"No, no, you have it all wrong." I replied in fear. "I'm not Jared."
"Perhaps I wasn't entirely clear."
He signed another suited man standing in the room. Who immediately drew out his hand gun, and put it directly up to my head.
"Where is ze money Jared."
"I told you, I'm not Jared. I'm his brother."
The armed man jabbed my head with the handle was his sleek, black weapon.
"Do you take me a fool?" Tested Jared's loaner.
"No, I swear, I swear to you. My name is Rick. Jared is my twin brother."
"Bring out the chair."
The armed russian set his gun on the floor.
If only I could get to that gun. I thought
The Guard returned with a spiked armchair.
"No! I swear. I swear. It's my brother."
The two russian mobsters grabbed my arms and shoved me into the chair.
I shouted in pain.
"O.K. Ill find money. I can get money."
I know I couldn't easily get 100,000 dollars, but I could find Jared, and get out of this mess.
"Too late" The tall russian mob boss said. "3 months to late."
The guard pushed on one of the bars on the chair. Further driving the spikes into my flesh. The pain nearly was unbearable.
I'm going to kill you Rick. I thought in agony. This is all your fault.
The guard pressed the bar down further.
I began screaming in agony.
If I could only get that gun...