A few days later and Eliza was having nightmares again. She was thinking so much about the gaps in her information that she ended up searching for clues in her mother's diary. Except notes for every subject and her own ability to use magic without a wand, Ophelia only wrote about stuff regarding her days in Hogwarts. There were gaps in dates, writing nothing during the holidays and summer break. If anything, that diary was just for Hogwarts and most of the notes weren't even written by her but this close friend that helped her through difficult times.
She found one detail during Ophelia's seventh year at Hogwarts. It seemed she had the same excerpt about Morfin Gaunt from the Daily Prophet. She scratched something under it that looked like a serpent and Eliza knew it was Slytherin's.
"So you're mother found out Morfin Gaunt was a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin?"
Eliza nodded. She told them the news first thing in the morning after she found out.
"And why was that so important for her?" Harry asked, he too having something he wanted to share with the rest.
"I think mom was searching for her family. She was raised in the orphanage and all she knew was that her mother died when she gave birth to her. Now, do you remember the article I told you about? The one about the woman who was murdered in the street? I think that was Ophelia's mother."
"But that's impossible. Didn't you say she died before she gave birth?" Hermione asked, keeping her voice low so Seamus and Neville wouldn't hear from across them.
"No. I said it before, she was stunned. The baby got extracted from her and that's when she died. Morfin Gaunt was sentenced during the same year and I think there's a connection between these two."
"But even so, who would do that? It's savage!" Ron exclaimed, feeling much better now that he was out of the hospital.
"Tom. I may be stretching it a bit but you said he disappeared for a long time. What if he did it?" Eliza asked, her eyes widening at the words rushing out her mouth.
"That's unlikely. Voldemort was a young man, working for Borgin and Burkes back then. I don't think it adds up to your mother's age." Hermione said softly, looking at her friend with sympathy.
Eliza bit her lip and looked down at her plate in disappointment. That was right. Her mother was born in 1959 and if she were to be born when the woman died, she had to be born in 1906. That was too early.
During Charms, Harry sat with his two best friends while Eliza decided she wanted to think about her problems alone. She knew one of them will tell her if there was something new. Concentrating was another difficult task and control was sifting through her fingers, literally. She turned the vinegar into oil instead of wine and splashed it all over Dean, who was already sulky as it was. Seamus laughed and patted Eliza fondly.
On the way back to the common room, Harry was lost in his own thoughts while Hermione and Ron filled her in. Besides the whole Horcrux business, everyone looked really happy. Eliza knew Ron and Lavender split up, she could hear Lavender crying last night while Hermione was sleeping peacefully. Also, Seamus informed Eliza after her mishap in Charms that Ginny and Dean split up as well.
For the rest of the time, nothing important happened. Classes were going on nicely and Eliza was hanging more and more with Hermione, searching for clues that would point out any detail about Ophelia's life. She couldn't find anything and the witch murdered by a muggle was making less and less sense.
May came around and everyone was excited for the upcoming match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Harry was hanging around Ginny a lot and she couldn't help pity him. Ron was oblivious to the sparkles between his sister and his best friend and Eliza was sure Harry was having an internal struggle every time he'd look at Ron.
"I wonder when he will admit he likes Ginny." Hermione started when they were doing their essays for Defense against the Dark Arts.
"What about you?" Eliza asked casually.
Hermione blushed, "Wh-what about me?"
"You were suspiciously happy when he and Lavender finished it. Maybe just as happy as Harry was when he found out Ginny was single." The brunette continued in the same tone.
"I-I don't know what you mean. It's not like I like him or something." Hermione hissed, blushing even more. "Anyway, what about you and Malfoy? I saw him look after you this past month."
Eliza placed her quill down and looked at Hermione dead serious, "He's only making sure I'm not following him."
Silence fell over them for a few minutes until Hermione asked something that messed Eliza's list of priorities.
"Maybe he just wants to keep you safe. I think he genuinely likes you."
"What makes you say that? A few glances here and there? The fact that we're on speaking terms?"
Hermione bit her tongue in order to suppress the need to go all smart ass on her friend. Eliza was a blunt person to the point she could be savagely sincere. Hermione didn't want to hear Eliza's honest opinion on anything for now.
From the library, Eliza went around searching for Furvus. He disappeared a week ago and Eliza was curious if she went to Remus' aid or he was messing around the castle.
She ended up on the sixth floor that afternoon and noticed a ball of black fur running towards the boys' bathroom. Right when she wanted to turn the corner after him, Snape came out holding a very ragged Draco.
