Beast Clan (Alayne)
“So that’s the plan. Is everyone with me?” I asked my faithful companions.
Lorne Gemini, with his spiky brown hair and dark green eyes stood to my right, leaning against the wall in the back part of the park. Being the third child of the clan leader, Rek Gemini, he was considered the black sheep of the family, not really fitting into their way of life. His familiar, Toga, a panda as tiny as the day he got it, sat perched on top of his shoulders sharing his reluctant expression.
Khan Haggard, only son to Rek’s second, Ramsey Haggard inherited his father’s brown eyes, but his mother’s brown hair. He wasn’t as tall as Lorne, who towered over almost everyone in the clan, but he was taller than me. He stood at Lorne’s side with his familiar, Sunset, an orange cat, lounging by his feet.
Helen and Aibek were my cousins that were as close as siblings to me. Helen, brown hair and green eyes, sat to my left, shifting her over sized brown jacket in anticipation. Her familiar, Kit, a red fox, was snuggled on her lap. Aibek, sharing the same shade of green in his eyes, but lighter hair, was now fifteen and advancing to the Intermediate class. He stood to Helen’s left. His red fennec, Dodger, pranced through the swing sets with my white wolf, Luna.
Lorne shook his head in disbelief. “Why would you waste your time on her?”
“Because...” I sighed. “because it’s how it goes. Sol takes her turn in humiliating me in front of the Second and Third classes, then I take my revenge from the shadows.” I smiled, anticipating my prank.
Helen’s smile matched mine. “Let’s do it.”
“Wait.” Khan said, holding his hands up in protest. “Since my familiar is integral to your plan I should get two votes, and I say double no.”
“C’mon, I thought you of all people would be behind me on this.” I pouted.
He frowned, not budging. “Not today Alayne. She has a snake, that’s reason enough for me. So no times two.”
“If that’s the case then Alayne should get more votes for coming up with the plan.” Helen said with a smirk. I gave her a gratifying glance.
He sighed. “Fine, we get normal votes. I still say no, Lorne?”
“No.” He immediately stated. Toga began to nod like a bobblehead, siding with me.
“Yes.” Helen stood and piped in expectantly, holding Kit in her arms.
I looked to Aibek, who was staring at the ground. “That’s two for it and two who are not. What’s the deciding vote bud?”
“It should be obvious. The guys against girls.” Khan said confidently.
Helen gave him a glare. “He’ll side with family.”
I ignored their playful banter and gave Aibek an encouraging pat on the back. He smiled. “It would be nice to see her go down a peg.”
Khan and Lorne groaned while Helen did a victory jump after Kit jumped down to join Luna and Dodger. “Great choice.” I praised. “Lorne, go distract the group. Khan get into place.”
Lorne, with Toga still latched on top his broad shoulders, went to casually catch up with his cousin. Khan left with his cat right on his heels. Helen climbed the wall over the picnic area with a boost from me. She turned and lifted me up then helped me with Aibek.
The boys, Bada, Bieste, and Gunnel were playing their favorite sport while Sol and Amir were underneath us laying on a blanket, enjoying a lovely picnic.
“Hey cuz, isn’t classes supposed to start in an hour?” I heard Amir ask.
“There is, just thought it was a nice day for a walk.” Lorne responded.
“Hey Lorne, want to join our game? We can make it fair if you join these two pansies against me.” Bieste asked with cockiness.
Gunnel takes the opportunity to side step around Bieste’s distracted form and his black bear, who’s head reached their waists. Bada whoops with glee as the pair gained a point.
“I’ll have to pass. I’m sure you’ll tell me all about your exploits at supper tonight.” Lorne jokes.
Amir chuckled. “He won’t shut up for days.”
Sol scoffed. “Now that we’re done with the proper greetings and all can you leave us to our lunch?”
I rolled my eyes, annoyed by her voice. How could someone like Amir, quiet, kind, and thoughtful, find someone like Sol, annoying and self-centered, attractive? Thinking such thoughts almost made me miss Lorne’s makeshift signal. He rubbed his right eye as if he had a headache. I dug into my pocket for the handheld laser and flicked it on. The red dot blinded me as I accidentally had it pointed the wrong direction. Helen and Aibek covered their laughter before blowing our cover.
