the task they'd been assigned by Diana or Melanie had been done.
The Get Along hoodie was rarely used, and usually it was for only Clint and Will when they had arguments.
So, Iris and Clint spent their night laughing and taking pictures while Will and Talyn glared at one another and fought about who would be the one to touch the wet food when they washed the dishes.
The next day, while the kids were lounging on the couch eating candy, still in their pajamas, Melanie and Diana walked in.
"Okay, " Diana said. "We're leaving an entire hunt to you guys."
"What? Why?" Talyn frowned, then glanced at the maroon suitcase she has dragged behind her. "Are you leaving?"
"Only for a few days," Melanie said. "There's been murders down in Tamare, so the people asked us to go. It's only for a few weeks."
Tamare was a part of the island. It was beautiful there, underground with large crystals.
"What's the hunt?" Clint asked.
Diana smiled. "Dunno what it is. But two weeks ago a hiker went missing, after going to look in an abandoned old barn. The woman who vanished heard baby crying, and naturally went to go look. After her partner heard screams he ran to the police and they investigated, but found nothing. More and more people vanished in the forest where the barn is, so. Figure it out."
"People are stupid," Clint muttered. Iris shot him a look.
"It doesn't matter," Diana continued. "Figure out what it is, explore the area but only in the daytime. And only go to take on whatever the heck it is when you're sure you know what it is. Okay?"
"Okay." They all nodded, lounging back.
Melanie put down the newspapers and such, then smiled. "If anything happens, or if you can't handle it, flee and Diana or I will come home..Got it?"
"We'll be fine," Iris said with a smile. "Now go. You know how impatient people in Tamare get."
"Okay, be good!" They all hugged and gave instructions, leaving Iris in charge before finally gathering their bags and going into the car.
About ten minutes later, however, Melanie ran back into the house, claiming that she forgot her mascara. But then Diana grabbed her arm, told her to stop worrying, and dragged her back out, saying that if Melanie did it again, she would ducktape Melanie in the backseat so she couldn't go off worrying for the kids.
After that, Iris sent Will and Clint to go check out the barn, as well was check in on Valerie and Carina and give them some new blankets and clothes.
While they did that, Talyn was absorbed in the computer, telling Iris to write down things that may be important.
---687Please respect copyright.PENANAk6NMpe0Hyz
687Please respect copyright.PENANAnQgp5YIfGZ
Will and Clint walked through the forest together, looking around quietly.
The wind was merciless, slapping their faces harshly and biting at their jackets.
Will was shivering, despite that he wore a flannel and over that a white hoodie with red roses on the sleeves.
Will looked over. Clint wore a heavy grey coat..and his hair was blowing in the breeze..his blue eyes-687Please respect copyright.PENANAVogvz1FCyT
687Please respect copyright.PENANAz5uQtpfZr7
Nope. Stop. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAJdgxRw1JbT
687Please respect copyright.PENANAyqfO8ysvUF
He shut down these thoughts and instead mustered up the courage to ask for his coat.
Well, not exactly.
"I'm cold," Will said.
"I don't control the weather!" Clint snapped irritably. Will just sighed. After not being able to defeat a video game boss he was in an irritable mood.
But, after a few minutes Clint sighed too, and then she shrugged off his coat. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAGcvDdip040
687Please respect copyright.PENANAdZvtqrJbOj
"Here." He passed it to Will and Will immediately took in and put his arms in the sleeves, feeling the lingering body head Clint had left.
It made him feel warm and good. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAPUkRGlJhXS
687Please respect copyright.PENANANhSj8cPnEa
--687Please respect copyright.PENANAqMNaa4nJs9
687Please respect copyright.PENANA7RfUaBiiTs
They went to the camp first, where Valerie was busy slashing at a dummy with her swords, her hair braided back and decorated with many flowers that Carina was growing around the camp.
Carina was to another side, tending to her garden. She started to grow her own fruits and vegetables, and sometimes Will would come over for ingredients, then bring over some of the food he made.
Carina let them walk in and greeted them both with hugs.687Please respect copyright.PENANABtV2w1a1hE
687Please respect copyright.PENANAcuh8bx8Txv
Valerie put her swords away and ran over, smiled faintly and hugged the two boys quickly.
"What brings you here?" Carina asked, head tilting. "Ingredients?"
"Nah. Dropping off blankets and clothes," Clint replied. He gently set the items on a small table. "It's gonna get colder, so we'll be bringing in more jackets and jeans." 687Please respect copyright.PENANAufw78XWCaz
687Please respect copyright.PENANAy1X6dU6ih2
Valerie came and joined his side, her swords stuck in the dummy.
Carina nodded. "Thank you..Yeah, it has been getting cold lately. It's warm in the camp, but sometimes Valerie and I have to go out for groceries and such and it gets really cold."
"Yeah. It sucks," Valerie piped in, sighing heavily. "I hate the cold."
Clint nodded. "So does Will." He rubbed her hair a little. "How's it going here anyway? No problems?"
"No," Carina shook her head. "Well..There has been some screams nearby..Spooked us both. But I convinced her to not check it out."
Clint nodded. "Yeah. There's a barn nearby. People went missing. We're on our way to see it soon."
"May I go with you?" Valerie tilted her head, looking up at Clint eagerly.
"I'm afraid not," Clint replied with a slight shake of his head. "Maybe another time, okay?"
Valerie nodded a little. "Okay." She then waved and went back to beating the shit out of the dummy.
Carina watched her. "She's so mature for her age..I've been trying to get her to talk to some other kids but," she shrugged. "Always refuses."
Will watched her train. "Yeah..I'm sure one day she'll open up a little. Has she talked about her family or Alaela at all?"
Carina shook her head. "No. But she seems happy..She seems to like you more than anyone else, Clint. She doesn't show it, but I can tell she loved it when you train with her with the swords." She turned to him, and smiled a little, her thumbs looped in her belt.
