Katrina Kuznetsov’s POV
“it’s locked!” Conall said as he looked at the safe vault. It has a biometric and retina scan. I mean, come on, it was supposed to be the 1950s, not the present time.
“Someone has come to the past and give this away. The real question is, who?” He said as he got up before he took something from his coat pocket.
“Hmm, let’s see,” he said as he took a device that he was not supposed to have at this time.
“Wait, you have that and you carried around when we were in your lab?” I asked as I looked at the lock scanner. He just smirked at me when he looked at me.
“Well, watch and learn Kuznetsov,” he said as I rolled my eyes at him. He put the scanner and we waited for a few seconds before it beeped and the safe was unlocked. I was about to touch the door before Conall stopped me.
“no, no, no. we have to make sure that we don’t leave any fingerprints,” he said as he put on his gloves. I mean, where did this guy got all these tools?!
“fine, after you, then,” I said as I stepped aside. His hands were now covered in gloves. He pulled the door and looked inside the vault I was behind him when he took a look inside the vault.
“Damn it!” He exclaimed before he stepped aside. He was breathing heavily.
“What? What is it?” I said as I stepped in front of him.
“See for yourself,” he said as I took a look inside the vault. It was empty.
“what? But how? If it was not here, then where that gem would be?” I asked him before he took off the gloves. He sighed before looking at me.
“I don’t know but I don’t want to stick around this room when they come to put the emerald inside this vault. I think we have a more dangerous play at our hands right now,” he said as he looked at the watch.
“shit! They would be awake right now. We have to go,” he said as he took my hand and dragged me to the front door. He stopped for a while before he turned to look at me again. I looked at him confused. His green eyes were shining like an emerald in that room right now.
“What?” I asked him before he went to mess my hair a little bit and adjusted my dress.
“What the hell are you doing, Reid?!” I exclaimed before he looked at me and he nodded approvingly.
“More like it,” he said as he pulled out his dress shirt and messed up a little off his already tousled brown hair.
“let’s go,” he said as he took my hand once again and opened the door before the light hit on us.
“Conall, Katrina! There you are! We have been looking for you,” Jack’s voice was ringing against the hallway. I turned around to look at Jack’s priceless expression. Shocked and anger, was it.
“Katrina, what are you doing in there with him?” He asked me as he took in our appearance at once. I looked at Conall before he just smirked and went to the duchess’ side. The nerve of the man, leaving me to answer all the questions!
“I …i…we… we've just had a look around, you know?” I said as Jack’s face was red as a tomato.
“You cannot believe that guy easily. He might be doing something to you that might taint your good name and reputation. What if the society knows and you will never get married?” He said as he gripped my wrist. I yelped in pain. Everyone was turning at us.
“Jack, that hurt,” I said as I was trying to get my hand back from his death grip.
“no,” he shouted as I looked at him, shocked. I knotted my eyebrows together as I scoffed at him.
“I am not your wife or your property. Go to hell with the reputation and what society thinks about me!” I shouted as I can see that his expression was soft after that.
“Katrina, I don’t mean to—,” he said before I went past him as I pasted Conall and the duchess who was having a splendid conversation. I can feel my tears were about to explode from my eyes as I was running toward the main entrance. I was holding my dress as I ran before I came crushing with someone.
“argh!” I screamed before I staggered back a little as I was stumbling to the ground. I looked at the person that I hit and it was Lady Kuznetsov.
“Oh My God! I am so sorry. I don’t see where I was going and I just—,” was the last thing that I said as tears were streaming down my face. I looked at Lady Kuznetsov before something came struck at me. My eyes went big as a saucer.
“you—,” I said before she put a finger at her mouth.
“In here, now,” she said as Jack was coming from behind. I nodded before I went inside the room as I can hear jack was helping her out. I cannot believe it! I thought I was dreaming but it was her!
“milady, I’m sorry. Have you seen a woman in a blue dress coming this way? My friend, Katrina, I thought I saw her coming this way,” Jack said as he was looking past that lady. I was looking through the keyhole of the room.
“I don’t think so but you’re more than welcomed to find her. I don’t want her to miss dinner,” she said as Jack bowed at her. He was ordering the duchess and Conall to find me.
“I'm sorry but I need to speak with you privately,” the lady said at Conall. Conall was shocked and I was laughing quietly at his priceless expression.
“I will send for the guards to come and help you guys,” she said before Jack and the duchess went to look for us.
“this way please,” she said before she opened the door and I staggered a few steps back and my back was about to hit the ground. I braced myself before I felt hands that hold me still.
“Gotcha,” Conall whispered as I looked into his eyes. The emerald pools were screaming at me, something that I haven’t seen before in them.
“hi,” he said.
“Hi,” I replied as I can feel that I was blushing at his remarks. He was smirking before someone cleared their throat.
“if you finished looking at each other, can we get back to the more important matters at hand?” The lady said as Conall pulled me up to stand on my own feet,
“Right, sorry,” I said as I was smoothing my dress and Conall was raking his hands through his hair. I melted at that sight instantly but I kept a stoic face not to show it.
“Now that our pests were out of the way, let formally introduce at each other. My name is Valerie Kuznetsov, Katrina’s mother,” she said as she looked at me and Conall. I gulped as I don’t know what Conall’s reaction will be.
“Wait, you mean—“ he said before my mother interrupted him.
“yes, this Katrina. I was sent here by her father when she was only 5 years old. I don’t know what happened that night when I was being given the family heirloom, the emerald, that I assumed was the reason you guys were here, correct?” She said as she looked at me and Conall. We nodded. She sighed as she was rubbing her temples.
“I knew this day will come,” she mumbled.
“Wait, you mean, you have been transported by the emerald to this place, not by a time machine?” Conall asked as he looked at my mother. I turned to look around as I was anticipating her answer as well. She smiled at us.
“Well, Mr. Reid are you aware of your bloodline?” She asked. I turned to look at him. He nodded.
“yes, but why my bloodline has anything to do with this?” He asked. My mother just went to take a seat at the nearest sofa that was available inside the room.
“and do you know what obsession that Vaughn Kuznetsov has?” She asked as she looked at Conall. I went to lean on the wall.
“I know that he wanted me to crack against the space and time continuum. Hence he wants me to build a time machine. He agreed to give me the emerald but with a condition that Katrina, your daughter, has to come with me,” he said. I listened to their conversation attentively as these got more interesting. My mother looked at me before she looked sternly at Conall.
“It was the machine or the emerald alone that brings you guys back to the past. It was the blood that flows inside Katrina’s. She was the key to the time travel,” she said as she looked at me. Conall turned to look at me before he turned to look at my mother again.
“wait, so you mean to tell me—,”
“yes, Conall Reid, us, Kuznetsov was the bloody key to get the time machine to work and with a little catalyst from the emerald crystal, you guys landed here, all because I was the one that set it,” she said as she looked at us.
I think I’m going to be sick after this…