Mrs daisy is a kind old lady. Though after her beloved husband's death, she became sad. She often wrote to take her mind off things. It didn't matter what she wrote, she just used her trusted pen and wrote often.
The letter Mrs Daisy wrote was addressed to her neighbours being directly east of her own house. She realized that she could simply verbalize the message, but she much preferred writing.
[Dear Haulze family,] she wrote.
She took a large breath. She enjoyed the warm summer air. It felt good on her old lungs. She found it very conferring. She heard the song of birds, followed by a small hissing sound.
[I regret to inform you] she continued.
Her heart began to pound. She didn't understand what was the matter. The weather was fantastic. She began to feel disy. She began to cough, feeling as if she had a nasty cold creeping into her immune system. She looked to the letter in sudden realization. The smudged ink annoyed her. She hated smudged ink. Mrs daisy felt herself losing consciousness.
"Ohhh," she said grabbing at her chest.
She grabbed a pill from her purse, and quickly swallowed it.
"Mamm" said a man running twords her.
The old lady gestured to her chest.
"Would you like me to call an ambulance?"
The lady nodded in confirmation. The man quickly pulled out his cellphone, and dialed a number. The sounds of sirens filled the park almost instantly.
"Thank you" the lady managed grasping her pen tightly in her left hand.
She fell to the ground, letter in hand. The man, seeing the address decided to deliver this message to the addressed house. It's the least he could do for this poor lady. He began to feel a bit light headed.