Lets talk about why i want to write when it doesn't come natural to me. I mean it's such a difficult and tedious task to undertake. Ill much rather be the one consuming the content than creating it. So why bother?
I don't know. Perhaps I'm in love with the idea that i could be a writer someday, that i could write for a living, that i would have books published and that i would have many people wanting to read what i write.
Or perhaps its a personal challenge to attempt something that is uncomfortable so that i can grow to be a better human being.
Or indulgue in my fantasies and bring them to live through words.
Or get my thoughts immortalized as words that will continue to live on long after my short journey through live is complete.
Perhaps its all of the above.
All i know is that i have to write and i want to get better at it and i know that i can get better at it so this is what im attempting to do.
Who knows if i have the conviction to carry this through? Maybe ill get distracted by the next shiny object tomorrow and never return to writing.
But for now, the passion and will is strong.
Writing is easy. Writing well on the other hand is hard work. Especially when it all has to make sense and not have weird continuity errors.
I've read somewhere that writing is more like re-writing because good writers usually dont get it write in their first drafts.
I don't know about that. All i know is that first drafts are like newborns. All they want to do is suck. I didnt come up with that by the way, i read it somewhere and thought its funny and true at the same time.
You know how its weird that when you're writing a diary or your thoughts and the words just flow? This is how it feels right now. Its either im rambling or maybe because its not a story that im trying to craft that makes it easy to get the words out.
But when it comes to writing an actual story, now that's when i get all tied up. I suspect its something to do with finding the right genre for myself to write in. And probably to do with the fact that i need more instruction on how to write a story.
Stuff like dialogue, plot, scenes, emotions. I think i get too caught up in trying to find the best words for every sentence before moving on that i keep getting stuck like a rat on superglue. Stuck. Everytime i try writing.
Does that happen to you?