The next morning Thana woke up to her uncle shaking her shoulder. She sits up, rubbing her eyes. He tells her to get dressed and head outside he wants to talk to her for a minute. She quickly gets up throwing on red pants and cropped tee shirt. They started walking down the street.593Please respect copyright.PENANADzDE8GyOJY
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“I talked with Marcus, how he doesn’t want you training. I disagreed and came up with a solution. However, I doubt you will be pleased.” He says
Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a silver choker. Thana takes a step back and lets out a growl. He shakes the choker while starting at it. She snatches from him and begins to study it. It had four beaded sides and in the middle was a triangular amulet. It had a shield and sword on it.
“It is connected to this bracelet. If you start to get out of control then the person wearing this has to hold it to the necklace and then say a spell. It’s from you great great grandmothers.” He says
“Who would be the one to have the bracelet. You?” Thana asks.
“No, it needs to be someone who is around you much more than that. Seeing as you didn’t tell everyone about the actual truth. There is only one option.” Her Uncle said.
Thana stares at him in shock. He wants to give it too Kolt. He was right. It wasn’t like she had another choice. She didn’t want anyone else knowing she was a half soul. She puts the necklace on, and then glares at her uncle.
The begin to head back to the house so she can get ready to watch training again. Her uncle pulled Kolt aside once they got to the house. The next time she say Kolt he was wearing the plain silver bracelet.
The next couple days move along peacefully. It was a pattern of training, eating, and sleeping. Thana was starting to get antsy. She had not been allowed to train since she has gotten to the Legion. It was starting to make her irritable. No one at the cafe has bothered her since the first night. However being in the room with so many people were still not enjoyable for her.
It also did not help that she had to move Thief to the stables. Thief had yet to get accustomed to the new living arrangements. The house was too small for the big griffin to move around comfortably, and the property damage was getting to be too much. Thana was worried that he wouldn’t like living at the stables, but she was wrong. He got along with all the animals there. He still was able to fly free during the day. Most days joining Thana while she watched training.
No one talked about what they had learned that night. Kolt kept a close eye on Thana throughout the week. He didn’t offer to be a watcher again, knowing that she would just say no again. Linkin and Teagen had been scolded a couple times for starting fights with people who were talking about Thana. It took severely conversation with Thana to make them stop. The other Squads were just looking for a reaction and she didn’t want to give them one.
Two weeks flew by for the newly formed squad. Thana wounds were completely healed. The next morning the group set off to the training grounds early. Upon arriving to the grounds they were greeted with a large group of people. No one said anything to the group and they made a path for them to reach Marcus. Marcus greeted the group, and started explaining today's training.
“So since Thana is done healing today we are going to do sparring lessons. The groups are Quinten and Linkin, Teagen and Kolt, and then Thana and Erzah. Go warm up and you can watch the rest spar.” He says
The group turns to the side and starts to warm up. Thana noticed that the crowd around the ring was starting to multiple. It made sense since Thana hadn’t been seen fighting since the bar fight. That fight created a curiosity about her. Everyone knew that she was the commander in training. However she never trained with in the Forsaken Legion. Her uncle had her control the military police moreso.
Once the crowd doubled in size she signals to Erzah that she wanted to go first. The two of them head to the center of the ring pulling their weapons free. Erzah had a broadsword, it was a masterly crafted weapon. She could tell that it was made from steal mixed with gold.. The handle was detailed. He swung it around, doing a couple of tricks.
Thana seeing this whips out her scythe. She strokes the vines. She starts to twirl it around her. A battle dance her uncle taught her when she was young. It involved all sorts of tricks. Everyone watch as this girl danced with a powerful Weapon. As she finished Marcus walked in between them.
“No weapons today. Don’t need your Erzah dead.” Marcus said
Erzah huff in annoyance. He then tossed his sword to side. Raising his fights to his face. Thana sighs and sicks her scythe into the ground. She then takes a step forward leaving her hands beside her.
“Begin.” Marcus called
They collided instantly, Thana had landed a punch to his face. Erzah had landed a kick to her stomach. They both back away circling each other. Erzah then lunged at Thana. He went for a kick and she caught his leg, she then grabs his hair. She pushes on her feet flipping over Erzah to slam him down on the ground. He wipes the blood from his nose standing up. Thana then goes to punch with her right hand. While he blocks it she uppercuts with her left fist. Then kneeing him in the stomach. He goes for a punch when a shrieking warcry catches all their attention.
They look to the left and climbing over the wall is a Jester. The giant humanoid looking creature. Without hesitation Thana runs towards the wall. She jumps onto a shack roof to then climb to a house roof. Running from the side she was on she jumped off. Shifting in mid air she flew straight towards the jester. The rest of her squad scramble together their weapons and race off after her.
