That day was probably both the worst and best day of my life. I finally had the guts to leave that hell hole of a house, but in doing so, left my best friend, my little sister, behind.629Please respect copyright.PENANAB0qjH34piC
Her voice still rings in my head. Every time I close my eyes, every time I stand still, even if it’s only for a second.
“Billy! Billy!” I hear, the same broken voice, always on repeat.
“Billy! Billy!” The same thing again, and again, and again.
I hear it every day, sometimes it seems like it never rests, much like mother nature and her neverending storms, rains, and sunshine.
“Billy, why are you leaving? Why are you walking away? Please, take me with you!” “Billy! Billy!” Stealing myself, I kept walking, following a blinding path towards my new bright future. "Billy!" I awoke with a start, cold sweat running down my entire body. I had never felt this lonely before, proceeding to bury my head in my knees on the cold ground I cried, cried until I had no tears left.
I jolted upright, the cold midnight air tugging at my sleeves. Frantically looking around, trying to determine where I was, everything came flooding back. The pain that was days old, still resonating in my chest, the light sprinkle of stubble across my chin, and the puffy red circles under my eyes were proof of that. Seeing my reflection on the creekwater, I looked like a completely different person. The ragged hair, filthy clothes, and forgotten shoes, all added to the look, I really was a homeless beggar.
Standing up, brushing what little dirt I could, off, I glanced around trying to get a better gauge of my surroundings. I saw the bank, with waves lapping at the shoreline like a dog lapping up water. I saw the faint street lights roll off the concrete wall, down to my feet. And I saw the not so distant past where May and I ran along the shore with our fishing poles and spears in hand.
I stood there watching this childhood memory play, watching as my sister threw her line out in hopes of catching fish, how her face lit up when she caught something, prancing towards where I stand. “No, no, no, don’t come this way. I don’t want to see you anymore.” I was shaking my head and holding my hands up to try and stop her from approaching.
With a start, I turned and sprinted along the shoreline - as fast as my feet would take me - all the way up the cold towering concrete wall. Blindly running away, I didn’t see the people standing in front of me until it was too late, and we were all sprawled out on the frozen pavement.
“Oi! Watch where ya goin’ will ya?” Sitting up, I stared blankly into the man's face. “You almost made me spill my durry. Do ya know how much one of these costs?” The man’s arms were flailing around and pointing to the bottle, trying to make more emphasis.
Remaining silent when he was finished was not a good idea. The man, now standing on his feet shoved me back to the cold ground to my ass.
“These cost me a fucking fortune,” he said while planting all his weight upon my chest, waving around a half-full bottle in one hand and an empty one in the other, “And I’m not gonna let some mother-fucker come along and rip them from under my nose.”
Struggling against his large foot, I mumbled an apology. I glanced up expecting to see a fist meet my face, but I was instead greeted with 2 smiling men, both holding out a hand for me to grab.
Grasping tightly onto their hands, they pulled me up smoothly and proceeded to shake my hands. While I was gawking at the kind gesture, the man on the right laughed. “Call me Harry.” nodding his head to my left, he continued, “and this is William, nice to meet you.”
“Oi, Billy! Get your ass over here and help me pay for this.” Glancing up from the pills in my hands, I groaned.
“Pay for it yourself, you lazy sod.” Returning to my pills, I drew my hand to my mouth and took a big gulp - about 3 or 4 of them - as they slid down my throat, I felt their effects start to work their wonders immediately.
Finishing his deal, Harry sauntered over to me, resting his hand on my shoulder, he placed a small bag of white powder in my backpack, saying, “Let's keep this for later shall we?” Nodding a response, caused my vision to go blurry and the sudden movement caused me to be nauseous. Stumbling backwards, I hit a fence and slid to my butt.
Resting my head in my hands, waiting for the dizziness and nauseousness to fade, I heard a gasp come from what I thought to be my left. Turning my head to the sound, I stared blankly at the fuzzy face of what I thought was a teenaged girl.
Standing up, and using Harry for support, the mysterious girl gasped again, this time with recognition forming her next words.
“Billy? Is that you?” the voice was unmistakable, even though a drug-infused haze clouded my thoughts. That was definitely who I thought it was, wasn’t it? “Billy!” she exclaimed, slowly stepping towards me. That was it, I knew exactly who it was. No. No, no, no. Not again.
“Don’t come near me!” I yelled, and seeing her stop in her tracks made me smirk.
“B-b-but? Billy, you member me, don’t you? I see the light behind your eyes, it’s still there, I see it.” taking another step, she inched closer.
“I don’t care! I don’t care who you are. You are not my sister.” The shocked look on her face said it all. She felt betrayed, and I was okay with that. It meant that she would stop looking for me, hoping for me to come back.
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Turning away, I caught up to Harry and we started to walk to where William was standing, waiting, and waving his hand for us to catch up. Yes, this is what I want. This is my life now, this is where I belong, with them, alone, with our LSD and pills. And so I continued walking toward them, towards a bright new future. 629Please respect copyright.PENANAe60VzMu7Yp
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And dear sister, I hope you will forgive me for leaving, but it was the right thing to do. I could not stand being in that house any longer. This is what I want. I hope you also find what you long for. Best of wishes, Billy.