I quickly redirected it to Sol’s pink dress to her slumbering red dragon, Ruby. Neither Amir nor Sol noticed.
Right on time Sunset flew through the park, enlarged to his true form, a tiger. Her snake and Bada’s black kitten, already enlarged to a panther, spot him and intercede to spar friendly. Ruby, excited, grows to her own larger form, dwarfing the two on the blanket. As the three escalate, food and drinks are flung onto the pair. Sol however, takes the brunt of it.
Screaming in shock, Sol jumps up to attempt to tidy herself. Amir, trying to help his girlfriend, gets pushed aside.
“Ruby, suppress!"
Her anaconda perks up at her command and immediately stops her play with the other familiars as the other have joined, ruining the guys game. Ruby shrinks back to her smaller form, barely reaching Sol’s knees. Thor, who was lazily leaning against Amir, seemed willing to join the chaos, but was deterred by his bond’s glare.
“Sunset, suppress!” Khan shouted after his familiar. The cat shrinks down to the size of a house cat then gives Sol an innocent look.
She screamed in frustration. “This has Alayne’s name all over it.” Her eyes roam around as if searching for me. Seeming as she didn’t bother to look up she obviously couldn't find me. “Where is that Wilding runt?”
Khan’s face was the picture of innocence. “She’s in class.”
Satisfied that I saw her face as her favorite dress got ruined, I didn’t press my luck. I jumped down to avoid the guy’s attention. Helen and Aibek followed suit. Though I couldn’t see the action I could still hear their voices.
“I can search the area for her if you want.” Bada’s voice said.
“You don’t believe my friend?” Lorne questioned.
“No, I don’t.” He answered.
“There’s no need. Obviously she isn’t here, it was only a misunderstanding.” Amir said, trying to diffuse the situation.
I then heard Bieste and Gunnel laughing. Bieste spoke in between chuckles. “You should… have seen your… face.”
“It was priceless.” Gunnel finished.
Sol huffed and I swear I could just picture that woman gathering her ruined dress, as well as her dignity. “It’s not funny! I want to find that runt and teach her a lesson.”
“Calm down and breath Sol. It was only an unfortunate accident.” Amir reasoned.
“Yeah, don’t be so dramatic.” Gunnel added.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m sorry.” Khan apologized.
Sol let out another frustrated scream. “No that does nothing. I know she was behind this. You two are always attached to her.”
“That’s true.” Bada piped in.
“No one asked for your opinion.” Khan said.
“Look,” Amir said before anything could escalate. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
I heard movement then a thud of contact. “You always take their side!” Sol screamed with anger.
“There is no sides. I don’t know why you can’t understand that.” Amir shouted back. I heard her scoff and rush away from the scene. The guys said their farewells then disappeared as their game was disrupted.
My cousins and I waited patiently before Khan gave us the all clear. I climbed once again onto the wall. Helen and Aibek, on the other hand, took the longer route around the eight-foot wall. I swung my legs around to suspend over the rumpled mess of their unfinished picnic.
“Did you see her face when…” Khan said before doubling over with laughter. Helen nodded enthusiastically in agreement, even though the statement was left unsaid. Even Lorne was smiling.
Sunset jumped into Khan’s arms when he straightened. He gave his familiar a pat. “Good boy.”
“As much fun as this has been, we need to head home before class starts.” Helen said after finishing her fits of laughter. Aibek gave me a hug and waved to the guys.
Khan set his cat down. “I guess we should head to the school house.”
I nodded then jumped down, avoiding the disaster on the ground. As I landed, Lorne’s hand was upon my shoulder as a warning. I glanced over where his eyes were narrowed to see Khan’s father heading in our direction.
“Oh god. If that prissy tart went to the higher ups…” Khan started.
I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s why he’s here. It’s too soon for Sol to have cleaned up.”