Thana becomes face to face with the jester. The giant had a face of a human however, his left side was covered in black goo like substance. His eye was covered with it. Thana couldn’t help but feel a bit disgusted with this creature. He had sharp pointed ears and a purple eye. It means he was once a member of the pixie race. Thana lets out a breath of fire, engulfing the jester in it. The jester started to cry out. It was a cry of pain however it sounded like a hyena laugh.
Thana lets out another breath of fire. Teagan while Thana was fighting the jester was quickly getting up the wall with grapples. Halfway up she uses her air element to float her down the air. Teagen then used her air and fire element to help keep the flames around the jester. Once Thana finished her breathe, Teagen swipes the fire out.
Out of nowhere two arrows fly into the jester’s eyes. Standing a couple meters away is Quinten holding a bow. Linkin jumps out into the air being held there by Teagen. He lashes his silver whip around the jesters neck. Erzah and Kolt at once cut the arms and legs with their broadsword and Kopis sword. Then linkin threw his arm back making the whip snap the head off.
Thana flies to the wall shifting back into her human form. Erzah took his shirt and handed it to Thana. She mentally cursed herself for not wearing her enchanted army clothes. If she had those she would have had more on then her undergarments which wear enchanted. The never was a fan of the nudity aspect of shifting. So when she was placed in the Forsaken Legion she had her uncle bring her, clothes from her closet.
She grabs the shirt and throws it over herself. Thana remembers the necklace. Raising a hand to her neck she felt the cold metal. Of course it was still there. The group all stand looking at the dead jester on the wall.
“How did it get all the way up here?” Linkin says.
“It has no wings so I would assume it climbed.” Quinten says.
The commander appears at the top of the wall, along with a couple of officials. They congratulated the group on taking down the jester. They then call on another squad to push the remains over the wall. Then the commander started giving more commands telling the others to check around the wall for more like it. He looks at the group and smiles. He tells them they did enough and to get some rest.
The group starts heading down to the ground. Once there they begin walking to their home. However after only a couple minutes on the ground Thana feels her body began to burn up. She then started to stumble and lose her vision. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her chest, she falls to her knees, crying out in pain. Teagen and Kolt ran to her side. Teagen grasp her shoulder calling her name. She feels herself begin to start shifting. She turns to Teagen but instead of seeing her friend she sees the executioner from her failed execution.
She darts a clawed hand out towards the executioner. Before she can hit her mark. She sees Quinten grab Teagen and drag her out of range. She feels a shock around her neck before she loses feelings of her limbs. Kolt catches her before she can hit her head. He mumbles apologies while picking her up in his arms. He looks at her face and see that she is crying. Confusion and shock was clearly written on her face. He sighs and shifts her so no one else can see her face.
Quinten walks up to Kolt and Thana. Demanding to know what was going on. He demanded answers why she tried to attack Teagen. Teagen stood staring at Thana, who had shaking shoulders. Clearly was crying, that bothered Teagen. She walks up to Quinten, she silences him and begins to speak.
“Stop, I didn’t get hurt. Clearly she didn’t realize it was me. Also clearly the commander and Thana already had back ups.” She said.
Erzah walks up to Quinten and tells him that he wants to get drinks. They head off towards the cafe. Linkin follows them. Teagen walks up to Thana and places her hand on her shoulder. She gives it a squeeze before silently walking away. She raises a hand to wave as she stroll to meet with the others.
Kolt sighs and heads to the house. He opens the front door and heads to her bedroom. Walking to the bed he places her down. Thana just stares at the ceiling waiting to be able to feel her limbs again. She glares at Kolt waiting for him to leave the room. He looks at her and laughs. He lets her know that it would wear off in about a half an hour. He turns to head out the door before going back and sit on the bed.
“Please reconsider my offer. You could have hurt Teagen if not for all of us there together. You know the full moon is in a week? It's the curse starting. You saw someone else didn’t you? I won’t say anything just be careful okay.”
He then heads out the door shutting it behind him. Thana laid there until the effects start to wear off. She stumbles to the bathroom and draws a bath. She climbs into the tub sighing as the hot water loosen her tightened muscles. She lifts her hand out of the bath and snaps her finger. A small flame appears on the palm of her hand. She waves her hand around creating a bird. Raising her hand up she watched as it flew around.
“That’s a cool party trick.” Teagen announces.
“Sorry for barging in I was calling your name but you weren’t answering. I wanted to make sure you are alright,”
“I’m alright. Sorry for earlier I wasn’t myself.” Thana said
“Don’t worry princess, you didn’t hurt my feelings. I don’t want to hear it.” She said.
Thana nods and sinks further into the tub. She stares at the wall and then back at Teagen. Teagen raises an eyebrow and raises her hands. She pushes off the wall and walks out the bathroom and out the room. Thana sighs and dunks her head under the water. She wishes she could stay in the tub forever. She did stay until she was nearly asleep. She then makes her way to the bed. Falling down onto the bed she closes her eyes to drift to sleep. Suddenly her door flies open.