Katrina Kuznetsov’s POV
The feeling of having this heat and warmth that was flowing onto my body was soothing and it was calming. I don’t know what to say about it but I know that I was home. Our vision of having in the dining hall of Reid’s estate was something that was nothing compared to what I saw now.
I was in my home, back in Russia. My dad was groaning as he was laying on the ground. I was looking for Conall but he was nowhere to be found. I don’t know what to say as I was searching for him.
“Conall? Conall? Conall?!” I shouted as I was searching around the estate. No sign of him. My dad was coughing as I was tying him up to the chair as I don’t want him to get any ideas of escaping and getting out of the estate without having justice served at him.
I called the police and stated that my father was killing my mother and all that and I have proofs to show it to them. My father laughed when I finished my call. Suddenly, he was awake after a while with the drugs that Conall gave to him.
“You think you can cage me in the prison where they all respect me and I can get out in no time? You wished you will have someone that will make sure that I cannot get away?” He said as he looked at me and I was holding my phone. I took a seat in front of him and smiled at him.
“you know, one thing that I learned from all of this, is that you will never be able to get hold in the Russian jail. That’s why I have the courtesy of having Inspector Edmond Lattone of the Interpol and MI6 so that you will rot your way out of their enhanced facilities for people like you,” I said as I got up from the seat and went out of the library. I don’t know what happened to Conall but I was determined to get him home or I might be losing my mind.
after that awful conversation that I had with my father, I know that Conall must be somewhere. If I was transported back to Russia, he might be back in Scotland. So, I went to get a hold of his estate’s number and called them.
“Hello, Reid’s residence,” the old butler said at the end of the line. I gripped the line and calmed myself if I wanted to get him to call for Conall.
“Hello, I wanted to speak with Conall Reid, please,” I said as I looked at the wall and waiting for him to answer the call but to no prevail after the butler said this:
“I'm sorry ma’am, but sir Conall was not here at the moment,” he said that made me held the phone even tighter.
“What do you mean?” I asked as I was trying to find out what happened to him.
“He was out with a friend, they did not say when they will be back,” he said as I was exhaling my breath.
“I was wondering if you could tell me who is this friend that you’re referring to?” I asked, trying my luck to get the information.
“I'm afraid that was classified information,” he replied.
“Was her name Katrina Kuznetsov by any chance?” I asked as I was waiting for his reply. No answer which means it was right.
“well, thank you for your help then. Have a nice day,” I said as I hang up on the line. I have no idea where he might be. He was not in the present day, could it be? I went to get information about time travel but first, there was something that I might want to look into first. I went to look at my father’s study about the plan that he has determined to make but to no prevail, he failed because I don’t want any part of it. I went to look for his journal on the desk, bookshelves until I found it in the drawer of his bedroom.
“Ah hah!” I said as I took out the book and flipped through the pages of his research using the sample blood of my mum. I don’t think that I could be wrong but it was a shot.
“Karla, Karla, Karla. Where are you?” I said as I was flipping through the page. I was holding it in when suddenly I saw her name.
“Karla,” I whispered as I looked at the schematics that my father drew. He puts his daughter inside a blood bank that was drawing her blood dry. I have to get to that place first before I worried myself over Conall who was nowhere to be found.
“I hope you will be okay by the time I got there,” I said as I went to the warehouse that placed Karla, my twin in custody.
It was dark when I had arrived at that warehouse. Everyone was working around the clock to guard those empty warehouses. What they looked for, I don’t even want to know about it. I took out the map and looked at where she might be located. I have the urgency to take it out.
“Hey, did you watch last night's game? It was awesome, I cannot believe that they did not go to the final round. It was not good,” one of the paroles were saying as they were guarding the perimeter. I don’t know what to say about that before I took a hook and shoot it to get on top of the building.
I went up as I landed on the balcony and went inside the opened window as I carefully make my way inside. I don’t know where I was but I took out the glasses that I have last from Conall. My heart swelled at his name. I put it on and made my way toward the room where Karla was being tortured.
“hey, you cannot be in here,” someone yelled at someone as I was lurking in the shadow which means ventilation system. I looked at my father’s henchman, Mr. Volkov as he ordered them to do something quickly before I saw Karla was hanging around the room as the scientists and others were looking at her. She seemed weak and cannot move on her own. I tsk-ed before I made my way toward the control room. It was located 2 rooms from here.
I looked inside the room and the guards were playing with the cards.
“pass,” one of them said as they were playing poker. I took out a sleeping gas as I put it inside the room before I put on the mask as their bodies slumped on the floor. I got down and before I know it, I pushed the self-destruct button.
“warning, 1 minute to destroy. Please evacuate the building. warning, 1 minute to destroy. Please evacuate the building,” the lady said on the computer as I went back up on the vent. They were all panicking as Mr. Volkov was looking for the person that was responsible for all of this.
“Everyone, I wanted you all to get the information from your lab as much as possible,” he shouted as everyone was just running for their lives. He sighed before I jumped behind him.
“Long time no sees, Volkov,” I greeted him as he turned around to look at me.
“Milady,” he said as he bowed at me. I scoffed before crossing my hands in front of me.
“I want you to forget this place and start a new slate. Your call. Or do you want your wife to suffer from the prison visits and what about your daughter?” I said as I looked at him. Everyone has evacuated the building. He was looking at me.
“your father made me do it. I swear,” he said as he was trying to beg for forgiveness. I sighed as I know I don’t want him to miss his family as well. I don’t want his life to turn out to be like my dad, using his wife and daughters for his gain.
“I know you’re a good man. Take my sister and get out of here,” I said as I was running toward my father’s office.
“what about you?” He asked as he looked at me. I turned to look at him as I was running for the room.
“I have to destroy it before it gets to the wrong hand,” I said as I went to his office. I kicked his door and looked around the room. There were more schematics and diagrams of the time travel machines, like Conall’s, but this one required a human sacrifice, which means me or my sister. I took out the schematics and I went to pour some gasoline inside it.
“30 seconds to destruction,” the computer said as I turned and found something more valuable than those schematics. The Book Of Time Bloodline. The title itself self-explanatory. I know if it got to the wrong hand, it will be the end.
“I have to get this out,” I whispered as I took it and put it inside my beg. I got a paper cut.
“ow,” I said as I know there will be blood.
“10…9…8…7…6…” the countdown started. I went to look for the emerald but it was nowhere to be found.
I was still searching until I found something that was hard.
The explosion was everywhere and there was no one inside the building. The smoke flared as I know that I was looking at an image that I have left behind and I don’t even know where I will be going next time.