Alexander MacWatters’ POV
The sunlight was coming inside the room like it owned the place. I looked at our entangled clothes that were laying on the floor and the sleeping beauty that was sleeping next to me.
Lea was asleep soundly. I took in her features; straight nose, double lids eyes, the flowing mane that was spreading on the floor and those irresistible lips that I have been kissing all night long.
I could not believe it. After weeks of seducing her and waiting all my life, I have found my bride and claimed her. She cannot escape from me now. We have bonded and connected. She will never look at anyone ever again.
Lea stirred in her sleep as she looked to my side. I was waiting for her to open her eyes, to look deeply inside those ocean blue eyes that have taken my breath away from the moment I saw it. Lea opened her eyes and she stared at me. I smiled.
“Good morning, my love,” I said as I went to kiss her. She avoided me. She stood up from the bed and took around her surroundings.
“where are we? Why are we in this bed and naked?” She asked. I can see that her breaths were unstable and it was getting faster.
“Lea, let me explain,” I said. She turned to look at me before slapping me. It took me by a surprise before I can sense what was happening to me.
“did you take my virtue by force?” She said as she was standing in front of me. I stammered as I was trying to explain to me.
“Don’t ever lie to me, Alex. Did you or did you not?” She asked me as she looked at me like I just killed her sister. I sighed before I got out of bed and turned to look at her.
“I did not force you, I swear and I know you must be feeling used but I did not use you, Lea. I love you. I have been waiting for you,” I said as I went to her side. She walked back as she shook her head.
“Don’t,” she said as I can see that her eyes were flooded with tears.
“my love—“
“Don’t fucking start with me, MacWatters. Get out,” she said.
“what?” I asked her as I was hearing it right.
“Get. Out!” She said before she took something and threw a vase. I flinched.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go. I’ll go. Just let me get the robe,” I said as I took my robe and put it on over my naked body. Lea was hugging herself as she waited met to be gone. I walked toward the door as I glanced at her for one last time.
“do you remember anything?” I asked her. She shook her head. I nodded as I opened the door.
“I’m sorry,” I said as I went out of the bedroom and closed the door.
Azalea Johnson’s POV
But of course, I remembered everything. The way he touched me, awakened my inner desire for him and my feeling. I cannot do that. It was not part of the deal. I don’t want to get attached to him even after we parted our ways. so, I cried. I cried and cried as I looked at the red spot on the bed. My virtue. My precious prize.
“Damn you, MacWatters. You told me you will not touch me,” I said as I looked at the bed. I felt used and violated. but, I could never hate the way that he made me feel. He made me feel loved and wanted. By him. then, I cried more of how stupid I have become because of one man.
I don’t know where he has gone to or was he still inside this house. He just left with a robe and I don’t know where was my clothes. Only a robe that I used to shower last night and the one that he had seduced me out of. I laughed at my stupidity to fall that easy onto him.
I heard rumors about him, how he broke his girlfriends in the past after they spent the night with him. Why should I felt different even if I was married to him? I cannot let him have all the fun. I need to getaway. I need to go. so, I picked up my phone and call Barb. She knew where to hide.
“Hello?” She answered on the first ring.
“I need to get away ASAP,” I said as I looked at myself in the mirror after I took a shower. A very long one to get his scent of my body.
“why? Trouble in paradise?” She asked me. I sighed before I rubbed my temples.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I said as I saw something inside the wardrobe. Black jeans and a hoodie. Some lingerie and underwear that I can use because it was in my size. huh.
“where are you?” She asked me. I looked outside and saw the cafe on our first date.
“A hotel in front of Carl’s cafe. I need you here ASAP,” I said as I heard barb laughing.
“wait, are you inside MacWatters’ hotel?” She asked. I bit my lips before I went to sit on the bed.
“yes,” I whispered before the tears were flooding again with the memories of last night. I sobbed.
“hey, Lea. What’s wrong?” She asked me. I wanted to answer, I do but I don’t even know why I was feeling sad and not worthy of Alex.
“just come pick me up, please,” I whispered to her.
“Okay, meet you in 15 minutes,” Barb said before she hangs up.
Exactly 15 minutes, she came through the lobby as I went to wait for her. I don’t know where Alex was but I will not stick around to find out.
“Where is that stupid motherfucker?! I will teach him a lesson,” my friend said as she was looking around when she approached me.
“barb, let’s just go. I don’t want him to find out,” I said before I dragged her. My eyes were pleading for her not to cause a scene. She sighed.
“fine, let’s go,” she said as she walked me out of the hotel and went to her car.
“I’ve got your ticket and clothes. This should do for 3 days and 2 nights,” she said as she gave me the tickets under her name and she was passing through the traffic to drop me off to the train.
“Thank you, I owe you one,” I said as I put on a sunglasses and I went to look at the traffic ahead. Barb cursed as we were moving slowly now.
“it’s the least I can do. I know you don’t usually cry like that before. I’m sorry. That douchebag is one—“
“Can we just stop talking about him for one second?” I asked her before she turned to look at me. I sighed before I looked at the road. I closed my eyes and instantly, sleep found me.
“lea, we’re here,” Barbara said as she shook me. I opened my eyes and I was looking at a thousand of the police cars and one particular car. Alex’s.
“Ma'am, please get out of the car.” One of the polices said as they were looking at us. I looked at Barb and she shrugged.
“We better do what they say before anything happened,” barb said as she took off her seatbelt.
“no, I deal with this,” I said as I took off my seatbelt and I opened the door before Barb stopped.
“Are you sure about this?” She asked me. I looked at her as searching for some strength from her. I nodded.
“be careful,” she said before I went out of the door and I closed the door.
“Please, we don’t want to hurt you, Mrs. MacWatters. Your husband was worried about you,” the police said before Alex came out of them. He looked drop-dead gorgeous as always as I gulped at his lean muscles. I have known them all.
“don’t you think it’s a bit too much to call the entire force to block one car?” I asked Alex as I was standing still at my spot. Alex looked at me before he smiled at me.
“if you don’t like them, I can make them go away,” Alex said. I nodded at him before he turned to talk to the officers and they all dispersed to get out of here.
“What about my friend?” I asked him as he looked at Barb. She waved at him. He smiled.
“She can go if she wants to,” he said.
“oh, I don’t want to,” barb replied before I turned to look at her and raised an eyebrow.
“Fine, I’ll go. But if you hurt her, you will pay, MacWatters,” she said before she reversed her car and get out of the way.
“Why are you here?” I asked him. We were standing on the highway like we owned the place.
“you and I need to talk,” he said as I was looking at him.