Darkpaw sidestepped, avoiding the large grey paw that landed just beside her. The fluffy grey tom whirled around, ears laid back and a snarl in his throat. Darkpaw took a step back before launching herself into the air, legs outstretched and ready to catch her. She landed on the back of the fluffy tom and pounded his shoulders viciously.
“Splendid job, Darkpaw. That’s enough,” Nightflame meowed. The small she-cat jumped from Wolfpaw’s back, landing gracefully on the first floor. Wolfpaw allowed himself to smile, panting heavily.
“You beat me, again,” he said lightly.
The sleek-furred she-cat gave him a glance, “Instead of joking around about it, maybe you should work on your battle movements,” she scolded. Wolfpaw’s smile dropped.
“Darkpaw’s correct,” Blackwhisker said. “You’re clumsy on your feet.”
The fluffy tom’s tail and ears drooped. “Right...” he murmured. Darkpaw felt a twinge of guilt in her stomach. She flicked Wolfpaw’s ear with her tail.
“We just care about you, Wolfpaw. A clumsy warrior won’t be any use during battle,” Darkpaw purred.
Wolfpaw gave her a unconvinced glance, “Ok...” he mewed and padded away. Darkpaw tilted her head at him as he grew farther and farther away
Nightflame rested his tail on the black and silver tabby’s shoulder, “He has the makings of a good warrior, he just needs to take training more serious,” he stated. Darkpaw nodded slowly.
“Yeah...” she agreed.
She took her time walking back to camp, studying the bare trees. A cold breeze caused Darkpaw to shiver. Fluffy up her fur, she continued her walk. Snow began to fall from the sky.
Darkpaw’s mind wandered, until it settled on the subject of her heritage. She wasn’t sure why I bother her so much that she was related to kittypet’s. It had been so sudden, when Nightflame told her. She wasn’t sure what to think of being related to kittypets. The great Firestar had been one himself. Darkpaw crunched a twig underneath her paw. “That doesn’t mean I have to like it,” she growled to herself.
Kitty pet? Now that’s preposterous.
Darkpaw’s ears shot up, searching for whoever had said that. “Who’s there?” she called out. No answer. Her fluffy tail swished, scanning the clearing once more before deciding it was her imagination.
As she arrived back in the gorge, the sun was just beginning to set. In the clearing below the high rock, Darkpaw could see her friends. They sat, eating prey together, including Wolfpaw. Another jab of guilt stabbed Darkpaw like the nettles in Shadowclan. She padded toward the group of apprentices.
“Hey, Darkpaw, how was battle training?” asked Silverpaw, a fluffy white and grey she-cat.
“It went...well,” Darkpaw murmured. She sat down between Silverpaw and Wolfpaw. The grey tom gave her a wary glance.
“I was just finishing my story about my CRAZY border patrol,” Bluepaw grinned. Her brother, Sunpaw, a warm ginger tabby tom, rolled his eyes. “I was at the part when we smelled Shadowclan AGAIN on our side of the border, so we tracked it to find a mouse carcass that stunk of Shadowclan scent. So we immediately reported to Sandstar,” the blue tabby she-cat finished.
“Crazy,” Darkpaw said sarcastically. Obviously Bluepaw didn’t catch the sarcasm and nodded vigorously at Darkpaw.
“I know RIGHT!?” Bluepaw said enthusiastically. Darkpaw gave the blue tabby an amused smile.
“Darkpaw, What took you so long coming back to camp?” Wolfpaw asked.
Darkpaw gave him a glance, her red eyes glinting, “I was just enjoying the scenery,” she answered. By then, the light snow was coming down heavily, but the group of apprentices stayed where they were.
Silverpaw rolled her turquoise eyes. “Enjoying the scenery of bare trees?” She teased. She took her paws and smoothed out her fur to where it covered one eye, like Darkpaw’s. “I’m Darkpaw, I like the rain, to look at bare trees, as well as sulk in my den,” she mocked.
Darkpaw stood and launched herself at Silverpaw. “That’s not what I sound like!” She yowled. Silverpaw laughed.
“That was pretty spot on,” Sunpaw pointed out with a tilt of his head. Bluepaw smirked and Wolfpaw muffled a chuckle with his tail. Darkpaw pinned Silverpaw down by her shoulders before letting her go. She rolled her eyes at them.