Snape didn't even glance at her, already having a student he was annoyed with for the moment. He didn't need two worries at the same time yet there they were, one trying to face his fear and one searching for death.
"Are you going to help him?" She asked in a softer tone. Draco was already half healed but he needed rest; both physical and mental rest.
Snape got up and looked at her with a blank expression, "You will."
She didn't know what he meant at first but realized soon enough that he was genuinely worried for Draco and wanted her to stay by his side until he was going to wake up.
As soon as they entered the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomfrey smiled kindly and gestured to Snape to place the blond on the bed in front of the window. The dark wizard nodded at Pomfrey and left without looking back once. Snape let her there and she was such a stranger to comfort and kind behavior that she almost ran away.
"Dear," Madame Pomfrey started, "It helps if you hold his hand; he needs to feel that you are here."
For some reason, that didn't sound like she was speaking in general. In the end, Eliza sat next to Draco and held his hand tightly, feeling a chill down her spine at the thought the blond could die.
Standing there for half an hour already, Eliza noticed little things about Draco that brightened his image in her mind; for example, he was making funny sounds according to what he was dreaming but he would always recover quickly and look more peaceful than she has ever seen him. His blond hair was messy and compared to before, his body was weaker and the color in his cheeks was fading away because of stress.
While scanning him, she noticed that his sleeves have been slightly pulled up, showing bits of his Dark Mark to the whole world; maybe Slytherins would applaud and congratulate but the rest of the castle wouldn't. The witch glanced at Pomfrey before she leaned over and pulled his sleeve over the mark, hiding his secret.
"What are you doing?" He barely whispered his eyes still half closed yet he could see her leaning over him.
She licked her lips and sat back, crossing one leg over the other elegantly, "Keeping your secret."
He needed a moment to remember what happened before he realized someone was holding onto his hand; even more of a surprise was how innocent she seemed even if she was aware he was awake and they were in a peculiar position.
"You should leave," He mumbled as he struggled to get up, "I don't need your help."
She raised an eyebrow and helped him by positioning his pillow behind so he could lean against it comfortably, "Good, because I didn't help you in any way. How did you even get hurt?"
He glared at her, "He almost killed me," He hissed but she didn't seem surprised, "That is your so-called hero, Black. Go and congratulate him. Your dear Harry Potter."
"How did that happen? Harry doesn't know such Dark magic. He's been-" Eliza stopped when she remembered the Half Blood Prince. Harry was obsessed with Malfoy and would easily get riled up if the occasion arose. Eliza leaned back and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"You've been following me for the whole year." He started after a few minutes of silence.
"I didn't know you spent so much time in the bathroom talking with a ghost," She tried to enlighten the mood but Draco's eyes seemed to have tensed when she mentioned the ghost.
"What did she tell you?" He asked fidgeting.
Her gaze moved from his face down to his mark before she sighed heavily, "Nothing about you; the subject had nothing to do with you."
"Then maybe my father?"
Her eyes widened and looked aside for a moment, enough to think, "My mother and your father used to be good friends when they were in school. I don't know what your father told you but my mother was a loyal pure blood."
She thought it was better to tell him that bit of information in case Bellatrix spread lies about Ophelia.
"So that's it? Those are the answers you were searching for so passionately?" His tone and mood changed really fast and he got his sarcastic, pratty attitude back; he was probably feeling better.
"Well, you're feeling better so I should leave before your Slytherin friends find out you're in hospital." She muttered, feeling his gaze over her harden; he could probably tell she was lying, not that it mattered anyway.
Draco scowled but let her leave. He still had a task to complete and didn't need any distractions but no matter how much he was avoiding the thought, it just felt warm having her next to him.
By the next morning everyone knew what happened and during breakfast, Eliza witnessed the most amusing sight she had the pleasure to see: Ginny and Hermione arguing.
Sensing that she should question some aspects of what happened between Harry and Malfoy, she turned her whole attention on her day dreaming friend.
"Where is the book now?" She whispered.
"I hid it in the Room of Requirement. Look, I know you have a soft spot for Malfoy but-"
Eliza felt her cheeks redden lightly,"I don't have a soft spot for Malfoy." She hissed.
"-I didn't mean to hurt him. I just reacted without thinking too much. He was going to use the Cruciatus Curse and-"
"What spell did you use?"
"Sectumsempra." He answered shortly.
Eliza looked down at the table and clicked her tongue, "What did Snape say?"
Harry groaned, "Detention every Saturday until the end of term. I can't play in the match this Saturday against Ravenclaw."
