Conall Reid’s POV
We have landed in Moscow, Russia in the private hangar of my plane. We got off and I was happy to feel that cold air of Moscow again. I don’t know what about this country that made me like home. I guess it’s the beautiful Russian doll that was walking hand in hand with me out of the hangar to the private Lamborghini that I rented.
“Mr. Reid,” the valet said as he handed me the keys before Katrina snatched it from me.
“Hey!” I exclaimed before I giggled. Katrina was holding the keys in front of her as she shook it.
“I’ll drive,” she said. I laughed. I shook my head before I went to snatch it. I don’t get it. She was too quick.
“come on, Katrina. No time for games. We’ll gonna be late for our dinner with your sister,” I said as I looked at her. She smiled wickedly.
“the more need for me to drive. I know the fastest way to reach my home,” she said as she still shaking the keys in her hand. I sighed. I know that I will never win this if she insisted to drive. I gestured at her.
“be my guest,” I said as I went to open the door for her to get inside the driver’s seat. She smiled eagerly before kissed me briefly on the lips. I laughed as I went to the passenger seat and she started the ignition before she played with the accelerator. I gripped my hand on the handle. I looked at Katrina and she had this crazy eyes as she was mad
“Katrina,” I said before she looked at me. She was holding the stick before she put in the gear and drove out of the hangar.
“Be careful,” I said at the top of my lungs. We were out of the hangar as she went to drive fast through the traffic as I was holding for my dear life.
A few minutes later, we were entering the private property of the Kuznetsov’s estate. I looked at the Gothic structure of the house, no I mean mansion, and it was out of this world.
“well, welcome to my childhood home,” she said as she went to park the car in front of the foyer. thankfully, she was skilled to drive through the heavy traffic of Moscow and she even had a shortcut to kill our time.
“well, it’s extravagant,” I said as I looked at her. She was not smiling. I don’t know what to say but I got out of the car. She has unbuckled her seatbelt before I went to her side and opened the door for her.
“Thank you,” she said shyly before a big, muscular man came at us.
“Milady, welcome back,” the guy vowed before Katrina nodded at him.
“is my sister home?” She asked in Russian but since I was polyglot and Russian was one of my languages, I don’t need a translator to understand it.
“Yes, she was excited to meet you and your husband. Can he understand us?” He asked. I scoffed before I answered him.
“yes, and I have lived in Russia for quite some time now,” I said as I looked at him. I don’t mean it to be angry but that just how it sounded to me. I hoped I don’t make him angry and judging by the character and his body, I know that he was not someone that can be mess around.
“it’s okay, Volkov. He knows. Besides, he wouldn’t marry me if he can't speak, can he?” Katrina said as she looked at me. I narrowed my eyes at her before she pulled my arms to drag me inside the house of hers.
“So, welcome to the house of Kuznetsov. I hope you don’t mind the mess since we have decided to get rid of my dad’s stuff,” she said as she showed me the plan of the first floor. There were a ballroom, kitchen, dining room and living room for the family. There will be more to show once we’re upstairs.
“Sister!” A voice interrupted us as Katrina was busy telling me this and that. She turned around before someone came crashing on her.
“Hello, Karla,” she said before the brown-headed girl got off her and make herself presentable before she looked at me.
“and hello to you too, brother,” she said before hugging me. I hugged her back but not too intimate as I don’t want Katrina to take it the wrong way.
“I hope that you have my present from Malta or this guy doesn’t let you buy anything.” She said in Russia before Katrina could tell her. I answered it quickly.
“Yeah, and you said that I was the best brother you ever had,” I said in Russian as well as I made myself get hurt by her words.
“oh my. Silly me, sorry, I don’t think that you would understand,” Karla said as her green eyes glistened.
“well, don't just stand there. You guys must be exhausted, let’s have dinner before anything. I don't want to keep you guys waiting,” she said before she pushed me toward the dining hall.
“We just ate,” I said in protest.
“well, you just have to make another room for our food. No excuse, mister,” she said as she puts me at the head of the table. Katrina sat to my right and Karla to my left. I was confused as to why I was at the head.
“well, as much as you hate to be at that seat, you have to. It’s a custom that the head of the family to be seated over there,” Karla said as she looked at me. I looked at Katrina for help but she just laughed.
“not helping, love,” I said as I looked at her.
“Sorry, but you have to do ever since dad,” Karla said before she went silent.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t mean it to be like this,” I said as I looked at her. Katrina soothed her twin as well. Karla shook her head before she looked at us.
“it’s fine. He deserved it. now, let’s eat,” Karla said before the servants came to serve us various food that I don’t think I have more room for it but to my surprise, I did finish them all. After all that eating, it’s for us to do the real reason we came here in the first place.
“it’s this way,” Karla said before she opened a door that leads to a basement. It was dark and cold before she switched on the lights and the laboratory was in great view in front of us.
“wow, it’s larger than I expected,” I said as I looked around. Most of the staff were gone and only a few little things that left to make sure that it still looked like it was a lab.
There were utensils, some books about time, time paradox and all that but I don’t have much interested in that before the schematics of the gems stood at the end of the corner where the work table was placed.
“has this been here ever since?” I asked Karla as she and Katrina were looking at something else.
“huh?” She asked before she went closer and took a look at what it was.
“well, that’s unusual. I don’t remember it being here. I can put it down if you like,” she said before I shook my head. Maybe this can help me to figure out some things.
“no, I’ll take it. We can’t have a risk of it being in the country and let the government knows. I will move it back to Scotland,” I said as I took of the schematics and put it inside a roller. I gave it to Katrina and she went to put with the books that she wanted to take back to Scotland.
“well, that’s pretty much it,” Katrina said as I looked around. There was nothing suspicious except for things that a science lab would have. Test tubes, beakers, other stuff and so forth.
“well, we’re going to take out leave now,” I said as I was yawning.
“Yeah, you guys go ahead. I’ll just have some last-minute checklist to take a look at,” Karla said as she was rummaging through stuff.
“Okay, don’t stay up too late,” my wife said before kissed her on the cheeks. They said goodnight and we get out of that lab to hit the sack.
Karla Kuznetsov’s POV
It must be him. But how? How does he know all about this? I’ve seen it in my vision. He was the one that will end to the world. I have to stop him.
“Kiska, what are you doing? Waiting for me?” A voice made me stopped on my track. I turned around to see that he was leaning on the wall looking handsome as he always did.
“Hi, Alan,” I said mumbling as I was trying to get the stuff that I don’t want him to know about.
“Don’t turn your back on me and look at me when I’m here,” he turned me around before and hit my back on the table. I can feel his hard bulge restrained in his pants as his eyes were dark with desire.
“Kiska,” was the last thing he said before he kissed me on the lips. I was so shocked at first before I responded with hunger as well. I don’t think that he was the only one that missed this.
“I missed you, my love,” he said as his eyes were roaming my body. I was in a daze as I looked at him.
“What are you doing here? I thought you’ve gone this afternoon,” I said as I looked at him. He laughed before he took out something from his pocket.
“I'm not truly gone, my love. Merely just a speck in time and now, you’re coming with me,” he said before he kissed me again as I felt pain in my hand as he was pulling my hand into his and I can feel the cold gem was getting hotter and hotter and suddenly, I was not in my basement anymore.
“Karla, are you okay in there? I heard something smashed,” my sister’s voice coming inside the hallway toward the basement. but, I was nowhere to be found.