Clint smiled some. "Yeah..I'm sure she'll be okay..She's tough." He looked back at Carina. "We have to go now, see you soon."
The two hugged Carina then left the camp and continued walking to the barn, Will still wrapped in Clint's coat.
They walked open into a clearing, spotting the barn, a white fence around it. It had a creepy look to it..
Will frowned a little, feeling uneasy. He walked to the fence and hopped over, Clint right behind him, frowning deeply.
He walked through the overgrown ugly yellow grass, the weeds poking at his legs with stickers as he walked. He tried to brush them off, annoyed at how the stickers poked through the jeans he had.
But he didn't slow down as they approached the barn. They stopped at the entrance, staring up at the old barn.
The barn loomed over the two of them, looking like something straight out of a horror film.
Will looked it up and down, looking at the chipped red paint that was peeling away, to the shattered dirty window. The barn looked like it was on the verge of falling apart, old and rusted. It must've been nice when it was younger, Will thought. With the bright red paint, the green, clean grass and the white, pure fence. He could imagine in his mind.
Will looked up, and he could see the dark storm clouds rolling up. He frowned, the image of the perfect barn fading away quickly.
"Come on," Clint grumbled. "Lets go take a look before the storm hits and this thing collapses on us."
The two boys slid open the door before stepping in.687Please respect copyright.PENANAJeZI28kHPJ
687Please respect copyright.PENANAr4RWKfAIvE
A putrid smell of old and rot immediately hit Will's nose and he frowned deeply. "Oh, ugh-" he whined, covering his nose with the jacket. "It reeks in here!"
"Come on. We'll only be a second here, then we'll move on to the house." Clint shook his head.
Will looked around, the hay crunching under his feet satisfyingly with each step he took. He looked around, kinda grossed by how messy it was.
There was farm tools scattered on the floor, rusted and old looking. There were some animal droppings as well, and animal skulls and bones in some corners where maybe prey had died here, looking somewhere safe to hide from a predator after being injured.
Despite the animal droppings, he still couldn't figure out where the horrible smell came from. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAigQoTfqmDv
687Please respect copyright.PENANAzKbTubGCZI
It had to be something else. But as they looked, they couldn't find anything, and the storm was rapidly approaching.
"Something is really wrong here, Clint. " Will said, looking around, frowning.
"Yeah no shit, people are missing around here." He turned. "Come on. Let's go look in the house."
Talyn and Iris stood on the front steps, both dressed in a white button down and black skirts, their hair combed nicely as to look professional.
"What's his name?" Talyn looked at Iris's notebook, peering over her shoulder.
Iris shut it closed. "Edgar Whitey," she responded. "He's 22."
Talyn nodded, raising an eyebrow at how quick she closed it. "Okay." But she didn't press it.
The two walked up the stairs to the apartment, where they knocked on his door.
Iris passed Talyn the notebook so she could record the answers, and she took it. She stole a glance in it and found hearts doodled on the guys information.
The door opened, and Talyn caught a whiff of smoke, coughing into the crook of her arm. Iris stepped on her foot and she looked up slowly.
A man with a scruffy beard stood there, leaning against the door frame, one thick eyebrow raised. He wore a worn muscle shirt, jeans and socks, a cigarette in one of his hands.
And he smelled awful.
"Hello, Mister Whitey," Iris said, clearing her throat. "I'm Iris Jackson and this is my partner, Talyn Harper." The two held out their hands and Edgar placed the cigarette back in his mouth before shaking their hands.
"Nice to meet ya," he said slowly, his voice deep. "What do you need?" He eyed them up and down carefully, head tilted to the side.
"We need you to answer some questions, sir," Talyn said briskly and politely, smiling sweetly. "May we come in?"
Edgar hesitated, but then he nodded. "Sure.." He opened the door wider.
"Thank you." Iris walked in with Talyn trailing behind her, and Talyn looked around.
She inhaled a mix of smoke and alcohol, and resisted the urge to start coughing again after Iris threw her a quick look.
The place was an overall mess, bottles of beer and magazines on the table, the couch covered in cat hair, the rug stained with weird substances.
Talyn sat down beside Iris, the journal on her lap and clicked the pen as Edgar sat on another sofa across from them.
"Can I get you girls anything to drink?" He asked.
"No, thank you," Iris said. "We only need a few minutes, sir. "
"Alright." He leaned back comfortably, watching the two of them.
"We have some questions about the night your hiking partner, Alexa, went missing."
Edgar visibly tensed. He looked at them, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What about her?"
"Well, after she disappeared, more people began to vanish in the area where she went missing. It's not a coincidence." Iris sighed, leaning forward.
"What is it then?" He frowned, straightening up, puffing out a cloud of smoke.
Talyn looked up at him, her expression serious. "We're trying to figure it out. That's what Iris and I do, it's our job. So please, answer our questions."
Edgar frowned, blowing a cloud of smoke to the side. "Fine."
"Awesome," Talyn flipped open the journal again, and Iris began to ask questions.
Will and Clint stared up at the house. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAhDRJuj5Ax9
687Please respect copyright.PENANAaMarT0znj9
The house itself also looked on the verge of collapse, and was quite small.687Please respect copyright.PENANAteqVGEw0Q7
687Please respect copyright.PENANAausMO9DeYU
Like the barn, the white paint was peeling off, the weeds poking through the floorboards of the stairs and porch. A rickety red swing was there next to a small wooden table with a pretty glass elephant model rested upon it.
Clint frowned, walking up and turning the handle. It opened with a loud creak, showing the inside of the living room.
The room had an old yellow couch, with many holes in it. In front of it was a rickety coffee table, a fine layer of dust settled on top of it, undisturbed.
Will frowned. "I'll check in here, you check the kitchen. Then we can go upstairs."
Clint nodded, walking out of the room in silence.
