I've always liked cats, although, I used to be more of a dog person. I used to have 2 tabby cats which sadly passed away in 2018/2019, I miss them both so much.
I begged my mum for a dog or cat ever since, but she always kept saying no, saying I couldn't handle looking after a little furbaby.
But one day I was able to encourage her, encourage her to let me get a kitten. That day was one of the best days of my life.
I immedietally started looking online for kittens that were up for adoption, and there were quite a few needing homes. I couldn't decide on which one I wanted because they were all so adorable. I decided on which one I wanted, but we realised that we needed someone from the charity to come round to check if our house was 'safe' for kitty coming over.
A lady came round and said our house was perfectly fine to take the kitty back to it's new forever home. By the time I emailed them about the kitty, it was already reserved for someone else.
Then I seen this 5 month old, black, domestic shorthair kitten. Her name is Josie, and she was the one.
I emailed them about Josie and we got everything prepared for taking her home; a nice cozy bed, food bowls, toys, a cat tower, a blanky, kitten food, and of course, treats.
I couldn't wait to meet her, I was so excited. My mum drove us to the woman's house to pick Josie up. There were a few forms that needed to be signed, which we had no problem doing.
We walked into the living room and you could see a dog, a parrot, a cat sitting down on the sofa, and 5 little kittens running around, playing. The lady told us that the tortoise shell cat that was sitting on the sofa was actually blind, so I kept him company and sat down and pet him for a while.
The kittens were all so fast, running around climbing all over the furniture.
Josie looked so cute with the rest of her litter, I felt bad for taking her away from them, but at the same time I'm glad she's gonna have a home now.
After a while of chattering and signing forms, it was finally time to take her home. We got her carrier out of the car, I scooped her up in my hands and she had no bother going in. When we got home, I wasn't sure if she was gonna be scared or not so we decided to just keep her in my room for now. As soon as she stepped out of her carrier, she was completely fine. While sniffing and looking around the room, she opened her mouth and let out a little squeak, it was so cute, I couldn't take my eyes off her.
After about 5 minutes, I began playing with her and she was running around and chasing her toys.
I noticed that she kept looking up at my window sill, but she wouldn't be able to jump high enough because of how small she was. I got the idea to put her cat tower there, so she could manage to jump up. Her first jump onto the tower was good, although the tower was a bit wobbly. The second leap she did to the window, well, she nearly fell, but I helped her up.
She loves looking out the window, watching the birds, cars, raindrops falling down the window. I took my camera out and started taking pictures of her, which got every detail of her, her whiskers, her nose, her adorable yellow/green eyes.
At bedtime, I showed her bed to her, but she didn't really pay much attention to it. She jumped up next to me on my bed, lied down then fell asleep.
It was at that moment, I knew I did something right, I gave her a new loving home. I have a new best friend <3 .