Stephen was walking thorugh a store, looking at various items. Looking at two different brands of toothpaste, Stephen picked the cheapest one. "All right! Now my breath won't smell like a skunk!"
After finding other items like shampoo, soap, and groceries, Stephen walked up to the cashier. Putting the items from the cart onto the stand near the register, Stephen walked to the cashier. She continued to ring until the last item went through. "One seventy five."
Stephen's eyes widened. "That's…a lot of money!"
Crying inside, Stephen took out his wallet and paid for the items.
The cashier gave Stephen his change. "Have a good day sir."
"You too."
As Stephen was carrying his bags out of the store, he accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry abou—"
Stephen gasped. I—it can't be…
"Stephen?! Is that you?!"
"…why do you sound so happy Tate?"
"Come on, don't be so cold to your brother."
"A brother wouldn't fight a brother in court over inheritance money…"
"I needed that money."
"For what? To go on another drinking binge or buy another girl?!"
"…that was my past Stephen…"
"Well, it's the only Tate I know, so I have to rely on the past."
Tate looked down and sighed. "Since you don't know, I was arrested and put into a rehabilitation facility. When I was released, I realized that I wasn't exactly the best brother…or person. I've been sober since then, and I haven't 'bought' any girls since Mom and Dad died…"
Stephen sighed. "Why should I believe you? You've made up some pretty good lies in the past."
Tate pointed behind Stephen. "Just ask her."
Stephen turned around and saw a woman behind him. She smiled. "And who might you be?"
"I'm Stephen…"
Her eyes widened. "Tate's brother?!"
"…how do you…"
"My name is May. I'm Tate's wife."
Tate smiled. "You can ask her. I've completely changed."
May smiled. "He has. Anyways, you should come and have dinner with us! We have plenty of food at home!"
"Well…I don't—"
May took ahold of his arm. "It's settled then! You're eating with us tonight!"
Tate laughed slightly. "When she has an idea in her head, she doesn't take no for an answer."
Soon, Stephen was in the back seat of a car, not knowing what to say.
Tate began the conversation. "So, Stephen, when did you get out of a coma?"
"…a few months ago."
"I heard everything about what happened from a policeman. Is Carmella alright?"
"…she's still in a coma."
Tate winced, knowing he asked the wrong question. "I—I'm sorry…I didn't know that…"
"No…it's okay. Besides…since we've reunited…I have to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"…Carmella…Carmella was…pregnant with Nick's child…"
"She…she…was pregnant!?"
May looked at Tate. "Who's Carmella?"
"She was Stephen's childhood friend. He was always weak when he was younger, and Carmella was Stephen's only friend, since I wasn't the best of brothers back then."
Stephen sighed. "That's not the main news either."
"It isn't?"
"No…I'm going to adopt her child until she wakes up."
There was a period of silence in the car. Tate finally managed to open his mouth. "You're…adopting…she and Nick's child!?"
"Do you even have a job? You only got out of a coma a few months ago!"
"I'm waiting on a call today to see if I did get a job. I had the interview yesterday. Besides, I"ve already met her."
"Carmella's child. Her name is Faith."
Tate frowned. "Well, I can't tell you what to do, but…it's time I start acting like a better brother. If you need anything, I'll be there to help out."
May nodded. "I'll help too."
Stephen grinned slightly. "Thanks…"
Lisa picked up her phone and stared Stephen's number from the application. Sighing, she dialed the numbers shown.
Stephen's phone began to ring. "Excuse me…"
Stephen took out his phone and answered it. "This is Stephen…"
"Stephen, it's me, Lisa."
"Oh, hello Lisa."
"I called to tell you…that you are hired. Will you be able to come in tomorrow to finalize everything?"
"Yes, I'll be able to!"
"Alright then, about what time would be good for you?"
"How about one in the afternoon?"
"Sounds good. See you then Mr. Kubiak."
"Thank you."
Stephen ended the call and grinned. Tate smirked. "I take it that meant you got the job?"
May grinned. "Congrats! Now that makes it even more necessary to celebrate tonight!"
Stephen grinned slightly and looked out the window. I do have to admit…from the surface, it looks like Tate put it together. He has a wife, and according to him, he's been sober for months…
Stephen continued to stare out the window. "So, where do you two live?"
"We're almost there. It's the house right past the stop sign on the right hand side."
Soon, Stephen was in a rather nice house. "So this is what you did with the inheritance money then?"
"…yes…well, not all of it."
Tate walked away into another room, soon, coming out with a miniature safe. "Take this, Stephen." Tate also handed Stephen a small key. "What I didn't spend of the inheritance money, I put into this safe, in case I would see you again. It's the same amount you would have received without the court battle."
Stephen took the key and opened the safe. Sure enough, there were several piles of cash. "Tate…"
"I never said this since I've re-met you…but I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry I fought you in court. I'm sorry I wasn't the best brother…and I'm sorry I helped everyone else bully you…"
Stephen looked at Tate, eyes watering.
Stephen was running as fast as he could. Looking behind him, he could see three huge figures running after him. Before he could turn his head back around, he tripped. Trying to get up, Stephen was lifted into the air by the bullies, and thrown against a wall. "So, we saw you 'training' yesterday, so we decided you should put it to the test."
The second bully sneered. "I doubt he could even hurt a fly."
The first bully walked up and punched Stephen in the face, causing blood to seep out of his nose. Stephen gritted his teeth and jumped right up, fists clenched. Looking at the first bully, Stephen was about to charge him when two arms restrained him. Looking back, Stephen saw his brother, Tate. "What are you doing Tate?"
Tate didn't answer. The first bully chuckled. "You're late to the party Tate." The bully stepped up and punched Stephen in the stomach. Stephen tried to move his arms to defend himself, but Tate's grip was too strong. For the next two minutes, the three bullies used Stephen as a human punching bag. When they had their share, they walked away. Stephen collapsed on the ground, bruised and bleeding.
Slowly, Stephen turned and looked at Tate, who turned back and walked away.
"I hate you Tate! I hate you!"