Will began to examine the room, looking for anything strange. He checked drawers, mainly finding old TV remotes, and cobwebs. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA7aDlhaFat2
687Please respect copyright.PENANAloJdqzOfRV
He drifted to another piece of furniture, and found some old pictures.
He picked one up carefully, brushing off the dust with his hand to reveal two men, holding a baby between them and grinning broadly. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAtfdsYvEkBk
687Please respect copyright.PENANAUkO5y3uBCl
One man had bright red hair and a splash of freckles and was quite skinny, the other had brown skin, black hair and kind eyes. The baby was apparently asleep, wrapped in a dark blue blanket with yellow stars.
"Gay couple?" Will muttered, setting the picture down. He smiled a little as he looked at more picture frames.
There were pictures of the couple without the baby in various spots on the island; The beach, the forest, the meadow. And they looked so happy and peaceful.
Will pulled out his phone and took a picture of the one where they held the baby, before setting it down carefully and turning to see what Clint was up to.
"Did you find anything?" Will asked as he walked in, looking around at the kitchen.
Clint shook his head. "No. Let's go upstairs." He turned and walked out to the hall, beginning to climb up the wooden steps. "Did you find anything?"
"A few pictures. We can find out who lived here." Will said, trailing behind Clint.
Clint stopped at the top. "I'll check the rooms on the right. You got the left?"
Will nodded. "Sure." He walked down to one of the white doors. 687Please respect copyright.PENANACAOPXhsf41
687Please respect copyright.PENANAyenXXJeAJU
On it, in bold, yellow stickers was a name. Cameron.
He turned the handle and the door opened slowly. He stepped in, to find a child's bedroom.
Will saw a wooden toy-chest by the door, a crib with spiderwebs by the window- old and frayed blue sheets inside the crib. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAJntXV2mT5Z
687Please respect copyright.PENANAYLoaUPZEHM
In the corner lay a small stuffed giraffe toy, dirty and covered in dust. Will picked it up, frowning deeply as he brushed off the dirt.
He used to have a stuffed giraffe too..And he still did. It sat under the pillows of his bed, where no one could see it. He'd brought it with him when he'd came to the island.
Will set the giraffe down gently, looking around at the room. Baby toys and clothes were on the drawers 687Please respect copyright.PENANAx3NApvk3o8
687Please respect copyright.PENANA3EVI1TMR6W
, a blue piggy bank on the shelf, next to a picture of the couple who once lived here..
Will searched in the toy chest but found nothing special, it was just a regular old baby room.
Will turned and walked out, shutting the door softly as he walked into the next room. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAWZX8dWJKWk
687Please respect copyright.PENANA5w7XwtzAaQ
There has to be something..
The next room was the master bedroom, with a large bed with grey sheets in the middle of it, directly in front of the window with frayed white curtains. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAEvzEsQUYCF
687Please respect copyright.PENANAqnNCAxbPBX
On either side of the bed was a night-stand. One stand was very cluttered, with books and pens and paper, but the other was very neat- a single book and a lamp rested on too.
There was a single closet, and Will drifted over to it. The clothes still hung on the hangers, but holes were in them, damaged and frayed.
Nothing much was in there so he turned to the night-stand and opened up the neat drawers to find nothing but a single dead spider, laying on it's back.
Will then walked over to the messy nightstand, looking at all the papers- They were all work papers, and Will barely skimmed over them before setting them down again.
He opened the drawers, finding little flash-cards, folded in half. Most of them had a neat heart drawn on them, and fewer ones had small, poorly drawn scribbles on them.
Will picked up one of the cards, reading them. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAp2oc9qDNnd
687Please respect copyright.PENANAEEhAL7YUBE
' Have a good day at work, miss you, see you soon. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAXt3P5sAetU
687Please respect copyright.PENANAhQxCjCpWcU
Love, Felix. '
Will looked at the notes, smiling a tiny bit. They were more or less the same and a few had scribbles of attempted writing from a child. At the end of the scribble, Felix had written "Cameron".
Will set the notes back in the drawer, closed it and then opened the next one.
A large scrapbook was in there. He took it out, sat down on the floor and began leafing through it.
There were many pictures of the same men Will had seen earlier, all in pictures from what looked to be from highschool all the way to after they were married. 687Please respect copyright.PENANArGTB2OBJof
687Please respect copyright.PENANABpTpmGpis5
There were also a lot of drawings with random scribbles on it, probably made by Cameron, sealed in the scrapbook.
There was one particular photo Will found touching. In the photo the freckly faced man was in a room, focused as he painted a wonderful landscape. In his arms was Cameron, in a diaper, hands covered in green paint as he wiped them on the man's face. They looked like a real family.
Will closed the scrapbook. That was enough. 687Please respect copyright.PENANARxcDKgT8Iw
687Please respect copyright.PENANAaz4nsWgVmM
Talyn would have enough information to figure out who these people were, and why people were missing in their barn.
Will walked out, and Clint walked out a minute later. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA0h6M1GDmr3
687Please respect copyright.PENANAkWtfrGSzsQ
"Find anything?" Clint asked.
"A baby's room, and a scrap-" He was interrupted by the booming crash of thunder. He flinched, looking up at the ceiling.
Clint looked over, nudging his arm a little. "Tell me about it later. Let's get going before we get stuck in the rain." He walked down the stairs and Will followed after, putting the scrapbook under the jacket to ensure the rain wouldn't damage it.
The two walked back in silence, Will's mind focused on the couple. He desperately wanted to know what had happened to them. In all the pictures they looked so happy.. It didn't add up.
The rain started to fall just as Will and Clint stepped inside, only to discover that Iris and Talyn were not home yet.
Will sighed. "Can you help me make dinner?" He asked, setting the scrapbook down.
Clint nodded, taking his coat from will and hanging it up.
"What're we making?" Clint asked.
"Spaghetti and a salad," Will replied, walking into th kitchen.
Clint opened the fridge but then Will slapped his arm.
"Ow! What?" He turned to Will, eyes narrowed.
