Bang! The sound of the gunshot rolled through the air shattering the peace as the bullet sped towards its target cutting a small hole through the trees it had passed through. Following hot on its heels was another projectile however this time it was a small arrow following through the foliage seconds after the bullet. Both quickly gathering speed, but never coming close to the target which dived quickly easily avoiding the incoming projectiles. The hunted creature was a Far-sighted eagle which now flattened out speeding above the treetops, not to find its hunters as it had known their location the second it had seen the attack ,but to play with them. Letting them think that it was looking for them while waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
The two hunters on the ground watched as their shots missed the eagle and its flight across the treetops. They had both been dressed in light leather armour with a mottled green cloak for camouflage over it. Both now tore off their mottled cloaks knowing it was useless to continue wearing them and for the extra mobility. Underneath they both wore a brown leather armour, while the taller one had brown hair while the other had silver hair. The slightly taller one swore under his breath, then lowered his rifle. Sweat now trickling across his forehead as the bird flashed by overhead. In a lowered tone that was almost a whisper he spoke to his companion, "do .. you think it knows where we are?" His companion nodded.
"almost certainly." In both the voices of the hunters there was an edge of fear. They had intended to take the beast by surprise and kill it, but know it had been alerted to their presence they stood little chance against its vengeful attacks. "I know this will be hard for you to accept Xianto but we..." he paused midsentence and flattened himself against a tree as the creature passed overhead again, keeping his back reassuringly protected by the thick bark of the tree. He slowed his breathing while slowly wiping the sweat from his vision. By now his hands were becoming clammy as they waited for the bird to strike. As the creature sped away in preparation for another sweep he finished of his previous sentence. "we have to get out of here." His next sentences came quick and short in an effort not to attract the attention of the wildlife around them. "This creature is a class four sky beast! The surprise attack was our one chance to dispatch it. I told you we should have hunted a class one first."
His companion who had been standing out in the open turned to him and his hand which had been shaking slowly steadied. "It doesn't matter now." His voice was calm, without fear holding only determination. "It has spotted us, we either bring it down now or it kills us. You know we cannot outrun it." With that he squatted down and began quickly reloading his rifle, he managed to finish the task in seconds not allowing any powder to slip to the ground from the small pouches he carried. Then still squatting he raised his rifle to his shoulder and aimed down the barrel trying to catch a glimpse of the beast as it sped by overhead. His main indicator being the leaves falling gracefully to the ground in a line behind the birds path, dislodged by the wind created by its wings.
His friend looked at him, with eyes that while still full of fear looked resigned to whatever fate awaited them, knowing that no matter what he said his friend would not budge. "shit, I thought you would say that. Well if you're going to stay here then I guess so too will I. I can't have you bagging all the glory can I?" Following up the statement with a weak laugh that trailed off seconds after it had started. Still pressed against the tree he dropped the bow he had been carrying not trusting his clammy hands to neatly slip it over his back without breaking the string. Then he reached onto his back and pulled out a hammer which had been resting there inside a holster. It had a thick brass handle which was around half the height of the one wielding it and at it had a large brass head with a front shaped like a cog.350Please respect copyright.PENANAf792ytXO1F
The one who was called Xianto looked at his companion, "so you decided to bring that out eh? Well remember this beast is mine." His voice remained calm and steady and he quickly tore his eyes away from the hammer to follow the beasts path.
"How could I forget, when you keep reminding me every five minutes?" Was the short reply. Then for the two hunters it seem the talking was at an end as the one wielding the hammer took up a position in between Xianto and the bird, readying his hammer to strike while Xianto held his rifle at the ready. Never taking his hand off the trigger. Both were silent focusing only on keeping track of the bird, then slowly the forest became as still as them, the smaller creatures fleeing this area in fear of the bird that circled overhead. Then the forest became filled with a deathly stillness as the Eagle sped upwards no longer leaving a trail of leaves through the trees.
The two hunters exchanged glances then slowly peered hard through the leafy canopy straining to catch a glimpse of the bird. It was Xianto that saw it first, just before it smashed through the canopy twenty feet in front of them. Without thinking he fired, rolling to the side in a desperate attempt to get away from the creature. The other swung his hammer. Trying to stun the creature and bring it down. The bullet grazed the beasts side, doing minor damage. While the hammer sailed through the air hitting nothing as the Eagle banked upwards going over the hammer and off again into the forest to try another charge.350Please respect copyright.PENANAuS5bcpGxYE
Xianto without looking to see if his companion was ok, lay low reloading. Swinging the rifle into position again pointing in the direction the beast had disappeared. Not turning round he called out, "Hey Eric, you alright? did you hit it?"350Please respect copyright.PENANAGkfvYfxXpp
Eric wiped the sweat from his brow before dashing over to Xianto and reading his weapon, "luckily I am fine, neither me nor it hit each other." After a few seconds pause, Eric spoke again. "I think next time it will continue its charge, that first rush was to gauge our strength, the true attack will be this time." In answer to this the screeching cry of the eagle could be heard coming towards them at a dangerously quick rate.
