"I know love. I know." He says hugging her back.
Eight years ago my sister- Amelia- went missing. We've checked everything, every nook and cranny that she might be hiding in with her kidnappers. There is nothing. Our eldest sibling, Jackson, has already given up hope that we may find her. He thinks she's dead. Me being her twin sister- I know she's still alive.
"Caitlyn." My mother's voice rasps out in between sobs.
I stand, "Yes mother."
Can you please leave us?" She asks in a whisper.
I nod and leave their bedroom. A few minutes later I am called back into their room and my father has me sit across from them both.
"Caitlyn.." He trails off and looks away.
"Yes father, what is it?" I ask, expectantly.
"Caitlyn, If we don't find your sister Amelia soon, you will have to acend the thrown." He says solemnly.
"What!" I stand. "Why can't Jackson be king!?"
"Because Jackson is to marry Scarlett in a month." He replies.
"But that isn't fair! He could still run the kingdom."
"But you are next in line. You are to be Queen. We have arranged for you to marry the Prince of France."
"What! That pig! I'm not doing it. I'm not marrying him. You can't make me!" I start to walk out of the bedroom, my hand grasping the doorknob.
"Caitlyn! I am the king. I do NOT tollerate this behavior. Come back here this instant." My father's voice bellows behind me.
I open the door and slam it shut behind me, not looking back once.