Sometimes its the furthest thing from the truth. Take me for example. Highly religious Jewish mother, business man for a father. I grew up into strict rules about which hand you shake, which hand you hold. Strict dress codes was something stressed and anything abnormal was a sin of the highest degree. Gender roles were strictly enforced, daydreaming discouraged. Writing was a waste of energy.
Im nothing like my parents. In fact other than a few similar features even my appearance is different.
We dont have to be like our parents and being raised by someone doesnt mean youll be similar to them.
A child is born to an alcoholic. People shake their head, imagine the child drunk by thirteen, in jail at sixteen because "the apple doesnt fall far from the tree."
You cant judge the son for the father's sins. You can't say someone will be a certain way because their parents were. Its called free will and making your own decisions while thinking for yourself. Im gpnna get off my soapbox before i start ranting