“You’re idiots,” she mumbled, deciding to escape the snow in the comfort of her nest.
“BUT WE’RE YOUR IDIOTS!” Bluepaw called after her.
Darkpaw waved the blue-grey she-cat away with a swish of her tail, but she couldn’t help but smile to herself. She twirled around in her nest before laying down, covering her paws neatly with her tail. Wolfpaw walked in soon after, avoiding her red gaze.
“Wolfpaw, you know that I just want you to become a great warrior,” Darkpaw said. The tom ducked his head.
“I just don’t think I’m cut out to be a warrior,” Wolfpaw admitted. Darkpaw jumped to her feet, fur bristling.
“What are you meowing about!?” Darkpaw shouted, “You’re the best hunter in the clan!”
Wolfpaw sat down in his nest, “I’ve been thinking...that I should become Berrymist’s apprentice, and train as a Medicine cat, but...,” he murmured. Darkpaw sat back down, head tilted. “There’s something keeping me...” His voice was almost inaudible.
Darkpaw nudged his side with a paw, “Whatever choice you make, we will all support you.”
Wolfpaw gave an embarrassed smile. “Thanks, Darkpaw,” he purred. She nodded with a smile and closed her eyes, allowing sleep to take her.
Darkpaw opened her eyes. Nothing. It was just black all around her. “Hello?”
“Ah, so it worked,” a voice said.
She recognized the voice...despite only hearing it once.
“I’m your ancestor,” the voice continued.
“Ancestor? Does that mean you’re a...a kittypet?” Darkpaw asked, still on edge.
“You should really stop calling me that,” the dark, yet polite voice meowed.“I came from a so-called-twolegplace, yes, but I didn’t belong to any twoleg. I was a feared leader.”
“Who in Starclan are you?” Darkpaw hissed. “Reveal yourself!” Suddenly, a black tom-cat appeared in front of her, his blue eyes seemingly peering into her soul.
“Greetings, Darkpaw, I’m Scourge.” Just as he said his name, Darkpaw was thrown out of her dream and back into the real world.
Darkpaw’s eye’s shot open. She swung her head around wildly, looking for the black tom. A sliver of the moon hung in the black sky. The breathing of her denmates calmed her as she slowed her heavy breathing. She licked her fur, forcing it to lay flat.
Well, that was annoying. said Scourge’s voice in Darkpaw’s mind. She glared at the darkness, imagining Scourge’s face.
I’ve heard the stories about you. You and your band of rogues killed many warriors. What do you want with me? Darkpaw internally hissed.
You want power, right? Scourge asked. Darkpaw tilted her head. A sigh echoed in her brain. Your brother, he killed your mother and father...don’t you want revenge?
Of course I do! Darkpaw growled internally. Once I get my warrior name... The black tabby clenched her teeth together. But how can you help me? You’re dead. She meowed.
I can train you at night. Scourge answered. Her red eyes narrowed.
I’ve heard stories like that...from the elders. The Dark Forest. They trained a selected few during the night, but they were just using them. How can I trust you? How do I know that you’re not planning to use me?
I’m not part of this “dark forest”. I was alone in this black wasteland until I found you.
Can’t you speak to someone else? Darkpaw asked.
No. You’re the first since your brother. But I assure you, I’m not tricking you, Darkpaw. It’s my personal duty to help my talented descendants. Ravenspirit was hopeless, but you have some promise.
Wait, you helped my brother? Images of Ravenspirit flashed through Darkpaw’s brain. She shivered.
Scourge scoffed. He was weak. Such a pacifist.
Darkpaw tilted her head. Pacifist wasn’t the first word that came to mind when she thought of her brother. We’re getting side-tracked. She shook her head. You can train me at night, great, but I’m already a skilled fighter...I don’t think I need anymore battle training.
Battle Training. Scourge meowed. Yes, you’re abnormally excellent at battling, but there’s always more you can learn.
I’m listening.
Ravenspirit didn’t use weak warrior moves on your parents, he used killing moves. But clan life doesn’t allow that. Darkpaw, I’m going to teach you in the ways of Bloodclan.
A/N: Oooh, spooooky! What’s up guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know, my character is Scourge’s descendant, soooo original. Anyways enjoy this chapter and feel free to comment your ideas :D
-May Starclan light your path, Lord of Potatoes