"Wash your hands!" Will snapped, pointing at the sink.
"Oh. Right." Clint sighed and shut the fridge, washing his hands with Will hovering over his shoulder to ensure he used soap.
When they were done washing their hands Will put some water to boil and while they waited showed Clint how to quickly cut the tomatoes.
"And don't cut your finger," Will finished, grabbing the knife.
"Oh, please," Clint rolled his eyes. "I know how to use a sword, I'll be fine-"
He started to slice the tomatoes, sawing through the tomato. Juice squirted into his eye and he jerked back, blinking rapidly.
Will hadn't noticed and was already nearly done cutting his tomato, the slices thin and even and perfect.
Clint sighed and rubbed his eye against Will's shoulder, since his hands were covered in tomato juice. Will turned to look at him in confusion.
"What're you doing?" He asked, raising one eyebrow.
"...I got tomato in my eye." He then blinked a few more times, grumbled and then continued to saw the tomatoes.
Will looked over. His face fell, frowning. "Oh, you're making it all uneven-" 687Please respect copyright.PENANAjiyqSkeqF1
687Please respect copyright.PENANARis1grQL0b
Indeed, Clints slices were uneven and some were either huge or really small.
"I can do it!" Clint hissed, taking another tomato.
Will sighed. "Fine, then." He turned away and started to cook the spaghetti and make some garlic bread.
Clint muttered irritably as he cut the tomato, then felt a stinging in his hand. He dropped the knife and lifted up his hand, a thin slice on his finger. It was small, but it was bleeding a lot.
"Uhm, Will.." Clint asked.
"Yeah-?" Will turned and saw the cut, and then he just sighed and took his arm gently, walking to the sink.
"'Ill be fine, I know how to use a big bad sword.'" Will teased as he washed away the blood. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAVNdCklCuZQ
687Please respect copyright.PENANATzqUo9wSmo
He smiled as he grabbed the box of Band-Aids from the cabinet. "You can kill a bunch of monsters without getting a scratch but you can't cut tomatoes?"
Clint rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up."
Will smiled. "Want me kiss it to make it better?" He said in a voice dripping with fake sappiness, earning a pinch on his arm.
Talyn and Iris came soon just in time for dinner, soaking wet, shoes muddy.
"Wow." Clint raised an eyebrow. "You look amazing," He said sarcastically.
Iris looked up. "So do you," she replied with equal sarcasm. "The apron really brings out your eyes."
Clint rolled his eyes, looking down at the pink apron he wore. "How'd it go?"
"It went fine," Talyn replied, slipping off her shoes and putting them by the coatrack. "We got some okay information. What about you guys?"
"We found some stuff. Now go shower- You're making a mess." He gestured to the puddles Iris and Talyn were making.
Talyn shook her head at him, her hair spraying him in the face with rain.
"Ugh, Talyn!" He said, wiping his face. "C'mere you little shit-"
Talyn blew a raspberry at him and proceeded to run up the stairs as Clint made to chase her but didn't really need to. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA6GRp2t6B6d
687Please respect copyright.PENANAEu8Q7OKxJF
She slipped.
"HA!" Clint pointed. "Karma!"
Talyn looked back and flipped him off, grinning stupidly, before rushing up the steps, Iris behind her, who was snickering and shaking her head
---687Please respect copyright.PENANA1fkX77WFRu
687Please respect copyright.PENANAva9igqYVFs
Dinner was perfectly fine, even if the tomatoes were uneven. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAsDk0moLKeO
687Please respect copyright.PENANAtg3fU1kT09
Will joked about how uneven they were at the table, but before anyone else could see he flashed a tiny smile at Clint and a thumbs-up, who returned the smile back, feeling better.
After they were done eating they stacked the empty dishes to the side and started to talk business. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAYwSFYgZQQx
687Please respect copyright.PENANAUwnNuPcxXx
Talyn and Iris had told as many people as possible to stay away from the woods, just for that night, so no one else would disappear.
Talyn flicked open the journal she recorded her answers in.
"Edgar says he was heading on his way back home with his partner, Alexa. They were walking past that barn, when they heard a baby crying. Alexa immediately wanted to go check it out, but Edgar willed her not to go. But she did anyway, while Edgar stayed outside. The baby's crying stopped as she went in and the only thing he heard was her scream in terror. He booked it to the police station after that. Not much there..Did you find anything?"
Clint nodded. "The barn was really old. Nothing there but a really horrible smell. Not the smell of animal shit, but something else.." He shook his head slightly, his lips pursed at the thought.
"Yeah. It was too weird. But nothing was there. Anyways," He got up and came back with the scrapbook. "I found this in one of the bedrooms. We should figure out who lived in the house and who owned that barn."
Iris took the scrapbook. "I was thinking of a Tiyanak, with the baby crying..But I'm not so sure."687Please respect copyright.PENANAqrmGFGFVj6
687Please respect copyright.PENANA1POBA1vF1m
Clint, Talyn and Iris leaned over, flicking through the book, while Will sat back, his hands folded in his lap.
"No one looks familiar," Iris said. "Talyn, maybe call around? Maybe some of the old people know..The scrapbook looks really old."
Talyn nodded. She took the scrapbook. "You guys clean. I'll research and call around. "
Iris sighed. "You two do the dishes-"
"Uh, no!" Clint said, raising an eyebrow and jumping up. "Absolutely not."
Iris narrowed her eyes. "Yeah. You guys do it. I'm the one in cha-"
Will crossed his arms, cjtri v her off abruptly. "We cooked. You clean. That's fair."
Without waiting for a response, he took Clint by the arm snd led him out to play videogames while Iris picked up the plates and muttered not-nice things that sounded like "Duck-Beds".
That night, after Iris was done with the dishes, they sat together in the living room. Iris was sat watching Clint and Will.