Lorne nodded in agreement while Khan snorted. Ramsey gave me a nod when coming close enough. “How’s your father?”
I let that question sit for a moment. These past four years have been hard to say the least. First year without Mother, he refused to leave our house. More specifically he refused to leave that room. He would just sit in my former bed and stare at the pair of dark stains.
I was staying with Uncle Rakesh by that time, but I visited every day to bring him provisions, trying to make him take care of himself. Seeing his near comatose state day after day with no visible changes hit me hard. Kane and Nasrin were already treading on eggshells with me, still believing my own familiar would meet an untimely end. Now that I saw the aftermath of my father’s broken bond I was terrified.
Eventually he left the room when I was away. I came later that day to find the house burning and Father just standing there, watching with a haunted look in his eyes. After that Uncle Rakesh took him back to their place, but my father had now retracted himself from everyone, even me. It was rare for anyone to get him to speak more than two words at a time.
I begged and pleaded for him to come back to me for a long time before realizing he was broken beyond repair. So all in all, my father was not doing good, but I couldn’t tell that to Ramsey.
“He’s doing fine sir.” I replied.
His scrutinizing gaze searched me thoroughly, somehow knowing I wasn’t telling the truth. Fortunately he let it be and turned his attention to his son. “Classes will be delayed an hour or two so head home and let your mother know that I won’t be in for supper tonight.”
Khan nodded obediently and left after giving me a questioning look. “What’s going on Mr. H?” I asked.
He ignored me and faced Lorne. “Your presence is needed at the clan hall.”
Before my friend could respond, I sidled closer. “What does his father want with him?”
I swear I could feel Lorne’s exasperated sigh as Ramsey’s eyes narrowed in my direction. “I didn’t say anything about Rek and I’m certain I wasn’t speaking to you.”
I recoiled in shock, but bounced back with no trouble. “I consider Lorne as a good friend. I’m only worried what Rek wants to tell him that can’t wait until he came home for the night.”
“While that’s sweet and all, this is an urgent clan matter that you needn’t concern yourself with.” He calmly replied.
Lorne’s mouth opened for him to speak, but I really did not need nor cared to hear about what he thought. This was no longer just another adult rebuking a nosy child, this was more. Though I knew in my head that I was putting this whole affair out of proportion, that I should nod and go on with my business, something about the way he worded his statement really bothered me.
“For your information, I’m part of this clan too. I didn’t work this hard in my training to be looked over.” I said.
He pinched the bridge of his nose before replying. “You may be part of this clan, but it seems you haven’t truly learned your place in it.”
“Meaning?” I taunted, angry that he was pushing me this far.
He lowered his hand, his gaze boring down on me. “I mean that you are the last person our leader will confide in. Your father’s actions have made sure of that.”
My eyes stung, but I was determined not to show weakness to this man I thought a friend. Of all the members in this stupid clan, I had thought Ramsey would be the one to never point out the difference in families. That I would never be looked on as an equal, worthy of the respect from my peers. That he wouldn’t bring my father up for discussion.
Lorne clenched his fists and moved forward, obviously ready to defend me as Ramsey realized the harshness of his words. I held my hands up in peace even though on the inside I wanted to wail and rage. “I understand sir.” I forced myself to smile at Lorne to show I was okay and walked out of the park.
Luna whined in our mental connection, feeling my loneliness bearing onto her. Recalling my lessons with Nasrin, I pulled most of my negative emotions from the bond and with my will formed a mental wall. Luna still stuck close to me, but she was less distressed than before.
I hated Ramsey for pushing that side out of me, for putting me into my ‘place’. Sighing, I shook the thoughts away because I didn't truly hate him. Even though he spoke the words I knew he didn’t really mean them. It was the ones that judged me for my last name, not my character. At these times, my low points, I remember my mother’s words when she was at her clearest in the hospital.
It was a few weeks after she had finished one of the major surgeries. I was excited and told her of my training, showing her my wolf that I held in my arms. Instead of finding pride in her clear eyes, they held fear and disappointment.
