Kathleen Remes’ POV
I have been nightmares about what happened 5 years ago. It kept me awake most of the night and I don’t want Kai to know about it. I hated being dependant on someone.
one night I have a terrible nightmare that I writhed in myself, waking Kai in the process. I was crying and crying until Kai holds me calmly in his arms.
“Kathleen, Kathleen, wake up my love!” He said as he was shaking me. I was still writhing in my sleep that I suddenly opened my eyes, it was only Kai’s handsome face that was in front of me.
“What happened?” I asked him as I looked at our position. I blushed at our intimacy but I don’t care. He was my husband after all.
“you were crying in your sleep. Is everything okay? Do you have something to tell me?” He asked me as he was caressing my cheeks. I leaned into his touch, bringing fire to my body onto a whole new level. I sighed when Kai looked at me. With hunger in his eyes.
“Kai,” I whispered.
“don’t talk, my love,” he said before dipping his mouth and claimed my mouth. It was sweet and tender but I loved it every moment that we shared. It was always that way since, whenever I have a nightmare, he would wake me up and kissed me until I sleep again. Until one night that I cannot be able to control my frustration that I refused to kiss him.
“Kathleen, what’s wrong?” He asked as he was trying to dip his mouth and claim mine. I avoided it. I have to tell him. It was the only way that I can feel safe in his arms and also the secret that I have been holding for so many years.
“hmm?” He asked me as he looked at me after I looked into his eyes deeply. I sighed before I closed my eyes, trying to make sure that my memory was still intact of that fateful night.
I was playing with Katherine as it was her turn to go hide and seek. She has to count until 50 because that’s what we agreed on. Now, I went to hide at the usual spot that she had trouble to find it. I always love it there, not because it is the library, my favorite sanctuary, but because my father would come in here sometimes.
I was hiding behind one of the bookshelves that hold our ancestry and history of the kingdom. It was an enormous collection of books, journals, and encyclopedia that scholars loved to explore for their history thesis.
I was trying to surpass my giggles as I heard someone was coming into the library and getting closer to the bookshelves. I thought it was my sister that finally knows my hiding spot.
when I dug underneath the bookshelves, I found familiar footings that were brushing against each other. Some grunting, panting and moaning could be heard to my 15 years old ears. My heartbeat quickened. I know make-out session and I hoped that I would get to the clearing before I disturbed them.
when I moved toward the other bookshelves, I pushed a book that dropped to the floor. I instantly looked up to see 2 pairs of eyes were set on me. I was looking at them, they were about to do it and they were panting. I scurried away before he could call after. It was the only person that I would die for but he betrayed me. It was Chris Virtanen and my sister that were going down on each other throat.
I was running for my life until I stumbled across the garden. It was midnight that I had gone into the garden and I saw something moved in a distant. I tried not to look but their suspicious behavior had made my curiosity get the best of me.
I scooped to see in the shadows that there were men that were talking hushed with each other. I don’t know what they were saying as they were talking in a foreign language that I don’t yet understand.
I was trying to get closer and closer to the edge of the conversation of that man before something came from behind. A grunt before I was being blinded by a sack over my head. I tried to scream but everything died from my throat.
I tried to squeeze my eyes shut but the feeling of that night still lingered in my mind. I felt protective arms around my waist before I was pulled into Kai’s warmth. I stay still there as I just surpassed my sob and just held tight on his arms, curling my hand into a fist in his chest. He took it and kissed my knuckles.
“Shh, it’s alright. You don’t have to tell me yet. But I hope someday I will be the one that subdues all the feelings that you have now,” he whispered into my ear. I just continued to sob quietly.
Because of that accident. Because of my mother’s death. Because I was not powerful enough to beat my sister. I have endured it for so long that tonight, I have come to my limits. I just curled against Kai as he laid me back on the bed and hold me close to him until I closed my eyes and sleep claimed over my tired body.
The next morning, we have to go to the royal palace as my father instructed us to come. He has something important to tell us. I rolled my eyes at Kai as he was trying to impress my father but rather I felt some pang of jealousy as Kai would choose my father over me.
“We will be arriving shortly, milady, Young master,” John told us as he was looking at us through the rearview mirror. I was in kai’s arms as I looked out at the scenery behind me and I was not thinking at all at that time. I was trying to surpass the feeling that I have from the night before.
“We have arrived, your highness,” John said to us as I was looking at the gloomy castle as my mother has gone. She was dead. I tried to surpass the grief that came over me and what I felt the night before and everything was about to come crashing down. But, I will not let my sister has the ultimate win when she saw me I was like a weakling.
“Thank you, John,” I said as Kai got off and when to my side to open the door for me. I was trying not to look weak in front of everyone in the royal castle. I must put a brave front.
“ready, my love?” Kai asked me as I was nodding at him, linking my arms with his.
“As I would ever be. now, let’s get this over with.” I said firmly as I was trying to walk right into the trap of my sister, the crown princess. But the only difference that I have with her was that I already married and she has just engaged, crown princess.
“I hope father would bear us good news for this,” I muttered, looking at Kai. He raised his eyebrow before his sea-green eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Whatever you say, my love,” he whispered to my left ear as I was trying to surpass the blushing that was trying to get out on my face. We were standing in front of the big door in my father’s study. I took a deep breath and sighed.
“Here goes nothing,” I said as the door opened and we walked inside it.
Aaron Remes’ POV
I was looking at the car that was stopping in front of the foyer of the royal castle. I smiled as my favorite daughter and her husband came out of the car and walking into the castle. I sighed as the thought of my very own marriage with Inari was making its vivid moment right now.
the feeling of being anxious and excited. But I know Kathleen, she would just be pissed off because I called them early in the morning. I cannot bear the news any longer. I have to tell them now and made them do the things that they needed to do.
the door of my study opened as I turned to look at Kathleen and Kai. They were walking into my office like a perfect match that was made by Heaven. Chris, I think I just saw Kai and Kathleen snuggled against each other. It made me smiled inwardly.
“Ah, Kathleen, Kai, come in. please, take a seat,” I said as I gestured to the seat in front of me. Kai bowed at me.
“Good morning, Your Majesty,” he said. Kathleen just rolled her eyes at me before taking the seat and did not gracefully sit on it.
“Okay, enough with the formality. Can we just get to the point already,” she said as her maroon eyes were lingering on my eyes. The same color of Inari’s eyes. I smiled gracefully as I took my seat before Kai took his own. He tried to tell Kathleen to sit properly but she ignored him. I cleared my throat.
“you must be wondering why I called you early in the morning,” I started. Kathleen just rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, whatever. You disturbed our privacy time,” Kathleen said. She was practically throwing daggers with her eyes. I sighed before I stood and I looked at them.
“I need you guys to act as King and Queen,” I said, gaining a priceless expression from them.