Clint was playing videogames against Will, and Clint was for sure letting Will win. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAOepD40eSXJ
687Please respect copyright.PENANAealsJAO5Co
However, the two were so absolutely absorbed in the game that they didn't notice when Talyn screamed their name at them seven times. 687Please respect copyright.PENANATCu7hJev8C
687Please respect copyright.PENANAFhUjd0kCtp
But they DID respond when she smacked their faces.
"What the hell?!" Clint hissed, dropping the controller to hold the red hand print on his face.
Will looked up at her, glaring. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAP2FgpFXdAn
687Please respect copyright.PENANAJzPGsGGGGN
Talyn had the scrapbook and ber phone in her hands. "I found out who lived in the old shitty barn. Where's Iris?"
Iris rolled in, hands still wet. "I'm here! I'm here!" She shook her hands at Will and Clint who covered their faces.
They all sat down in the couch while Talyn opened up the scrapbook. "All the old people used to know them." She pointed at the freckly man. "Thats Felix. Their son is Cameron and the other man is Mike. They were a couple, married. They got married before Victor took control and banned gay marriage." She sighed heavily and continued, "It took them a really long time to adopt a son, and adopted Cameron before Victor took control of the island. They were very happy and blissful, living by themselves in the forest on a happy little farm. Unaware of what was going on with Victor. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA705IKJKSUm
687Please respect copyright.PENANAoLEvnJ23Mc
When he DID take control.. soldiers were sent to recruit Mike for their army. He didn't comply, so at night they killed Cameron and Felix. Mike then was so overwhelmed by grief, that he took his own life before Victor took his underground in the barn, in a hidden trapdoor. No one was able to go there, as no one could find the key. "
"That's..awful," Will said, looking stunned. Clint was shocked into silence and Iris just said nothing.
"That was his only son.. and it was taken from him! And you know how hard it is for non-straight couples to get a kid..Then it was taken away,"Iris pressed, and then snapped her fingers, "just like that."
Talyn sighed. "Mmhm..I'm thinking it's a ghost..Angry spirit about what happened, taking revenge on the Island?"
"Sounds about right," Clint said at last, his face back into stone, covering up every ounce of emotion. "Should we go tonight-? Ghosts aren't too difficult."
"Yeah," Iris said, nodding. "Burn whatever he's connected to."
"D'you think it's the scrapbook?" Talyn speculated, her voice quiet.
Will bit his lip. "Maybe."
Clint gave him a look. "It's likely..Cmon, let's burn it-"
Will looked over sadly. Reluctantly, he got up, taking the scrapbook from Talyn.687Please respect copyright.PENANALPBRs1Mk7Z
687Please respect copyright.PENANAAcHRG0TTcU
This must've been everything to Mike..The pictures..All memories of how happy they were before Victor. He didn't want to ruin that, but he didn't want more people to go missing either.
Talyn looked up at them. "Hurry up. We have to go find that key and the trapdoor before someone else goes missing."
Clint nodded and led Will outside, walking to an empty patch of dirt, grabbing a few matches on the way out.
Will tossed the book down on the floor, taking a step back. His stomach felt uneasy and yucky. "This feels wrong."
Clint looked over, giving him a look, his eyes soft. "I know but..It has to be done." 687Please respect copyright.PENANA6cQL6TsL5Y
687Please respect copyright.PENANAtMlBv2K4xh
He lit the match, looking down at the scrapbook. With a heavy sigh he threw the match down and the flame engulfed the book in it's orange glow.
Will watched as the book burned, his hands stuffed deep in his pockets, the feeling growing as the fire burned around the book. This was really wrong.
After the book was burnt Will turned and walked inside quickly.
"Let's go check it out," Talyn said, seemingly unbothered by the tale, pulling on one of Will's pink hoodies.
"No weapons?" Iris asked, her whip already in hand, her hair tied up. She tilted her head and frowned.
"Do we really need them? I mean, the books burnt, the ghost is gone. It'll be fine." Talyn shrugged, tying her shoelaces.
"I suppose so.." Iris put her whip down on the table carefully, her face a mask of uncertainty.
The four of them walked out into the chilly night air, the wind blowing hard against their jackets and faces as they walked into the forest.
Will and Clint led the way, so close that their shoulders touched as they walked. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA5v3wFn1DkA
687Please respect copyright.PENANAgbrLVM0MGM
Will stared straight ahead, his hood over his face, the wind bringing tears to his eyes. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Something was going to happen.
Clint held a flashlight, the soft yellow glow lighting up the ground so no one would trip over branches.
Talyn, however, always tripped, and by the time they reached the barn her jeans were ripped and the palms of her hands bled from scratches.
The barn looked even more eerie at night, the moonlight illuminating it's cracked walls, the grass blowing. Will scanned the barn up and down, pulling his hood up tighter, refusing to look at anyone else.
Will and the rest ran through the grass, trying to ignore the sharp thorns poking through their jeans and into their skin.
Will walked up to the barn and frowned. The door was slid open a little. "Someone's already been here."
Clinf pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do people even have ears? Why don't they ever listen to us?" He hissed, opening the door wider, casting the light into the barn.
Everything looked the same, but the smell seemed to be stronger than before. Will wrinkled his nose, feeling his gut lurch at the rotting smell. He felt an odd feeling in his throat.
Talyn covered her nose. "Yikes..What died in here?"
"Don't say that, please," Iris said with a sigh, nervous. She shook her head. "Let's just find the key and get out of here as soon as possible."
They walked into the house, the place dark except for where Clint shone his flashlight. Mice scurried across the floor, diving into cracks in the wall.
Will sighed and looked around, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets, and they began to search for the key, brushing aside piles of hay.
After a while of searching, Will suggested they try the house.
They walked into the house, the place quiet, moonlight flooding into the windows.
Talyn was the one to find the key. She spotted it on top of the fridge and Clint hoisted her up so she could grab it.
Talyn held it out to everyone, shining the light into it. It was connected to a thin silver chain, and two wedding rings were on the chain as well, on either sides of the old and rusted key.