“They spit on your name now, but once you prove yourself worthy, they’ll start to accept you. That’s what their wretched leader and your poor deluded father would let you believe. This clan will never let you fully in, they’re not your family. Real families never abandon each other, no matter what. You should stop wasting your time before you get too attached.”
I ran out of that hospital crying to my father, trying to make sense of her cruel words. He shook it off saying that she was just very stressed and was really proud of me. I took his words to heart, but all the while my mother’s words stuck to me as if her soul was still haunting my decision to continue clan life with my family shattered.
It was times like these that her words rang true, making me doubt my place in this clan. With the way my father was treated after his years of service emboldened her words.
Luna knocked her body against my leg, pulling me out of my poisonous thoughts. I was planning on heading home for a moment to calm myself before presenting myself to class, but my treacherous legs brought me to the clan forest grounds. I could feel my inner wolf urge me into shifting, to run.
I let myself indulge for once. From my side Luna projected a howl of excitement. The fresh dirt under my paws and the tall underbrush grazing my belly gave me a sense of wild joy and spurred me to a sprint.
I fell into the mind of my inner wolf and Luna’s. It was a whirl of emotions that I couldn’t quite put into words. There was a desire to be a part of a pack, to have and feel a connection with the ones that have and will continue to push and shun us. There was also the temptation to show the so called pack the righteous anger of us spurned outsiders.
The sound of a prowling predator reached Luna’s ears first. Her low growl of warning resonated to deter our unwanted guests. That seemed to amuse them however, as they continued to trail behind our running forms. It was annoying to have an audience, but I knew that Khan could be as persistent as I was.
Catching a glimpse of him riding on top an enlarged Sunset, I gave him my own warning growl, wanting him to leave me be. His fierce grin was his reply as he kept his familiar onward. I leaped off the path to delve deeper into the trees. Knowing Khan’s familiar, a feline, could aptly and gracefully keep up with such insignificant obstacles convinced me that I was going mad, but I pushed forth.
I could hear Khan behind me start to chant under his breath. Movement just beyond my right caught my eye. It was a deep black panther stealthily trailing me. Distracted, I barely had enough time to catch myself from running to the left and colliding with a spotted leopard. It was hard not to smile knowing that this display of cooperation would never happen outside of beast summoning.
My only route was forward. My inner timid wolf wanted to keep running, but I knew that was impossible. These cats couldn’t be outran. I halted causing Luna, who was keeping pace behind me, to give me a quizzical glance before focusing her attention on the surrounding cats. Khan, giving Sunset a comforting hand, sent away his summons.
My shift back to human was quick and painless, a big difference from the first one I’ve ever tried.
“What’s the matter Alayne?” Khan, now dismounted, asked with concern etched on his face.
I frowned. “Do you really care?”
His next words died as he gave me a hurt look. “Why wouldn’t I, what’s going on?”
“Just coming to terms with how this clan works. Are we friends because of your rebellious streak?” I asked, afraid his answer would coincide with my mother’s words.
He took a step closer, but I backed away skittish. Luna growled, shocking him. “I don’t know where this is coming from, but our friendship was born and strengthened by our years of constant companionship. Our fathers were the ones who orchestrated our meetings when we were younger. If my ‘rebellious streak’ had any part, I wouldn’t be here now.”
I wasn’t convinced. It was true that his father had a huge part in our budding friendship, but was it because he wanted a spy or was he genuine? Khan may not even be aware, or was he just a really good actor? “Damn it, she really has her claws in me.” I muttered to myself in anger.
Khan shook his head with frustration. “Why do you let Sol into your skin like this? She’s only jealous of the way you hold yourself. When you’re supposed to be meek you strike out harder than she expects a Wilding should.” He took another step closer. I admired his persistence. “Not everyone in this clan believes that you belong at the bottom. You’ve already proven to me that you’re an equal. I’m here because I care for you.”
My breathing hitched and I had to look away from his intense eyes. “I’m sorry Khan.”
He searched my face for a moment before softening his face with a smile. “It’s alright. Do you want to talk about it?”
I shook my head. “Maybe another time, but you could help me out with Lorne.”
