I stare out across the deep, blue sea. A salty breeze blows through my straight red hair and white waves crash against the shore that my worn out boots stand on. A soft sob escapes my cherry red lips.
I’m stranded on a unknown island. In the middle of who-knows-where. The plane me, my parents and some other people had taken has crashed. All that remains of the plane is a few scrapes of metal that washed up on shore.
I’m alone. No, I still have the birds that I can hear chirping, and I have me. I wipe a tear from my pale face. No time to cry. I need to get food. With the thought of food in my mind I head towards the coconut trees standing proudly on the stupid island I’m stuck on.
A few hours later I successfully managed to get a few of the coconuts off the trees, and I even found a long stick and sharpened the tip.
I throw another log into the small fire and throw away the eaten coconut it’s taste still in my mouth. My light blue eyes close and I welcome sleep.
Time passed and I grew better at coconut collecting and even started spearing fish. I built a raft about five times, but every single time I failed. Not like I’d even know where to go. Eventually I just made a stick shelter and gave up on all thoughts of returning to the world that I used to live in.
Years passed, maybe even decades. But I continued to eat, live and cry. I don’t know what will happen but one thing is certain...I will survive.