"WHAT THE HELL!?" Staring at the slim silhouette in the mirror, Yuuki couldn't believe his own eyes. From the other side of the white fabricated wall, he hears panicked footsteps coming up the stairs and running down the hallway to the room he was in. He turns around and sees the silver handle jiggle up and down before it opens up. "What happened!" A young feminine voice came storming through the door asking for answers. Not recognizing the young face in front of him, he takes a step back, then fall on his butt, paralyzed by an unfamiliar sight. His heart rate sky rockets as cold sweat begins to form on his forehead. "Chinabi, what's wrong?" Still paralyzed by the in unfamiliar sight, Yuuki couldn't say anything to say what happened. But....
"Chifuni! I'm right here Chifuni! Damn it! Why can't she hear me?" Shocked to hear a girl's voice in his head, he tries to talk with her. "Hello? Who are you? Do you know what happened?"
"Huh? A guy?! What are you doing in my body!"
"How should I know the answer to that!?"
"....Geez you don't need to yell at me like that..." Hearing the girl's voice sound sullen, he apologizes to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that. We're pretty much in the same situation here, so let's try to figure this out together, okay?" Hearing the boy's calm voice, the girl in his head heaves a sigh to relax her nerves and controls herself. "You're right. I'm sorry for being worked up about this, it's kinda scary when you can't move your own body. Okay, for now, we have to make sure my little sister knows that I'm okay. Just tell her that I had a bad dream for now."
"Okay." Yuuki said, "I'm sorry, I just had a bad dream. That's all. Sorry for worrying you." The little girl in front of Yuuki was supposedly the girl's little sister. She had the height of a third-year middle-school student. She had mint green hair that was tied into a ponytail and ruby red eyes. The girl was wearing a light blue sailor uniform and a navy blue skirt. "O-okay. Breakfast is ready so go wash up, get dress, and head downstairs okay?" The little sister of the girl in his head awkwardly leaves the room hinting that she was dumbfounded at the unknown situation taking place in front of her. "Phew... I really thought that she would dive into more the topic, like what kind of dream did I dreamt."
"You said it. Ah... We ran into another predicament." The girl in his head wonders about the predicament and finally realizes it. "Ahem! Since we are in this predicament together... I guess it's okay for you to see my body........." Just by hearing the long silence, he knows that this was something, the girl surely didn't want to happen at all. "I-in return!... I get to see you like this as well, it's only fair, right?"
"R-right...." After complying, the both of them stood silent, considering how bad the situation is right now.
Yuuki was walking to the girl's school and to his amusement, it was an all girl school. "Listen to me! Don't do anything stupid to ruin my reputation at school you hear me! You will act accordingly to my orders, okay?!"
"Don't worry, I have no intentions of doing such a thing."
"Huh? Why not?"
"Because..... I'm a shy person and I don't know how to interact with people." The girl heard his wavering voice and felt bad for assuming that, but she didn't apologize. He enters through the school's main gate and sees groups of girls walk into the campus. All the girls are wearing the same uniform, which consisted of a maroon colored sailor uniform with white ties and navy blue skirts, but the skirts had a wide variety of lengths.
"Stop staring at the other girls! Isn't my body enough for you already?" Everything's going to be alright, right... "Huh?" The girl could clearly hear the boy's thoughts. "Hey? Are you okay?" The girl asks him, which broke him out of his trance. "Um, yeah, I'm fine. Where should I go?"
"See that group of girls by that board?"
"That's the class allocation board. Find my name and go to my class straight away. I want to try and avoid my friends for now."
"Okay then." Yuuki walks up to the class allocation board and looks for the girl's name. "Your name is Chinabi, right?"
"Oh yeah, we didn't introduce each other yet, right? My name is Chinabi Natsume."
"And I'm Yuuki Yoshida. It's nice to meet you, Chinabi."
"Yuuki? I think it's rather convenient to have a unisex name in this situation. Even if you said your name, then you possibly pass it off as one of my distant friends. Well Yuuki, it's nice to meet you too, and please take good care of my body."
"I will try my best." Yuuki found Chinabi's name on the board and read what class she's in. 1-1. First year, class one. He walks alway and tries to find her new class. On the way to class, she told him to sit somewhere close to the middle of the classroom. He decided to sit in the middle in the class just like she wanted to. "Remember your seat." He told her. "I will." Chinabi retorted.
"Argh! I hate math! I never understood any of it!" While the girl was complaining and breaking down in her mind,Yuuki answers the question flawlessly, without looking at the board or waiting for the explanation. "Eh?!?!?! How did you solve that!?" The sudden uproar in his head causes him to fall over and cause a ruckus in class. "Don't yell in my head like that!!" Yuuki yelled out, realizing that he caused a commotion in class. "Is something the matter, Chinabi?"