“What about him?” He looked upset with my refusal to talk, but let me change the subject.
“He was summoned by Rek and the only reason anyone gets called is for either serious discipline or-”
“A mission.” He finished my sentence making me smile knowing that we were okay. He matched mine with his own. “So let’s go talk with your uncle, he’s bound to know something.”
I nodded in agreement and surprised Khan as I wrapped my arms around his waist. His hesitation was short and I felt his own arms around my shoulders in a tight embrace. He let me go as I pulled away and headed out of the forest grounds.
“There’s nothing I can tell you Alayne. Just go to what you’re normally doing at this time.” My uncle Rakesh spoke from under his desk as he had dropped what he had held in his hand when I strutted in with my questions.
“So that means there’s something you know that you just can’t inform me of, correct?” I innocently asked.
A thud emanated from below and I heard my uncle curse before picking himself up with a red pen. “Alayne,” He started with a warning in his tone. “I can’t divulge Rek’s business to anybody that happens to visit. Not even family.”
I gave him my best pouting face. “Now uncle to be fair, I’m only asking because I care for Lorne. I only want to know that it’s not anything serious.”
His gaze bore down into mine. I had forgotten that he was immune to the usually effective pouting face. “Why is it you never visit anymore? Your father could benefit greatly by seeing your face.”
I shifted uncomfortably. Just why did he have to bring this up? “I’ll come over after class for dinner. Now can you please tell me something about what’s going on in that room?”
Apparently satisfied with the thought of dinner together he promptly gave me the information. “I’m not certain on the details but a messenger from Dark Clan arrived early this morning. The Hall’s been busy since. I don’t know what your buddy Lorne was called for, but I assume it has to do with all this recent commotion.” He began to continue his work, organizing some of the papers on his desk.
“Do you know what the Dark guy had to say?” Khan asked.
Uncle Rakesh gave him a frown. “I don’t know. He was brought directly to Rek.” He turned to the man posted outside Rek’s office. “Do you know more Samson?”
He stubbornly stayed silent and shook his head. I give him a sly knowing look before dramatically opening my mouth. “Then I suppose Ebbe should be informed of-”
“Blackmail doesn’t suit you young wolf.” He gruffly says before relenting. “Rek is sending the boy on a search and retrieve mission.”
“Lorne’s not the tracking type. Why was he chosen?” Khan asked.
Samson shrugged. “I’m only telling you what I overheard. My job only required me to check if the guy was a threat.”
“Fun job.” Rakesh muttered.
“Is that messenger still around?” I asked before Samson could retort.
“No, he left shortly after.” Rakesh said.
I gave Khan a look, knowing that Lorne was getting into something big. Uncle Rakesh seemed to know what the gleam in my eyes were about. “Go back to class child, there’s nothing for you to do here.”
“I have to do something.” I replied then turned to Samson. “Can you let us in? The worst that could happen is we’re told no.”
“I can think of worse things.” Khan muttered then winced after I elbowed him in the ribs.
Samson glared from Khan and I, assessing the pros and cons I assumed. Uncle Rakesh surprisingly came to the rescue. “What’s the harm Sam. Let Rek deal with her stubbornness.
He finally shrugs and opens the office door, revealing a room full of important clan members. Kane Gemini, Rek’s brother and the clan shifter teacher, stood to Lorne’s right, across the desk from our clan leader. Ra Bitar, Rek’s other bodyguard, was in the corner, aware of the surroundings. Ebbe Haggard, the clan’s security leader, was leaning casually on the side wall. Ramsey, to Lorne’s left, had one hand on our friend’s shoulder. And finally Rek himself was leaning forward on his desk. Luckily only Rek’s familiar was in the room, a large bear sleeping beside the desk.
All men were taken aback by our sudden appearance. Ebbe was the first to react. “Who the hell allowed you in here?”
“Excuse me?” I asked distastefully.
“Oh gods.” Lorne and Ramsey muttered.
Rek calmly raised his hand for peace. “I figured you would soon come by Alayne. Samson, please close the door and make sure no one else disturbs us. I doubt the room could hold any others.”
