LIFE - the Video Game
Developed by either Intelligent Design Studios or Evolutionary Games825Please respect copyright.PENANA3rLoLkivjo
Player One, press start to play.
Boom! You're born into this world. How do you play? You don't know? I guess you'll have to take a tutorial that takes up nearly 18 years of your life.
Years equal levels. Seconds, minutes, hours, they all equal experience points. With every "level" you gain, your mastery over this existence grows. You can do more things, be different things, equip higher level gear.
Eventually, you leave the tutorial zone and go out into the world to find yourself. "You can be anything," they tell you, "you just have to try hard enough for it". However, due to budget issues and time limits, you find yourself stuck. You can't go any further.
Soon after that, you quit the game quite permanently. Based on your personal beliefs you're either done after that, or you can start the game all over, this time with a new character.