Conall Reid’s POV
I was too nervous to talk to him as I can see the coldness in his eyes. I needed to get some fresh air. I wanted to move on past the deal and tell him the real reason that I came to Russia to talk to him, privately. A knock interrupted me as I went to open the door.
“Everything all right, sir?” Tommy asked as I stepped out of the bathroom.
“yes, yes. I am fine. I just had some panic attack,” I said as I was rubbing my face with my hands.
“do you need to reschedule, sir? I can inform them,” I stopped him as I waved my hand at him.
“that won’t be necessary. I will go meet him now as I have regained myself,” I said as I went out of my suite.
“what will you do, sir?” Tommy said as I went to the table.
“what I have should be done a long time ago,” I said as I took a seat in front of Vaughn Kuznetsov. He was looking at his hand lazily before he looked at me.
“so, ready to make our deal?” He asked as I was looking at him.
“yes, but one condition. I want the Emerald that was located in your estate to be my possession,” I said trying to sound confident as I can be. He smirked at me as he leaned in his chair.
“and what do you think that I can give it to you?” He asked. Now it was time for me to laugh.
“you know why. Do I need to make myself clear? I can have it because you need me to break the code on the time machine that you have been developing in your lab, Mr. Kuznetsov and I have the code that can start up the machine. Do you not?” I said as I looked at his facial expression. His nose was flaring as I just touch on the biggest issue of his life except he has none.
“Who told you that?” He asked, trying to contain the anger in his voice. I smirked as I looked around the room.
“I have resources of my own as well as I knew that you send your daughter to keep a tab on me. I knew everything about your plan for me. So, we can make it out of here alive or it can the hard way. Either way fine by me,” I said as I tried to read his facial expression. He was unreadable. Vaughn leaned back before getting up from his seat.
“I will deliver it to you tonight. It was nice working with you, Mr. Reid,” he said as he reaches out to shake hands with me.
“same here as well,” I said as I took his hand. It was a firm grip. A grip that told me to not mess with me.
“Goodbye, Mr. Reid,” Vaughn said as he went out of the restaurant. I released the breath that I did not know I hold in.
“so, what’s the plan?” Tommy asked me. I smiled before looking at him.
“now, we can make progress of our findings,” I said as we walked out of the restaurant with a happy heart.
“how do you even do that, sire? I can see his face changed after the things that you said to him,” Tommy said as I went to take a seat.
“that’s, my dear Tommy, is what we called leverage,” I said before I dismissed him to get some rest and I want to retire to bed after a long day of tension and pressure.
Katrina Kuznetsov’s POV
“You did what? Father how could you possibly just give away our mother’s emerald stone. She specifically said that it has to be within the family,” I said as I was pacing back and forth in the library.
“Katrina, would you just calm down?” My father said as he was reading his fucking book.
“Calm down? Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down if you just going to act that nothing has happened? You are willing to give the emerald to a complete stranger. I am so done with you, father,” I said as I was standing in front of him. He closed his book as his golden eyes were looking at me. A trait that I also got from my father.
“You think I don’t have a plan. You will accompany the emerald and be at his side and notify me if anything different was happening. Is that understood?” He said as he looked at me.
“Great, now I just a pawn in your own game,” I mumbled.
“what did you say?” He asked.
“Nothing,” I said before I went out of the library and Karla was waiting for me outside.
“so what has he done now?” She asked as we walked the staircase to get to our bedrooms.
“nothing, he wants me to be a pawn in his game again. And this time I will not comply,” I said as I was running to my room.
“wait, what?” Karla said as she ran after me.
“Apparently, I need to go with that bastard, Conall Reid,” I said as I took a seat on my bed. I laid as I don’t want to think about anything right now.
“So are you going or not? I heard he’s very handsome and generous as well. I wish I could go. If you want I can trade your place,” Karla said excitedly as she was eager to see me suffering.
“Father would never approve that. He had so many things to consider. For example, your hair and eyes,” I said as I looked at my sister.
“what’s wrong with my looks?” She asked as she touched her hairs and looked at me. I rolled my eyes as I don’t want to get into the detail of things.
“never mind. I want to sleep now. Goodnight,” I said as I went to push Karla out of my room.
“But, Kat,” was the last thing she said as I closed the door and locked it. My head was spinning as I was trying to sleep. I want to get out of here as soon as possible but I don’t want to be another pawn in my father’s game. I need a plan as I smiled at myself. I went to the window and looked around that most of the guards are not occupying my area as I can easily slip out without being noticed.
“thanks but no thanks father, I will create my own destiny now,” I said as I went out of the window and climbed down. I jumped onto the ground before I sneaked out the back door of the gate and went into the espionage that my father would never approve of. I did not go with my usual disguise as I just walking down to the city with my natural red hair and golden eyes. Not that Conall never see my eyes but he never knew my hair color, so I can approach him without any past memories to come up.
I went inside a tavern as I came to a stop to search for a good bar for the night. The last night for me as I will get out of this country, like it or not. My father can suck my ass for what I will be doing after this.
“What will you be having?” The bartender said as I looked at him.
“rum but no ice,” I said as I took a seat at the counter. I looked around the bar and it was occupied with so many people with a different background. After a couple of drinks, I started to loosen up.
“oh, stop. You make me blush,” I said as I was flirting with a guy to my right. They were talking about their wives and how they compared me to them. Not that I am complaining but hey, I can never say no to free drinks.
“mind if I took her away?” A voice was coming from behind. A velvety voice that I longed for after our encounter that night.
“Who are you to take her?” The guys were trying to protect me as we, Russians, protect our women.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay guys, he’s with me,” I said in Russian as I took a look at the person that was trying to gain my attention. It was no other than Conall Reid.
“you’re drunk,” he stated the matter of fact. I laughed at him as I was holding to him.
“no, I am not. I am merely having fun,” I slurred as his face was coming in and out of my view.
“We need to go now,” he hissed at me as I waved at him before I snaked my arms around him and he carried me out of the tavern as he paid for my drinks. see, I told you he was generous.