"Bring it on, you beast!" Xianto roared into the forest.350Please respect copyright.PENANATdt5DS9W0Y
Eric looked at Xianto alarmed, "What the hell are you doing? do you want to get killed?" He would have scolded Xianto further but he was forced to divert his attentions back to the beast as the sound of its wings could be now heard zipping towards them. This time when the eagle emerged into their sights it had its head pointed down ready to try to crush them. Eric was the first to move, swinging his hammer downwards towards the great birds head. As the hammer and head collided there was a resounding smack then a second one as the eagle head butted Eric sending him flying backwards across the ground, smashing through the undergrowth. Xianto waited a few more seconds before firing sending his bullet straight into the left eye of the eagle. Then he fell straight to the ground pressing himself against the forest floor, listening as the talons from the creature passed overhead. Seconds before he heard the smash of the bird hitting the ground tearing out large chunks of earth with its claws.
"ERIC!" Yelled out Xianto as he watched his friend catapulted through the forest, "you bastard! I'll fucking kill you!" He swore at the Eagle which was now pulling itself out of the furrow it had created in the ground, shaking mud off its back. Quickly reloading he fired again, this time at point blank range into the creatures back. The bullet sank into its flesh and lodged there not going any further in. Engaged and half blind the Eagle swung round, it's now one eye training on its tormentor. Letting out a screech it charged again,. Xianto just managed to dive to the side before the beast rushed passed him its claws ripping through his cloth trousers. His rifle falling from his hands and skidding across the ground.350Please respect copyright.PENANAg6Xo0WX1Zy
During this Eric slowly pushed himself off the ground, he was bruised all over but he wanted to help his friend. After a few painful seconds he had managed to get himself upright, picking up his hammer that was now slightly bent in the middle. Slowly, far too slowly he limped towards the bird which was far too interested in Xianto to look at him. Using his hammer to support himself across the few meters that separated him from the bird. Putting all his might into it, he swung downwards sending his hammer crashing into the back of the bird skull. The hammer splintering and shattering during the blow. Before he slowly sank to the ground, his last thought before sinking into unconsciousness was that he had done all he could.350Please respect copyright.PENANAblXarAXcJ2
Xianto who had been laying face down in the mud rolling to avoid the beasts mad and angered strikes which he could hear tearing up the ground behind him, heard the hammer strike the beast. Knowing this would be his last chance he pushed upwards into a standing position, from which he had a perfect view of the Eagle, its bloodshot eye clouded with pain and anger. Its blue feathers matted and stained with blood, pouring from the bullet wounds. Little bald patches showing where the bullets had entered the body. Then he tore his eyes away and dashed for his rifle, without a pause for thought diving and picking it up in one sweep. He turned reloading as he moved, then fired. Not even aiming just letting the bullet smash into the enraged animal. The bullet like most of Xianto's shots buried itself in the skin not doing any major damage, though blood still sprayed from the wound covering Xianto's chest and the ground.350Please respect copyright.PENANAvsP2FDnwWF
The beast screeched. Slowly lumbering towards Xianto, while he reloaded , desperately fitting another bullet into his rifle. Backing away as he did so, trying to buy himself those precious few seconds needed to fire his gun. Then having enough time pulled the gun up to waist height and fired. This time he did not look away or try to dodge, he just stood there knowing that one of them would die at this point. Making sure if it was him he did not die a coward or running away but with all his wounds in the front. The bullet whizzed through the air and smacked into the forehead of the beast stunning it for a few seconds.
During this Xianto did not try to reload, it would be pointless as he had spent all his limited supply of ammo. Instead he reached for his short sword and rushed the beast point first. Its steel blade briefly flashing in the sunlight. The Eagle saw it coming and in its half crazed bloodlust charged head down at Xianto. The two prepared to kill the other or die in the process, the bloodlust apparent in both their eyes.
Both the beast and sword collided together with a sickening crunch, follow by the sound of the sword snapping. Its shards flying across the area like little teardrops. Xianto was thrown backwards by the force of the birds charge, which while not fast packed a huge punch. As he lay there dazed on the floor, he awaited a strike that never came. Painfully he picked his bruised body of the ground. Sitting up and taking in his surrounding once more. All over he could see evidence of their fight, torn up ground, smashed branches and finally the Eagle. Its body crumpled against a sturdy oak. Its head twisted at an absurd angle.
Breathing heavily he limped over to the dead beast, its once beautiful features now matted and scarred marring what once used to be so great. Gore leaked from the many wounds upon its body staining the ground crimson. Xianto stood there slowly becoming lost in thought, he couldn't help but feel exited. It was his first kill after all. While it hadn't been as clean as he had hoped it still had been brought down.
