Azalea Johnson’s POV
We were heading back to New York after that incident on the highway that I was planning to leave for Rhode Island. It was intense right now in the car as Alex’s knuckles were white. I gulped.
“What do we need to discuss? I thought we made it clear this morning,” I said. The grip became tighter.
“We will if we get home,” was the answer that he gave me and we were back on those silence again.
as Alex pulled up into the garage and parked his car next to mine, I cannot help but wondered why he chose me, and not anybody else. He got out of the car and went to my side and opened the door for me. He offered his hand and I took it. Electric came rushing through me. I looked at him and he looked at me before I quickly get out of the car and released the contact.
“thank you,” I said as he nodded at me. We went to the elevator and he punched the button. The elevator dings and we stepped inside it. Alex punched his code and the elevator closed. After some time, I asked him one question that made his blood boiled.
“is Colin here?” Was all I asked and before I know it, I was trapped between his arms and the walls of the elevator.
“why?” He asked me darkly. I looked at his usual blue eyes but now, they were dark blue as the ocean was having a tsunami. I gulped.
“Nothing, I just wonder if he still here,” was all I can say without startled. He eyed my face and shivered ran through me.
“no,” he said as he let go of me and stood beside me. I went to release a breath that I don’t know I was holding.
“I already sent him back to my parents. We should be fine for now,” he said before the elevator dings and he walked inside the house without waiting for me. I grimaced at him. It should be me that was mad because he took my virtue. Why was he mad at me?!
“so, what do you want to talk about? Now that I’m here, talk,” I said as I crossed my arms. Alex gestured me to sit before I rolled my eyes and I sat. He took the sofa in front of me before he sighed and rubbed his face.
“our funding got denied,” he finally said it. My eyes went big as a saucer.
“what? how?”
“it was Aria, she knows about our deal and contract and denied about it,” he said. I scoffed.
“and I wondered how she knew about it,” I said as I looked at him. He turned to look at me before he stood up.
“you think I tell her?”
“why wouldn’t you? You seem nice when you were dancing with her at the ball,” I said as I looked at him pacing back and forth.
“oh, so now you accuse me that I tell her that so that I can get inside your pants?” He asked me. I flinched at the question.
“Perhaps that was your plan after all,” I said as I stood up, trying not to be intimidated by his height. He smirked at me.
“you succeed on the first try after all. congratulations, you can add me to your collection,” I said bitterly. He sighed before rubbing his face with his hands.
“Sometimes I wonder why I was mated to be with you in the first place,” he mumbled but I can make it out.
“for your information sir, you’re the one that asked me to marry you. Do not turn this around on me,” I said as I was pointing at him. He laughed.
“really? And I thought last night you don’t remember anything,” he spatted.
“it’s just to despise you and I wanted you to feel used and guilty about taking me without my permission. Lord, I cannot do this anymore,” I said before my tears were streaming down my face like I was an emotional woman. Alex wanted to say something when he looked at me but he closed his mouth as he saw my tears.
“Don’t. Don’t say anything. In fact, why don’t you just shut up?!” I shouted as I was hugging myself. god, what was wrong with me? I don’t usually this emotional when I broke up with Silas and Tom. Why does Alex have to be different?
After I have some breaths controlled and my emotional stable, I turned to him to see that he was watching me the whole time. I blushed.
“I’m sorry. That was very unprofessional of me to bring emotion in this marriage. I will pack my things,” I said as I went to get out of the living room. Before I can move, I was surrounded by water that was stood in the living room. I gasped before I turned to look at Alex.
“How—what—who are you?” I asked him as he stood inside the water with me before he waved his hand and the water moved back to its place. He turned to look at me.
“it’s you, Lea. After last night, you unlocked who you are and myself,” he said as he took a step forward to me. I stood my ground and I looked at him.
“what do you mean?” I asked him.
“do you feel like you need to cry all of a sudden and you feel this emotional rush that was coming inside of you?” He asked me. I nodded. That what I felt all day and right now.
“When I claimed you as my wife last night, some of my powers when to you and I have unlocked my true potential. You, my love, was my essence,” he said as he went to caress my cheek. I leaned into his touch. I needed it. I wanted it. I looked at him as I was searching for lies. none.
“But, why now? Why me?” I asked him. He smiled before he stood in front of me as we were inches apart. Our hot breaths mingled.
“beats me, but I’m glad it’s you,” he said as he looked into my eyes before he looked at my lips. I wetted it with my tongue.
“do you ever feel this way with anyone else?” I asked him. He shook his head.
“Only you, my love,” he whispered as he drew me closer into his arms. I snaked my arms around his neck and looked into his hooded eyes.
“Say the word and I will give it to you,” he said as he can sense my desire was running amok for him. I need to clear my head before I gave myself to him. All of me.
“did you need that contract?” I asked him. He shook his head.
“it was an excuse to get you married to me,” he said. I smiled at him.
“you could just ask me on a date,” I said as I was smiling at him.
“tempting but it would be boring for you anyway and besides what can attract you to me more if I said that I can get your funding approved,” he said as he went to kiss my shoulder. I still had my hoodie on but it was still a huge impact of his kiss on my body.
“What about Aria?” I asked.
“what about her?”
“did she not approved of our funding?” I asked as I looked into his eyes. He smiled before shaking his head.
“Nope, I just lied to you,” he replied. I smacked him.
“ow? What do you expect? You were so emotional and I think I prefer you to be stoic like you were first met me,” he said as he went to pick me up. I glared at him. He laughed louder this time.
“so, what do we do now, Mrs. MacWatters?” He asked me. I was holding onto him as he strode to the bedroom. I smiled as he put me down on the bed and he was on top of me.
“I have a few suggestions,” I said as I pulled him down and kissed him. luckily, he smiled this time and I remembered that I wanted this.
After we spent some quality time together and our clothes were definitely in disarray all over the floor, I was tracing my finger on his chest as he rested over the headboard and holding me by my waist.
“is Colin the same as you?” I asked him as he looked at me before he nodded.
“All of my family members are. But everyone has a different level of power. I was the strongest for now and one day, maybe one of our kids,” he said. I blushed at the mention of kids. He laughed.
“don’t worry, my love. It will not be in the nearest time. You will need to complete your Ph.D. first then we can talk about that,” he said as he drew me near before he kissed my head. I hugged him.
“well, it’s okay to plan, right?” I said as I looked at him. Alex smiled.
“right and I know that my plan will include you in it,” he said before he kissed me again and again.