Conall Reid’s POV
“you’re Jack Reid, the heir to the throne of United Kingdom?” I asked him as he looked at me. My ancestor looked at me with his green eyes that have been in the family for centuries to come.
“yes, and now may I know who am I speaking to?” He said as he looked at me and Katrina weirdly.
“your grace, my name is Katrina and this is Conall, my…my…” as Katrina was trying to explain to him, I looked at her and waited for what she will say about me.
“you are betrothed?” He asked.
“No, of course not. He’s a friend and we were lost from our home. I hope that my lord would be so kind as to shelter us until we can figure our the way to go back home?” Katrina said as she looked at my ancestor. I don’t know why, but I felt that my ancestor sure take a good look at her more than I liked it.
“very well. lads, bring them to the estate. We cannot let our saviors starve in this forest. Besides, we will have a feast tonight,” Jack Reid said as he went back on his horse. The others helped me and Katrina to get on their horse and we went to the estate of Sir Jack Reid, which meant one thing, my childhood home.
Since we were walking on the horse, it would take more than 10 minutes than the place that we came from. The estate looked exactly the one that I lived in, except for the building that looked like more ancient than the ones that I lived in the present days.
“So, is this where you lived, Sire?” I asked him as I wanted to make sure that they have the same land and the same building that was under the name of Reid ever since England took over Scotland.
“yes, this is where my ancestor went to when they escaped the nasty little buggers that was now ruling our kingdom,” he said as we went inside. I looked at Katrina that was behind his horse and she looked at me, knitting her eyebrows together.
“You have a lovely house, my lord,” Katrina said as she looked at him. She was smiling happily, too happy than I liked it to be.
“why, thank you, milady. It’s just a humble home,” he said as he bowed at her. Katrina just laughed at him as he showed her around to the estate. I got off from the horse before the big door opened in front of us.
“welcome home, sire,” the butler said as he looked at Jack Reid. He was kind of familiar when I took a look at him.
“thank you, Jerry. Is the bath ready for me?” My ancestor asked as he looked at me.
“yes, sire. It is still lukewarm for you to get in. Shall I fetch your clothes for you immediately?” He asked as Jack Reid was taking off his gloves.
“no need, I will be going in later. now, I wanted to show my guests around the estate. Get the cook to cook a feast. I want to throw a feast in honor of my saviors tonight,” he said as he looked at Katrina and me. He was smiling as charming as ever.
“thank you, your grace. Ii would be an honour,” Katrina said as she bowed to him. She looked at me as well as she signals me to take a bow at him.
“thank you for your kindness, my lord,” I said as I bowed at me.
“no worries, I am happy to have you tonight. Now shall we go around the estate?” He said as he took Katrina’s hand into his as he led us through the estate and showed us his wealth, I mean my inheritance that will be going to the present days.
After a tour around the estate, we were dismissed and were led to our chambers. I don’t have to share with Katrina since the lord was taking a liking toward her. I was fine if he did not show it at my face, but now I wanted to make sure that he would regret it to make me suffer. I will make sure that Katrina will be mine, soon.
“hey, what are you doing?” Katrina said as she was looking through the door. I was looking down at the window as there will be so many people tonight to celebrate Jack Reid’s feast. Now I know where did I get the party genetics from.
“Nothing, just looking around,” I said as I looked down at the road in front of the foyer.
“do you know where we are right now?” Katrina asked as she was sitting on my bed.
“inside and out of this estate. I know every corner of the secret passages and everything that was holding this estate together. Should I go on?” I asked her as I looked at her. She rolled her eyes at me.
“This is my childhood home before my family died in an accident that was an unsolved problem,” I said as I sighed after I saw another car was coming into the foyer. It was the 1950s for sure since the horse was still in used and the cars were for the wealthy only.
“do you hate it here?” Katrina whispered that I can barely listen to.
“What?” I asked again. “can you repeat that?” I said. Katrina looked at me as she rolled her eyes, she got off from the bed and went to my side.
“do you hate it here? Is it lonely for you like me?” She said as she was standing next to me as she looked down on the foyer as well. Sighing as I was rubbing my neck.
“Well, it does have its own charm but mostly because I lost my parents when I was 3 years old when they went to travel to USSR at that time. My father was a rocket scientist that was invited to the Aerospace exhibition in Moscow but something went wrong. I did not know at that time but the servants all took pity on me. I was raised by my butler. He was my parent for all I knew,” I said as I was trying to hold back my tears as I was remembering my tears.
“it’s okay, shh, it’s okay,” Katrina said as she pulled me into a hug. I was hugging her with my hands around her waist and I nuzzled her neck to take in her sweet scent of honey. I let go of all my frustrations and grief as I have stayed strong for all my life. I think I have found someone that I can share my pain with. A knock disturbed us as I tried to pull back from her.
“don’t move. I think we’re being spied on,” Katrina whispered into my left ear. “just wait till I say it’s over,” she continued before pushed me back and went to look at the door. I was trying to cover up my bloodshot nose and tears.
“yes, what can I help you?” Katrina’s voice was filling the emptiness of my bedroom.
“Lord Reid sent this letter to you, milady. He wishes that you will reply it immediately,” the maid said as she bowed at Katrina.
“can’t he just wait like everybody else?” Katrina said in Russian that made me laughed at her own joke. She eyed me as I held my hands in surrender.
“Sure, just let me a few minutes to read and reply to it, will that be okay?” She said to the maid as she nodded.
“if you’re ready, just ring the bell beside the bed, the second one, milady,” she said before she went away. For a brief moment, I made eye contact with her.
“what is it he wants?” I asked as I went to her side as Katrina closed door.
“dear lovely milady, will you join me to a walk under the moonlight tonight. I’ll be waiting for your reply -J,” Katrina read the letter. I rolled my eyes as I tried to barf at his cheesiness. But what made me mad the most was that Katrina was smiling like an idiot.
“so, what is your reply?” I asked her as she looked at me murderously.
“I believe that is none of your business, good sir,” she said as she went to look for quilt and paper.
“What? None of my business? We are in the past, Katrina if you forget. Don’t you want to get back to the present?” I asked her as she was typing away the answer.
“Jealous much?” She said before went to ring the second bell.
“No, I just concern about your safety. Even though he is my ancestor, we don’t know anything about him. All I knew was his name,” I said as I was putting my hands on my hips.
“oh, hush, you party pooper. It will be fun,” Katrina said before she gave the maid her letter and looked at me wickedly before went out of the bedroom to the feast. I followed her pursuit even though my heart told me something that I don’t like.