I finally arrive and walk towards the bench we met up, it's extremely foggy for a night like this. As I get closer to the bench, there's a bright red light coming from the seat. I take a step forward and find Lilah's cell, take it into my palms and the screen turns on with a message: You want Lilah? Come find her.589Please respect copyright.PENANA2ajgVmvmGk
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I'm stuck between the thought of Lilah, and the message I got from her cell. The message kept repeating inside of my head, You want Lilah, come find her. I couldn't stop thinking if someone took her? And why would someone take her when she didn't have any enemies. I felt scared sitting down where she was recently sitting. As my thoughts rumble of how scared she might be terrified me. It's been 20 long minutes since I got stuck looking down at her phone clueless and began to sigh.
I manage to turn off the phone finding myself to drops of rain trickling down my face. It wasn't the rain that started to pour down leaving me soaked nor the fact I'm alone that I was focused on, it was the unusual sensation I felt from the moment I turned her phone off. It gave me this nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach to my chest. When I get up I tuck away the phone into my pocket alongside my own and I saw a glimpse of lightning appear. That was the only warning I needed for me to get a head start.
I quickly walked through the woods trying to find shelter, passing by a couple of signs leading me to multiple paths. The pavement made me stumble as the rocks kept getting stuck in between my overly used shoes. I came to a halt when a sign appeared leading to directions. Purple passage signaling to the right, Green passage signaling to the left. Something came of me and took the purple passage. The Purple path had pink rocks continuing with purple grass, it looked like lavender and colorful tulips fit its appearance. Straight ahead was lead by long, tall red trees.
As I kept walking the next sign told me to make another right where I was lead by a ground that was mixing with the sky, making the world look as if it were a painting. My surrounding was a fairytale everything was so colorful, it looks unreal.
Finally, as I got closer to the end of the pathway a small cottage was forming. I started walking rather than running when the colorful trail ended in a natural color where the cottage lay.
The cottage has a stone path, trailing up the hill. A brown bricklayer for the outside and a chimney with smoke coming out. As I get closer to the cottage I notice thorns trailing down the old rusty exterior walls. My body felt cold walking up the hill and I began to uncontrollably shiver as I felt my soul become lifeless. And all was left was the door inches away from me.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized the rain had settled down and I was between the strange path behind me and the weirdly looking door in front of me.
My hand went up and took its own control to knock on the door. But before I could even give the other person a chance to open it, the door swing right open. I jumped in response, almost quickly went to my second thought to go back where I came. The sound that came inside was silent, it was the type of silence that made the hair from your neck go up.
I was staring deep inside the cottage and couldn't make a glimpse of anything, it was pitch black. I try my hardest to stay focus to not look behind me and take a leap. But suddenly when I clear my eyes and blink there's a lady standing inches away from me.
She looked oddly weird. This whole place was weird. She had a long nose that could've reached my face. Her eyes were a mid-green, it gave them a terrifying look. The way her hair curled up onto her face made her warts pop out. Even the woman's clothing scared me. How it drenched the floor making it combine with the floorboard, how I couldn't even see her hands only her long nails.
This woman was definitely scary. If she was wearing a costume I wouldn't have guessed it was actually real.
"Amity I've been waiting for you." The woman said, looking into my soul.
I gulped in return trying my best to not look scared but my eyes gave it away. She moved out of the way for me to be able to enter, but I hesitated and I'm being pushed with a long force of energy.
Once I was inside Of the cottage it looked bigger than what was displayed outside. I took a quick look as everything around me became familiar. The room was lit purple, had different colored furniture. Wooden tables displayed front and center, at the far right a door leading to a basement. As for the left corner, there was an entrance leading to a kitchen.
I could see the cottages blueprints inside of my head. I've never been here before but it all seemed normal to me.
I didn't notice before that I was walking to my favorite spot of the cottage, the basement. The lady that appeared in front of the door was located in the kitchen, also known for a witch. She didn't introduce herself directly but she did in my head.
When I walked to the cottage it seemed strange, but now that I'm finally here it's almost human to me. As if something in my mind told me to come. While I'm walking to the door my memory from all the times I've been here comes flashing inside of my head rapidly.
I'm between the living room and the basement. There was a long circular staircase leading down with isles of books laid out. It wasn't the type of books you see in book stores, they were actually written in some weird different language. Every step I took sent a loud creak into the wood. Looking around made my mind remember, how everything looked exactly the same. The Purple light mixing with blue, how the books we're tilted in different angles how the stairs needed fixing. It felt like home, it felt as if I dreamt of this day.
"You like it, I haven't touched much because I know how you get." I jump from the response and I quickly turn around. It was the witch from earlier staring at me. "There's a lot we need to discuss, Ambrosia."
The name echoes inside my head trying to remember the last time anybody called me by that name.589Please respect copyright.PENANAmJ5Uu8J5y9
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A/N: I've had anxiety writing this chapter that's probably why its short. Chapter 5 will be the continuation of chapter 4.