"Wedding rings?" Clint sighed. "This just keeps getting sadder."
Will said nothing, just stared at the key. He felt much more sick, thinking back to the scrapbook.
Will and Clint brushed aside a large pile of hay, Iris taking the flashlight and pointing it at a small door. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAZfoiJh0Gap
687Please respect copyright.PENANAWEpNmd8UsE
The outline was barely noticeable, as was the keyhole.
"Hurry, " Clint hissed to Talyn, all of them eager to find what was in this trapdoor, their imaginations running wild. Will, however, just wanted to go home and take a bath, try to forget about it all. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAeq2sMffEcX
687Please respect copyright.PENANAByZAxVmvD9
Talyn jammed the key into the hole snd unlocked it, and Iris pried open the door with her fingers, revealing a wooden staircase into a very dark room.
"Anyone down there?" She called down. Her voice bounced against the walls in an echo.
No reply.
"I'm coming down, okay?" She handed them the flashlight as they all walked down, the door remained open behind them.
Will was the last to walk down, and he bumped into Clings back, who had gone rigid, every muscle tense.
"Hey, what gives-" he started, annoyed, but then he looked up and realized why they had all frozen.
Now, he knew where the awful smell came from. The sight was even worse.
Bodies of all shapes and sizes, young and old littered the floor, not even enough space to see the wooden floor beneath them. Some were just bones, lying on the floor from years ago. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA0NPIdEzYlg
687Please respect copyright.PENANACynHdVDp5x
Some bodies were fresh, large blisters all over their swelling skin, fluids leaking from almost every hole in their body, necks grotesquely out of shape, or with stabs in their neck or head. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAiUc8gfFHV8
687Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9Cc6eEnfG
In some bodies the skin had burst open, worms and other things crawling in and out of their open mouths quietly with a squelching, disgusting noise.
But what was really disturbing was what was directly in the middle of the room. A rope for hanging.
This was where Mike had died.
Will just stared, feeling his dinner make it's ways back up his throat. But Talyn was faster. She rushed up the stairs, her face pale, throwing up into the bales of hay with a horrible noise of choking and gagging.
Will suppressed doing throwing up, but he did spit a little onto the stairs beside him, shaking his head and clenching his fists. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA252sXjRUce
687Please respect copyright.PENANAJTGUAEfiPp
Talyn did not come down for a bit, but when Will looked back at her he could see that her legs were trembling, sweat beaded in her forehead.
Then he heard something. Everyone tensed immediately, alert. A small whimper came from one of the corners of the room.
Iris whipped the flashlight to a corner, and her eyes widened. Will stared, squinting. He froze when he saw what it was, feeling like he was about to faint right then and there.
A very young little girl was curled up in the corner, cringing away from the bodies.
Her long, black hair was in tangles around her face, black wolf ears pinned against her head to display fear. Her fluffy black wolf tail was curled, and she had her knees pulled up to her chest, her skin covered in mud and dirt. The girl also had black, feathered wings, curled up tight and tense.
Her eyes were what stood out the most though. They were a brilliant plasma blue, dark bags under them, the whites of her eyes bloodshot. Fat drops of tears ran from her eyes and her breathing was quick and uneven , panicked.
"Hey, hey.. We're here to-" Iris started to speak softly, but the girl just stared at her, shaking.
"Oh, my.." Will gasped, staring at the girl. She stared at all of them, and then her eyes flitted to the stairs-
Will turned, and suddenly saw Talyn being flung down the stairs by some invisible force. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAMAnNpej2p3
687Please respect copyright.PENANAPFxff532Ys
She shrieked in pain as she fell on the steps, hard and tumbled down, landing on one of the skeletons.
Clint, Will and Iris turned harshly, in fighting stances, but with no weapons. Will's mind raced. What is she doing here? How is she alive? How long has she been here? Oh, god, this is so gross and awful and-
"I told you we should've brought weapons!" Iris snapped, she gave the flashlight to Clint as she helped Talyn to her feet, who groaned, wincing in pain as she stood up.
"Now isn't the time to get all motherly!" Clint hissed back, his tone fierce and angry. Him and Will were turned towards the door, in a fighting stance, eyes narrowed. Will could hear his grumbling and cursing as the flashlight started to flicker.
Will's mind was racing once again, waiting for something to come up. The scrapbook..We burned it, We burned it!- That had to have been what the ghost was connected to..and what is the girl doing here? What happened to Alexa? Is she dead-? How are we going to fight this-
The flashlight turned off. The girl gave a small shriek. Talyn gasped. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAKUWCG3jiCU
687Please respect copyright.PENANAjVhN2BXwE7
The temperature dropped drastically, and Will shivered, goosebumps crawling up his arms. No. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAJWBlndkx2d
687Please respect copyright.PENANAtY5AMnqzg9
They were defenseless, no weapons, no supplies, nothing at all.
He looked up as something materialized in front of him.
It was Mike.
Mikes Ghost, to be exact.
He stood there, looking angry as ever and glowing, illuminating the room again. But not much.
Will heard the girl in the corner start to cry and glanced at her, to see that she had curled up even more, her wings wrapped around herself tightly.
"Look..We don't want to-" Will was cut off. Mikes eyes flit to him and then the wall and Will was hurtled into the Wall.
Will hit his back on the wall and felt the air knock out of his lungs painfully as he crumped to the floor, wheezing.
He gasped for air, scrambling to his feet. Talyn was looking for a way out as the Ghost rounded on Iris. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAjPMVkAypir
687Please respect copyright.PENANA8SlJFzD8pd
Mike flickered and appeared behind her, throwing her into the ceiling.
Iris shrieked and fell down on the bodies, trying to scramble away from them as quickly as possible, turning a delicate shade of green.
Clint looked up at the trap door, eyes wild, but the ghost then flung him into Talyn. The two crashed against a wall, groaning as Talyn was squished between dead bodies and Clint.
