David felt someone shaking him and he slowly opened his eyes with a frown. "What happened?"
"You just got hit by Abby, thats what happened."
David looked up and realized it was his buddy Jason.
"Yea, thats the new girl in my taekwondo class after school. She packs a mean punch and a badass kick." Jason said, helping David to his feet. "Did you tick her off?"
"All i told her was she smelled like pancakes. I don't know why she punched me."
Jason started laughing. "That's because she likes you. You see, girls do weird stuff like punch guys when they like you, that's how they are. Don't forget im the love guru."
"Oh please. You had one girlfriend and now you're the love guru? You didn't even get to second base with Trudy."
"Ah but i did. I touched her boobs."
"By accident," David corrected his friend.
But he did give David a clue on where to find this mystery girl.