Eliza nodded, listening to the rest of the detailed explanation about Malfoy having an interesting discussion with Moaning Myrtle. That made more sense after Myrtle asked Eliza to help Draco in whatever he was doing.
For the rest of the week, Eliza spent her days with her friends while she spent every night with Malfoy. It was suspicious and confusing but the blond never argued.
"Did Parkinson leave these chocolate frogs here?" She asked, eyeing the chocolate from her seat.
Draco glanced at her before he sighed, "Just help yourself and leave."
"No, can't do. I promised a ghost that I will take care of you." Eliza mumbled before she munched on a chocolate frog. "Myrtle is worried, you know."
"Are you here to pester me into telling you what my task is?" He sneered, turning his head away from her.
Eliza tilted her head to the side and grabbed a book from her bag.
"What are you doing, Black?" He hissed when he noticed her getting comfortable on the chair.
"Reading. Unlike your beloved Parkinson, I am just going to keep a close eye on you. You never know when the victim becomes the culprit." She said before hiding behind the book.
Malfoy scowled and rolled on his side. He really hoped she was going to leave and he could sneak out to finish his task.
Eliza didn't budge from her seat. She'd leave around midnight and come back the next day around ten in the afternoon. She's grab a chair and pull it next to his bed, take a book from her bag and read it in complete silence. That happened until the weekend came around when Eliza decided to go watch the Quidditch match.
Even if Harry wasn't there, Ginny was impeccable. She caught the Snitch and they won the cup. The party inside the common room was loud and Dean pulled Eliza into the cheerful crowd and next to the drinks.
"I heard you split up with Ginny. You looked fine during the match, though." She mumbled after he handed her a glass of fire-whisky.
"Yes, well it was for the team. I couldn't let anything distract me." He said, taking a long gulp from his Butterbeer.
The portrait opened again and Harry walked in. Eliza turned towards him and saw him grab Ginny and kissing her in front of everyone. Dean broke the glass he was holding with a furious look on his face. The brunette took that as a sign to move far from him and avoid any questions on the line of 'did you know?' or 'where you aware?'.
For the whole weekend, she avoided Dean. That proved to be harder than she imagined because he was literally everywhere she was. While walking around the castle, thinking of her family, she passed a certain wall that gave off a strange feeling. Before she could search further, she felt someone tugging on her pants.
"Furvus!" She hissed, taking the black cat into her hands.
The brunette turned him around, searching for some kind of letter but he didn't have anything. He did look like he was outside but he could have just been with Hagrid for all she knew.
Those green eyes of his were staring up at her in a very peculiar way. She frowned because it looked very humane, like he was trying to tell her something through his eyes.
The brunette jumped and almost dropped Furvus. In the process of turning around, she hit him square in the nose.
"You're deranged!" He moaned, rubbing his nose.
"What the heck are you doing here? I thought you were inside..."
Draco's blue eyes narrowed at her before they fell on her hands. "Magic without a wand. You haven't done it after that time."
She glanced between him and her hand before she rolled her eyes, "I thought we passed that point already."
None spoke afterwards, only stared at each other, each with their thoughts and worries.
"Tomorrow," He begun, "It will happen tomorrow."
She tilted her head to the side, growing even more confused, "What will happen tomorrow?"
Draco looked to the side, his breathing getting heavier as he remembered his orders. His eyes were glowing in the light and Eliza frowned seeing him express so much fear.
"What are you so scared of, Draco?" She barely spoke before he glared at her and grabbed her shoulders roughly.
"Someone will die. I have to kill him but-but," He was rambling about something unknown to her yet he was making her stress over it, "You asked me what I am so scared of? I'm scared of him and what he can do to me and my family and you." He leaned in and whispered, his grasp on her tightening.
"What did he tell you about me?"
Draco looked into her eyes, looking for some kind of reassurance before he let her go and took a few steps back.
"Nothing. No one is allowed to speak about you."
Eliza's head bent, her eyebrows furrowing and mind working overload, remembering and re-analyzing everything she learned about her mother. Was there something that she didn't consider before but was actually very important?
Next morning, Eliza dressed and left before the girls woke up. She went straight into Dumbledore's office, finding him sipping calmly from his cup of tea.
"You know don't you? You're the only one in the Order that knows who Ophelia Molley was." She started, not wasting any second afraid that there may not be a second chance.
"This day would have come sooner or later." He started before placing the cup down and offering her a seat.
"The Gaunt family members were direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. Morfin Gaunt, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for a murder he didn't commit." She started with what Harry told her.