Will watched Mike, trying to follow him as he teleported around, flinging Iris and Clint into walls before they're able to get up, hitting the walls and floor with loud thuds. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAe2bzK9fMnI
687Please respect copyright.PENANAGSceCoz2si
Will struggled to suck in the disgusting, smelly air, his side aching.
Talyn started to get up, and as soon as she stood Will felt her slam into him, sending them both sprawling on the bodies. He heard bones crunch beneath them and fought the urge to throw up, before standing again, wincing.
"Look out!" Talyn shrieked, grabbing his shirt and yanking him down as a pitchfork flew above, narrowly missing his head and sunk into the wall, vibrating from the force.
"Thanks," Will gasped. Talyn was back on her feet, pulling him up quickly, her eyes wide with dread and fear.
Iris was in the center of the room, her hands glowing purple as she blasted away bits of glass that Mike sent flying at her. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAXSwgBOn2J7
687Please respect copyright.PENANAOCwzIFlOYm
A few managed to stick into her skin, but she blasted most of them away, sending them onto the floor. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAiEFvUOIRpr
687Please respect copyright.PENANAs12Mn1AyG9
Clint was under the rope, starting to get up, sweat running down his face and his arms shaking.
Mike turned, and suddenly the rope was around Clints ankle, suspending him up into the air.
He kicked and gave an angry yell trying to reach up, his pale face quickly turning red from the blood rush to his head. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA1BJjyG6Zbn
687Please respect copyright.PENANAhgeaPiRLBB
Talyn ripped out one of the shards of glass and went to go cut him free but was once again sent hurtling into the stairs. She shrieked again and tried to get up, but the ghost kept her pinned to the stairs by some invisible force so she was unable to move, the glass cutting into her hand as blood dripped between her fingers.
Will but his lip, looking around- And he saw it. The bulging box in Clint's coat pocket.
"The matches! The matches!" Will shrieked at Clint, rushing to the stairs. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAwM8iWuuExp
687Please respect copyright.PENANAlKYmFRybvm
His eyes widened as he dug the box from his pocket and threw them to Will.
Will reached for them, but Mike turned and hurled him into the ceiling, before rounding back to Iris.
Will smacked hard, gasping, and fell on the bodies, wheezing and holding his side again. Pain was exploding through his side and back. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAz9sUZb8hpg
687Please respect copyright.PENANAq0XvzOPnTU
He was scared, and hurting, but then he glanced to rhe girls small figure, who had been sobbing this entire time.
His eyes locked onto the box of matches that had landed a ways away, and Will was crawling towards it, reaching for it.687Please respect copyright.PENANASljz4K1DLa
687Please respect copyright.PENANAsKXGHQBCVb
He snatched the box, got up, and ran up the stairs, careful not to step on Talyn who was still frozen in place, her face fill of discomfort and pain.
He rammed his elbow into the door above and it slammed open, where he then grabbed the key that was left lying there.
Mike turned, and his eyes widened.
Will lit the match, turned to Mike and set the key on fire.687Please respect copyright.PENANAQLWh1vUuat
687Please respect copyright.PENANAUgDN2qYYYj
"Sorry," Will whispered, locking eyes with Mike.
Mike shrieked, his form cracking and breaking with orange glows, before there was a yellow flash and then- He was gone.
Clint dropped on the bodies with a thud, the rope loose again and Talyn sat up, dropping the glass piece. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAXdwFQ6zrWX
687Please respect copyright.PENANANBE7E64xK0
Will put the fire out with his boot, turning away from the rings again.
"Is everyone okay?" Iris asked, the glowing vanishing from her hands. She breathed heavily, looking around at everyone.
"Nothing too bad..Bruised for sure," Talyn answered, wincing again.
The girl was still in the corner, eyes wide, staring up at them all now, looking stunned.
"We should take her back to camp.." Clint said. "Then the police can come and find all of this.."
Iris nodded, slowly moving forward to the girl. She tensed up, pressing herself against the wall, trembling.
"Hey..We just want to-"
"Get away from me!" The girl hissed at them, staring at them. "Get away, Get away!"
"We can't just-" Talyn began.
"No, No!" She shook her head. "Go!"
"Look, kid, we just wanna help-" Clint began, touching her arm as he moved forward.
"No!' she growled, shutting her eyes.687Please respect copyright.PENANAJHgLYnn0Oe
687Please respect copyright.PENANARCXA5jKnrf
She sees us as a threat, Will thought. They were scaring her.
"We have to get her back," Iris said, frowning. "Now."
Clint tried to pick her up but she just shrieked, scratching at his neck with her nails. He let her go, eyes wide as he hissed in pain, and she immediately curled into a ball again.
When Iris and Talyn tried to pick her up, or try to lead her out she panicked, pulling at their hair and scratching at their faces.
Talyn carried her still, as she sobbed and screamed at kicked at them, slammed the heels of her feet into Talyn's ribcage. She wheezed and finally let her go as they got out of the room.
The girl scrambled away, eyes wide, her wings ruffled, watching them closely, her lips chapped and bleeding, her hair in front of her face now.
Will bit his lip, moving forward and trying to hug her. She froze, then shoved him away, scooting away quickly.
"Okay- sorry. I won't touch you now.." He said. He looked over at her, concerned and worried.
"Leave, leave-!" She snapped, shaking her head. Tears ran down her face, hugging herself. She muttered to herself frantically, her words jumbled up and hard to understand. It sounded like she was trying to call for someone.
Will knelt down beside her, his hands in the air, trying to make himself look not as threatening. 687Please respect copyright.PENANANvaYAauLof
687Please respect copyright.PENANA3fLAyzzePd
"Hey..Hey," he said, trying to keep his voice soft. He thought back to when his siblings used to cry and panic like this. But they knew him, they trusted him. This was more difficult. He was an utter stranger to her.
She looked up, just barely, every single muscle in her body was tense.