What brought him back to reality was the sound of coughing coming from nearby. As he heard it he whipped his head round, looking in the direction of the coughing. "Eric, that you?" He called out.350Please respect copyright.PENANAIX0pOzYYge
After what seemed like an age to Xianto, the familiar voice of his companion called back, "Yeah, it's me. You can't get rid of me that easily. I'm a Silvari after all." The voice was shaky but stable.350Please respect copyright.PENANAG3bC4hA1ar
Xianto grinned, "I guess I should try harder then." He stood up, spitting out a mouthful of blood. "though I 'm not in terrific shape either. Well at least were both still going." He looked down at his own battered body, which he now realised was caked in mud and blood. "Just"350Please respect copyright.PENANA6PZaGaNsCM
Eric sat up rubbing his bruised arms. "at least we can get the money to heal ourselves from the materials in that Eagle." He wasn't covered in blood but the bruises still looked nasty. His leather armour was shredded where the beast had hit him, but he didn't look like he had any fatal injuries.350Please respect copyright.PENANAvoXVuMBUqU
"Yeah, at least we can turn a profit on this. The core should still be intact, but I don't think that the feathers will be worth much." He mused looking the dead beast up and down. As he said that he slowly limped over to where his rifle was.350Please respect copyright.PENANAnboZ37SaRT
Eric suddenly stood up, as if remembering something. Gasping in pain as he did so "Should we try to use the core ourselves? After all I could create something with it."350Please respect copyright.PENANAoPrBzXVgKe
Xianto looked at Eric. "you know that would be a brilliant idea. It would also sell for far more, if we decided to sell it."350Please respect copyright.PENANAIrQ6YgDJPp
Eric looked at Xianto then sighed. He then straightened up taking in a deep breath, and breathing out again. While he tried in vain to smooth his hair. All around the sounds of the forest were slowly returning, bird song came floating in from all around relaxing the two injured companions.350Please respect copyright.PENANAL268j8ExY6
Xianto looked over at Eric, "shall we rest here tonight and find the nearest town tomorrow? That way we can travel when we are more rested and healed." He suggested not wanting to have to move much more in the remainder of the day while his injuries were fresh.350Please respect copyright.PENANAobPG9kKF38
Eric looked at him then lay gingerly back down in the grass, taking great pains to not sit on any of the bruises "sure. Sounds reasonable."350Please respect copyright.PENANAjuuXetfRwY
Xianto smiled "hopefully we can find the trails of some larger creatures. " He said jokingly.350Please respect copyright.PENANA97erXAkBc1
Eric's face went ashen, his anger from the battle having drained, he could no longer stomach the thought of more. "I sincerely hope not. Anymore and we would be dead. We can't go into another fight."350Please respect copyright.PENANASBAuHEJSSL
Xianto just smiled while Eric looked up scanning what he could see of the sky from beneath the layer of leaves which covered the area in which they stood. He saw in the distance the sun beginning to dip below the horizon, not so that it was dark but in the edges of the sky a faint darkness could be seen creeping into the sky. "it's gonna be night soon."350Please respect copyright.PENANAcpLJlDvRCL
Xianto looked up too, "so it is. Well let's try and gather what we can from this beats then lie down for the night."350Please respect copyright.PENANAUyfxefdNYC
Eric nodded, he had felt this was the best idea and so moved himself over to the carcass of the dead animal where the two worked silently and diligently to strip the Beast of the items from it that they could sell at a market. In the end they did not get much as the beast had been severely damaged apart from its core and a few other parts of the creature. Which they stored in several jars they had brought along and hidden before the battle to avoid damage.350Please respect copyright.PENANAOBAKKEo5nh
When they had finished the sky overhead was turning grey, the light slowly draining away. Eric sat backwards, slowly stretching his cramped muscles. "damn that was hard work, at least the core was still intact. We can sell this for quite a bit of money."
Xianto had just finished putting the jars carefully away again when Eric spoke. "You think we will have enough for some proper equipment?"350Please respect copyright.PENANAcuNy0FDrZQ
"No." The reply was completely blunt, "I know what you are angling at and that kind of stuff would cost us far more than what we could make here."350Please respect copyright.PENANA73IzJr0Fl3
Xianto sighed, "Fair enough." He had thought that would be the answer," But we will, I assure you."350Please respect copyright.PENANAlakXZRqTic
Eric just nodded before settling down in the grass, finding a spot he could be comfortable in. He was just thankful that it would be a cloudless night and so he would not have to worry about being rained on. Slowly Eric sank off to sleep. Safe in the knowledge Xianto would take first watch. They had known each other long enough to have an established pattern which they could stick to.350Please respect copyright.PENANAqzVIf9axIS
As Xianto sat there he observed Eric settling in and nodding off, marvelling at how quickly his friend could go to sleep so quickly outdoors. As it grew darker he lit a small fire which he created from the dried up twigs and logs that lay strewn over the place where they had fought the eagle. He whiled away the hours of his turn looking over the battle site and thinking back over the day's events. However never once did he take his eye off his surroundings or stop being vigilant, though nothing happened.350Please respect copyright.PENANAjyteOyBbkH
Soon the time for his shift was up and he moved over to Eric. Carefully nudging him awake "your turn." Xianto stated.350Please respect copyright.PENANAXjOIkZlgAA
Eric blinked through bleary eyes. "damn, already?" He slowly rubbed his eyes, then moved away towards the fire. For the next few hours he sat with his back against a tree, only moving when he needed to put another log on the fire to stop it from burning out.