16 years ago…
Azalea Johnson’s POV
I was playing by the public pool. I have gone there without my parents’ permission. It was a few blocks away from our apartment. I was 15 years old. Being in the water made me feel relaxed and I can think when I was swimming.
I made to the pool because today was the worst day ever. My crush from school, Louis, has told me that he had a girlfriend. And one thing that I forgot to mention, he was also my best friend. so, I smiled at him and told him congratulations meanwhile my inside was eating my outside.
once I got home, I ran to my bedroom and locked the door. I needed to be alone. I need to get away from here, from reality. Ever since I have been swimming around in the ocean, which was rare in New York City, I have to make do with the swimming pool. It was a Thursday night, a school night.
so, I climbed out of my window and I jumped using the ladder that they have on the building’s side like the most apartments in New York do. I went down and I carried all the necessities that I might need when I went swimming. I smiled before I ran toward the building.
I picked the lock of the building, courtesy of Barb, she was a bad influence on me but hey, she made to the Ph.D. level in the same university as me. I went inside and bring out the torchlight to get to the indoor pool. There was no one inside. I went to the private lounge that the guards told us not to go whenever I visited this public pool.
I went and I saw that their amenities were different from us. It was like walking inside a freaking paradise and I don’t think I would ever go to the public pool again. I dropped my stuff on a bench and I went to take off my sweater and leggings. I was wearing my underwear which can be passed as a bikini.
I went to the edge of the pool and sunk my toe. It was warm and heated. Just like how I wanted it to be since we were in Fall. I needed lukewarm water not a cold one. So, I stretched as my dad taught me and I went to the flipping board as I went to dive inside the pool. It was heaven. I was swimming backward as I was trying to relax my mind.
then, I saw a flashlight that was walking toward the indoor pool. I cursed before I went to sink myself and hold my breath for a couple of minutes. My time record was 3 minutes top. I needed him to get out of here. I needed him to go.
I saw some lights and then, it disappeared. I went to the surface as I just popped my eyes and nose up enough for me to breathe. I looked at the lights that had disappeared before I smiled.
I giggled before I sunk myself again and I was dancing in the water. but, that was a bad move. I twisted my leg and it cramped. I cannot move. I was drowning as panic started to take over my body. I need to get out of here. I need to go up the surface.
I can see faces; my mum, my dad, my sister. I don’t have enough time yet to spend my precious time with them. I prayed and prayed that someone would help me. suddenly, I was getting up on the edge of the pool as I was laying down on the ground.
I looked at the stranger in the dim light, the lights that were coming from the pool. His face was hooded. He looked like he was one or two years older than me. I reached for him but he moved away. But his blue eyes were shining, like water.
“Someday, I will come back for you,” his husky voice was ringing against my eardrum as I was drifted to sleep, tired of keeping myself up in the water
I woke up with a startled. I looked around as I was in bed, wearing a nightgown. It was cute but who could change me when I was in my blouse and pants. I looked and immediately I remembered that I was in Alex’s bed.
I grunted before I sat up. Blood rushed to my head as I was feeling dizzy for a moment. I sighed before I looked at the clock. It was at 10 AM. Alex must have gone to the campus. so, I went out of the bedroom to get some water.
as soon as I was out, I can smell a nice breakfast and a figure that was standing around in the kitchen. I walked over and I saw that Alex was making breakfast with his bareback to me and he was just wearing basketball shorts. He was humming a song.
I cleared my throat and he turned around to look at me. He smiled beamingly at me as he put some scrambled eggs on the plates.
“you’re right on time. Come, let’s have some breakfast together,” he said as he went to my side and he pulled me toward him. He dipped his head before kissed me briefly and led me to the stool. He put the plate in front of me and gestured me to eat. He took a seat next to my right as he had his plate.
I took a spoon and I dig in. It was delicious and I could not have enough. I went to eat the eggs, bacon, sausage and French toasts like I was not having a meal for over a month.
“Hey, easy. There’s plenty to go around,” he said as he laughed at my eating. I rolled my eyes as the memory was coming flooded into my mind. abruptly, I went to stand up and anger was coming into my mind.
“oh, I’m sorry if my eating disgusts you. I know you like sophisticated things,” I said as I went to push my plate aside and I went to get some coffee from the coffee maker. It was nice to push that anger out of my stream. Alex was silent as I turned to look at him and sipping on my coffee. I arched my eyebrow at him before he sighed.
he pushed his plate aside as well and went to stand up. He was approaching me slowly as he thought I would go away like last night. well, I will not and I will stand my ground. I have been too emotionally involved with him and that memory of the past was resurfacing. I needed to find him.
“Lea, I know you were upset with me,” he started.
“you think? If you want to keep being a playboy, so be it but do not involve me and your stupid exes around me all the time,” I said as I set the mug aside. I crossed my arms at him and I hoped I looked intimidating.
Alex stopped in front of me before he was rubbing his neck. He looked at me with those blue eyes, the one that I was seeing in my dream last night. I gulped. No, it can’t be.
“I had my attorney came in this morning and he had drawn up the marriage contract and our marriage registration,” he said as he passed some papers onto the counter. I don’t want to move but I need to look at it. I sighed before I went to look at the contract. He already signed it and the marriage contract as well.
“is everything according to what we agreed to?” I asked him as he looked at me, reading my moves.
“yes, I am. I did nothing to change it and I hoped it will be up to your standards,” he said as he looked at me. There was a pen nearby and I took it before I went to sign the registration and the contract without checking it. I need to keep a cool front so that he would not read me as I wanted him. then, I know I can never have. We would never consummate our marriage and it was on papers, just for show.
“Okay, done,” I said as I recapped the pen. I put it down before I looked at him. He looked at me as I was insane.
“will you look at it at least?” He asked me but I just shook my head.
“no, I think we have done enough looking inside this and we might as well go to work now,” I said as I went to the other side of the counter. Alex quickly blocked me.
“Lea, you’re not telling the whole truth,” he said as he was blocking my way. I went to the other side but he pulled at my wrist.
“let. Go,” I said through my gritted teeth. He was eyeing me dangerously.
“Make me,” he growled. I never heard him growled before. I gulped.
“Not until you tell me what is making you angry all the time at me. I need to fix it and for it to happen, I need to know why,” he said with so much restraint on his anger. I looked at him and held my chin.
“fine, I tell you what was bothering me and I hope you like it. I hate that your string of exes come knocking at my door every 5 seconds. I turned around and I saw, oh what, one of your exes. When I was away, I saw someone that was your ex as well. so, forgive me if I was not in the mood to talk to you right now,” I said as I looked at him sternly.
He did not blink when he looked at me but his grip tightens around my wrist. I flinched but I will not let him have the upper hand in this argument.
“well, forgive me if that’s what you were feeling. I thought you don’t even like—“
“let me stop you there. I did not like you. I was just pissed because my peaceful life has been ruined by your string of exes,” I said as I looked at him. He turned away before he looked at me with a smirk in his lips.
“well, I hope this will tell my feelings clear about everything and my exes,” he said before he pulled me into his chest.
“what are you—“I was cut off before he smashed my lips with his. My eyes went wide and I tried to resist but what can I do, I was a woman who has been entangled by this eccentric of a man.