"Look," Will went on, "we aren't here to hurt you, okay? We want to help you. It's our job to help you."
The girl just stared at him, her fingers twitching and messing with her hair, continuing to mumble in another language..Latin, maybe?
Will didn't touch her anymore. He just talked softly to her, telling her it was okay. 687Please respect copyright.PENANApzYRACdQ0A
687Please respect copyright.PENANADWkUh0oZNN
They stayed there for fifteen minutes with Will speaking softly to the girl.687Please respect copyright.PENANAqNlZYHVWX9
687Please respect copyright.PENANAsR2SpRa0Rw
He explained to her what they were trying to do, that they wanted to take her somewhere safe. At last, she got up, and he stood as well.
"Good," he said. "Come on..What's your name-?"
"N-Nanook Xvier," she said quietly, but there was some sort of pride in the way she it. Like it was something she clung desperately to, something she needed.
"Okay, Nanook. We're gonna go to the camp. It's a very safe place."
Clint and Talyn and Iris stared, looking dumbfounded. Will gave them all a look, and the three hurried out in front of them, Nanook staying close to Will's side as he walked out after them.
Will inhaled the fresh smelling air, glad to be out of that wretched barn. Nanook gulped in the fresh air as well.
Nanook looked up at him, hesitantly reaching her arms out to him. 687Please respect copyright.PENANA3rszx1NKIL
687Please respect copyright.PENANA8KtGa8TEhD
Will felt slightly surprised, but he smiled softly and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him and wrapped her arms around his neck, her wings folding as she rested her chin on his shoulder.
Will carried her as they walked, Iris manuvering their way and trying to find the camp as quickly as possible and pointing out roots.
A few times, Nanook wriggled free and started to get shaky again, but then they'd stop and Will wouldnt touch her, trying to soothe her before they started walking again.
At last, they got to the camp and Carina was still awake, eating a donut. Valerie was sitting beside her, twirling a white moon flower in her hand.
Nanook looked up as Will set her down. She clung to his hand tightly, shuffling closer to him.
Carina's eyes widened. "Oh, shoot!" She stared, hurrying over, seeing at how dirty and bruised everyone was. "What happened?"
Will shook his head. "I'll explain later. Can you help me clean her up?"
"Of course," Carina responded. She turned to Nanook. "Hello..My name is Carina. What's your name?"
"Nanook," she said quietly, the pride in her voice again. Barely heard.
"What a pretty name." Carina smiled. "Come on, hon, let's get you all fixed up okay?"
--687Please respect copyright.PENANAZKogrPvVSH
687Please respect copyright.PENANAMb5SxQS80w
In an hour they cleaned up Nanook, giving her fluffy new pajamas and shoes. Her hair was clean and washed now, tied into two braids by Will. Her skin was clean and was very fair. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAF4VinIjSiE
687Please respect copyright.PENANAuWOBqRziQF
Valerie had watched her closely, eyes narrowed slightly as she fidgeted with the hem of her sleeve.
Iris had called Diana and Melanie to tell them what had happened and after that Carina quickly tended to everyone's bruises and cuts. Clint was looking at some of the flowers, occasionally asking Valerie which ones were which.
Will could feel the throbbing of the bruises on his back and side, but he tried to ignore them as he cleaned the dirt off his hands and arms.
Nanook was seated beside him, eating some of the warm soup, a cup of water beside her.
"Where are you from, Nanook?" Will asked her.
"A kingdom. It's in another realm. But Thiral made me go here." She shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her feet, which wore black fuzzy slippers.
"Who's Thiral?" Will asked, tilting his head, a sense of curiousity overwhelming him.
"He's the King." Nanook sighed.
"So he's your dad?" Will frowned a little.
"No. My dad died when I was born.." She shook her head a little, her eyes starting to grow sad.
Will frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry..Did you have any siblings-?"
"Yup. I had Alex and Lariba. They're back in the realm.." She continued to eat her soup. "I hope they haven't forgotten about me.."
"I'm sure they haven't, Nanook." He turned to her. "I used to have lots of siblings too. But I haven't seen them in years."
"How come?" She tilted her head, looking confused.
"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it later, okay?"
Nanook nodded her head as she took a sip of water. Will turned to her again.
"How did you get there? With all those bodies?"
Nanook rubbed her eyes. "I was trying to find my way back home..and I walked into the forest..And I heard crying and I wanted to go see who it was so.. so I could help. But when I got there the little door was open so I went in. Some lady was there too, and she told me a ghost was here and told me to pretend to be dead cause he was coming.." She shivered, gripping her glass tighter. "He came and he killed her. But he thought I was dead so he left me alone for a really long time..Then you came.."
Will stared at her. "I'm sorry about that.."
Nanook shrugged. "It's okay..But..I don't think I'm gonna go home anytime soon..I don't want to go home..Thiral will get mad again-"
Will slowly hugged her. "Okay. You'll stay here.."
"Okay..It looks nice here..I like the flowers." She smiled a little. "We had lots of flowers at home.."
"Did you?" He smiled. She nodded again, rubbing her eyes. 687Please respect copyright.PENANAC5awyA35fm
When she was done eating, Valerie took her bowl and put it to the side. Will was sitting not too far away, fidgeting with the box of matches.
"You can sleep in my tent tonight," Will heard Valerie saying. "In case you get scared- I was nervous when I came here too. But they're nice. They can teach you to fight too!"
Nanook nodded at Valerie, a tiny smile on her face as she thanked her. The two girls went into the tent after Carin told them to rest, giving them lots of blankets and more pillows.
The four also decided to stay the night there, but Will was unable to sleep, the thoughts of the bodies and the scrapbook flashing behind his eyelids every time he closed them. His side and back still throbbed painfully, listening to Clints snores. He wanted to be held and hugged, like a child.. He wanted to cry. He felt awful about destroying the scrapbook, and rhe rings..
But, he had to deal.
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This was his life.