"The Gaunts, a very ancient wizarding family noted for a vein of instability and violence that flourished through the generations due to their habit of marrying their own cousins. Morfin Gaunt was not an exception; he was an abusive and violent wizard. Ophelia was what you would call an accidental child with a witch whose name was never revealed." Eliza's eyes widened at the amount of details thrown at her. Dumbledore continued, "Morfin had a sister who fell in love with a handsome and wealthy muggle whose name was Tom Riddle. She bewitched and married him and gave birth to a baby boy."
"Tom Riddle Junior," She pitched in, Dumbledore nodding before continuing his explanation. "He killed her, didn't he? He killed the witch that was stunned in the street in 1906."
"Yes, I believe he did. You see Eliza, the connection between Tom and Ophelia was not based solely on their blood but on the pain they suffered. Ophelia's rage and sorrow gathered during her years in orphanage and she learned dark magic quite early in her life."
"But she was adopted by Molley and she came to Hogwarts. Ophelia wasn't born in 1906. It wouldn't make sense which means Tom took another baby." She added, her eyes earnestly looking into Dumbledore's.
"You are right. Morfin Gaunt had an affair with a witch that was infatuated with him, a bit like Merope was with the muggle Tom Riddle. That witch died while her baby daughter was extracted by none other Tom and placed in an orphanage in Birmingham." He continued, pleased that Eliza was so calm. "Unfortunately, that baby had grown up into a woman with bright green eyes and a fiery personality."
"Ophelia?" Eliza asked, leaning closer to the headmaster.
He chuckled, his blue eyes watching her bemused, "Lillian. Lillian Gaunt. That is the name of the baby girl. Unfortunately, Lillian met Tom long before she came to Hogwarts. But that is not important now. What is important is your mother, Ophelia."
"But they- I mean her mother died and she lived in an orphanage until Molley adopted her, right? What does that have to do with Lillian and-" Eliza stopped, finally placing the pieces together. Her eyes widened and she jumped on her feet. "No."
Dumbledore watched her carefully as she paced in front of his desk. Her face was contorted in a disgusted expression and she wanted nothing but to vomit.
"She's his daughter, isn't she? Tom's." She said in disgust.
"I'm afraid that is so. Lillian fell in love with her cousin but Tom could never look at her as more than a mere need. Lillian was very gifted you see. She could do magic without a wand and she was an extraordinary Potion Master."
"Did he kill her when he found out she was pregnant?"
"I believe so. But Tom needed that child just as much as he hated it. That child had his blood and could become useful when grown to maturity." Dumbledore continued, making Eliza feel more disgusted than ever before.
"He found her, didn't he? He found Ophelia in the same orphanage he placed Lillian. It was his plan all along?"
Dumbledore sighed and nodded, seeing her green eyes darken.
"I tend to believe that Tom approached Ophelia when she was a child and they kept in touch during her teenage years. Being older and wiser, Tom used the loyalty and commitment of your mother to his own benefit. He didn't tell her that he was her father. I can guess he told her he was someone that cared deeply of her future."
"And she believed him because he was a charming man." Eliza added, her heart feeling heavy.
Dumbledore nodded, "Just because you share the same blood doesn't mean you are the same, Eliza."
She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, "Ophelia was Voldemort's daughter. She found out when she looked into Morfin Gaunt and accepted it. Ophelia was his daughter and Tom used her as a slave." She said, growing angry.
"Not exactly. I believe he looked upon her as a precious follower."
Eliza scoffed, "She was his remnant and now she's dead. I am the only descendant of Gaunt thus making me his only family left alive." Her voice cracked when reality kicked in, "If I go against him, he won't hesitate to kill me."
"You don't have to worry, Eliza. You have been raised with love and warmth and you have something your mother didn't possess for a very long time: friends." He was trying to comfort her but she was panicking and nothing could make her look in the mirror and not hate how much she looked like Ophelia Gaunt.
Dumbledore stared at her with those blue eyes that were full of knowledge and anticipation.
"They will come and destroy everything." She whispered, her heart cringing at the thought of Hogwarts gone.
The headmaster smiled softly and patted her head; her eyes widened at the warmth and safety he gave away with one small gesture.
"Trust him." He whispered, startling her because she actually knew what he was talking about.
That discussion was the first and last she had with the headmaster. When she walked out of his office, she felt a chill go down her spine while her hands and feet got cold yet sweaty. Eliza was in the corridor, down to the Great Hall when dark clouds hovered the ground. In that moment, she could feel it; death was near.