"Dear, the sooner we tell him, the better", Emily said as she wandered around the kitchen.
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"I know Honey, I know, replied Jack, but I'm just not sure if he's ready yet."
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Max wakes up to hearing voices coming from downstairs. He slowly gets up out of bed, and starts heading towards the voices. Once Max is close enough, he realizes that it's his parents. The moment he hears his name, he freezes in place on the stairs.
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"Why are they talking about me? Tell me what?" He thinks to himself as he's frozen in place.
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He sits there for a good while just listening to them. Eventually, he hears his Dad say that they'll start in about two years. Max is even more confused now than when he first started listening. He then begins to feel, itchy/tingly sensation in his nose, the strange feeling in his throat, and then he sneezes, loudly.
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Jake and Emily both jerk their heads in the direction of the noise. After a short moment they realize who and what it was and stare at each other in shock and disbelief.
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"Max, says Jake softly, you can come out now."
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Max slowly gets up from the stairs and walks towards the kitchen to find his parents standing there with hesitant looks on their faces.
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"He's here, so we might as well tell him," Emily says to break the silence.
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"I guess now is as good a time as any. You should probably sit down for this son," said Jake as he looked at his wife and sighed.
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"What's going on?" Asked Max, as he grows more confused and curious at the same time.
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"Well, that's what we're about about to discuss. You see Max, you have a very rare and special gift," explained his father.
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"If it's my gift, how come I don't know anything about it or what it is, but you do?" Questioned Max as he was now thoroughly confused.
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"This is where the details come in, so pay attention. You see, I used to have the same gift you currently have, but I passed it down to you. My son, you are a ShapeShifter," revealed his father.
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"Hold up a second, I'm a ShapeShifter,? What's that even mean?" Demanded Max.
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"I know this is a lot to take in all at once, so let me explain in full detail," his father pleaded.
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"Okay, I'll sit quietly and listen," said Max.
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"Our family comes from a long line of ShapeShifters. The gene to do so in only passed down through the first born male of each generation. The transformations are different for each of us and there's a new one each month. They'll probably start once you turn 17 like they did for me. However, we didn't have just you, we had twin boys, which means you have a brother. We sent him elsewhere to keep you two separated and we're not sure of his current whereabouts. The thing is, the gene was split between the two of you, so you'll have to fight him to get full control over the gene. Let's stop there for now to give you moment to process all this," finished his father.
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It had been about an hour after they all ate breakfast that they reconvened in the living room. You could feel the tension in the air. Everyone was anxious, minus Smokey of course, Max's best friend, the 14 year old Siberian Husky with eyes the color of the sky. Smokey slowly walks over to Max and rests his head on his lap, while staring up at him with his deep blue eyes.
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"Okay, might as well finish up, started Max's father, just so you're aware, your mother has no abilities. However, there are several other type of abilities out there. Such as, telekenis, illusionists, pyros, telepaths, and so many more."
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"What you're saying is, I have this ability that I can't control, and I'm only just now learning this?" I ask, with my mind spinning, "how will I even know when it's about to happen?"
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"Ah yes, that's what I was about to explain next. Usually, they're brought on by some kind of pain we experienced frequently as a child, at least until you have control over them," his father stated.
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"Hold on, so you mean...," I tried saying.
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"Yes, says Jake cutiing Max off, it'll probably be your migraines, but they'll be much worse."
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"Oh great, as if they weren't bad enough already," I say while sounding sarcastically thrilled.
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"Also, if it's at all possible, try to avoid telling anyone about what you are," said Jake.
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"What? Why's that?" I ask.
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"There are people out there that want to control, and we don't know who we can trust right now," my Mom says, speaking for the first time since this conversation began.
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"I can't even tell Zoë or Terrence?" I hasitly ask.
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"No one," they both day in unison.
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I sit there for a couple of minutes trying to collect myself. Realizing that I can't lean on anyone for help, I'm alone now.
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"We know this must be hard for you son, my mom, Emily, says sympathetically, and if you need us at any time, we're here for you."
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I start thinking to myself, "how can they help? From what I understand, neither of them have any abilities to speak of. Any person I would go to for help, I apparently can't tell.
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"One last thing before we depart, your last transformation will be your strongest and holds all the marbles. If you lose that fight, you lose the whole thing," my father says, matter of factly.
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"Max, if you have any questions, now is the time to ask," my mom stated.
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"I do have one question, why me?" I ask, knowing full well they can't answer.
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