Blind sighted by the fact that he actually knew my name, I barely realized that he not only knew I was coming, but was allowing me to stay. Samson nodded before leaving, closing the door behind him.
Khan was the one to break the growing silence. “You knew we would arrive?”
“You should know better than to speak to your betters before being properly spoken to. This is why you shouldn’t associate with mutts.” Ebbe scolded.
“Calm yourself Ebbe, it’s a simple question.” Rek turned his attention to me. “I know of your friendship with my youngest child and of your strong personality. To be honest I would have been disappointed if you ignored your friend’s strange circumstances.”
Ramsey shuffled around awkwardly. “I apologize for my crude words Alayne. Rek instructed that I be convincing.”
I blinked in surprise. “So this all was a test? None of this is real?”
“Yes to the test, but not all of it was false. There is a mission for the three of you.” Rek informed.
“Why make Ramsey push her so far?” Lorne for the first time piped in.
“I needed to test her resolve. If she deflated and ran from the words that will be thrown at her for probably the rest of her life then she’s not fit for what this clan requires from her.” Rek states firmly.
“And that is?” I ask.
“Kane will inform you while you prepare.” He says, dismissing us promptly.
Kane directs us out and through the building until reaching the end of a hallway. “Now all we know is that Dark’s leader, Dante’s children are missing. Why they did after he declared war is a mystery, but that’s not your job to worry about. You’ll be paired with two Dark members and search for them. This is our highest priority. Rek doesn’t want to be mixed in this needless war so try not to fail.” He said then unlocked a door. “Grab what you need. Prepare for a long journey.” He left us to our own after saying to meet him at the clan gates.
Khan, the first to enter the now open room, whooped with glee. “Hey Alayne, come check out these weapons.” Sunset purred in after him. Luna, excited, ran in as well.
Lorne shrugged then gestured for me to go first. Upon entering I could see why Khan was so happy. The room was an armory, filled with a diverse option of armor and weapons.
Khan, giddy with excitement, disappeared in the clutter and reappeared with a halberd. “What do you think?” He asked. I immediately shook my head. He frowned, but went to put it up. Lorne chuckled then rummaged through some daggers.
I joined Luna, who was digging among a stash in the further corner. “What did you find girl?” She gave my hand a lick as I ruffled her fur and bent to retrieve an armor piece that was collecting dust. It was quite large compared to Luna. I went to set it aside, but Lorne stopped me. “Those are made to custom fit your familiar. If you both like it, use it.”
Luna gave me a friendly headbutt, urging me to put the armor on her. I strapped her in, finding it silly, but Lorne being the know-it-all was as usual, correct. The armor began to shrink and conform to her shape.
I gave Lorne a nod of thanks before perusing the weapons for myself. Khan came back with a cool looking shortsword. He eyed Luna. “Where do we get one of those?”
I scoffed. “Sunset won’t even see enough combat to find any use for it.”
He frowned. “Not true. Don’t you know tigers are more deadly than wolves.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” I joked, smirking in his direction.
He playfully rolled his eyes, but let the comment slide. Lorne ended up choosing a steel glaive. I, after carefully weighing my options, found a scythe that was just my size.
We left the armory after arming ourselves to head over to the gates. A crowd gathered around the area, prepared to make farewells. Khan’s mother fussed over him while his father stood tall, proud. Lorne’s mother and sister gave their hugs. Bieste gave him a nod of respect. My aunt Senay and cousins were here for me.
After giving Helen and Aibek embraces I turned to my aunt. “Look after him for me, will you?”
Her eyes were filled with worry. “You won’t go to see him? What if something happens to you out there?”
I gave her a small smile and shook my head. “I think we’re beyond that point.”
“Oh honey, don’t say things you don’t really mean.” She scolded, tears coming to her soft green eyes.
“If he asks for me, let him know I’m always thinking of him.” I walked away quickly before either of us could fall apart. I waited for my companions to finish, stashing our belongings into our very own transport vehicle. When our families departed we entered the vehicle and made our way to the checkpoint.