A teacher who's in her late twenties, wearing a sophisticated pink dress and is wearing red-rimmed eyeglasses, was looking at Yuuki. Her worried chartreuse eyes were giving off the sense that she was pitying him. "N-no.. I'm fine. Sorry for interrupting the class." The curly brunette with chartreuse eyes walks over to him and sneaks a glance at his notebook, shocked to see that he answered the math question without waiting for her to explain it. She didn't say anything about it, but instead, she kept it to herself. The humble teacher lends her hand to her fallen student who then took her hand to help himself up. "Maybe you should go wash your face." The boy shakes his head and politely declines her advice. "No, it's okay. I'm fine."
"Okay..." Yuuki sits back down and scowls at Chinabi, whose in his head. "I'm sorry for embarrassing you Yuuki. But seriously! How did you solve that math problem?"
"If you didn't interrupt me, I would've written down notes on how to solve it easier rather than waiting and listening for an explanation."
"Really? Why?"
"I guess you can say, it's a habit."
"A habit?"
"Back in my school, my friends would ask me to borrow my notes for math since they were the easiest to understand and it's more simple."
"Show me! Show me!!" Chinabi, who normally despises the subject 'math', was really into math at this moment. These were one of those rarest times where she actually enjoys it. Yuuki dissects the math problem and makes it easier for Chinabi. He highlights, put down tabs and small notes on things to remember and shortcuts on how to do the equation. He turns the next page and wrote down some practice problem. "If you ever get control of your body back, then try these out." He hears her acknowledge to the idea and averts his attention back to the class.
The two of them were listening in class attentivelyーーactually, it was Chinabi who listened attentively. Yuuki was getting sleepy, but Chinabi kept nagging him to stay awake. "Jeez, why are getting so sleepy! What time did you sleep last night!?" The boy grips the mechanical pencil in frustration. "Why are you getting so mad?" She hears the boy mentally sigh and softens up. "Unlike you Chinabi... I truly don't know the answer to that at all."
"What?" The boy shakes his head and tells her to forget about it. The girl wanted to ask him, but she knew she would be intruding that's happening in his own life and left it at that.
The first class just ended and Yuuki sat upright in a stiff manner. "Yuuki, are you okay?" After asking that question, he deflated and was sprawled out on the desk. "So tired...." Chinabi was shocked to hear the boy at first, but then she laughed lightheartedly. "Do boys really have the attention span of a goldfish?" She scoffs jokingly. This irked Yuuki and decided to get payback at her, by threatening to destroy the notes he wrote down for her. "No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!" She begged him not to destroy the notes. The notes he taken for her were at its simplest form and she easily understood every detail of it. "You're such a meanie..."
"Look at the one who started it. By the way, I'm pointing at you."
"But whenever you point at someone, three fingers point back at you."
"And whose body is this?"
"... Meanie..."
Chinabi allowed him to rest for a while since she wasn't the one doing the work. I never got to hang out with a boy before and surprisingly, I'm having fun with him. It will be sad if he left and went back because I wouldn't be able to get easy to understand notes, but not only that, but to also have social friendly fun with the opposite sex.
The second class has just begun and it happened to be gym. All the girls groaned at their teacher and said that gym after summer vacation was an evil thing to do. "Ahh!!! Gym as my second period?! Who did the scheduling here!" Chinabi complains, but then she remembers that she wasn't the one controlling her body at the moment. It was Yuuki. "Okay everyone, let's head to the locker rooms and get dressed for class." Everyone gives an half-enthusiastic yes and gets up from their seats and headed out. "Yuuki, just because you're in my body doesn't give you the permission to look at the other girls' body, okay? ...Y-you already have my body look at, so..."
"Do you really think that all man are like that?"
"Yes. Is something the matter?"
"Well, I'm not one of those. Rest assured, I will get dressed as fast as I can and leave quickly."
With that said, it didn't go as planned since a classmate of Chinabi wanted to talk to her about what happened this morning.
"Just how many 'first times' are you going to take from these girls!?"
"It's not my fault, that time around!"
"Hmmph!... Pervert..." This struck a nerve in Yuuki, thus threatening to destroy the notes again, but this time, on a open fire. "I'm sorry!!!" He retracts his intentions and holds onto the notebook. "Why did you bring the notebook in the first place?" Yuuki smirks at her question and said in a serious manner. "I don't know, leverage perhaps?"
"You really are a meanie... sniffs."
"Chinabi!!!" Yuuki looks over and sees a group of girls wave to him. "Go on. I told you not to do anything stupid. Staying away from others will damage my reputation, so go on, interact with them."
"Uh..." Even though his shyness was getting ahold of him, he did promise to Chinabi that he wouldn't anything out of character. He runs to the group of girls who called him over. "It's your turn to run the obstacle course. Can you beat my time of twenty-three seconds?"
"Hmm, I don't know. Can I take a look at the course first?"
"Sure, I don't mind at all."
"Thanks..." Yuuki walks to the side of the obstacle course and looks at what he's up against.
The obstacle course he was facing was a simple path of hurdles, slanted climbs, and ends with a rock climb. "Hmm, that's too easy for me." Yuuki said to himself. "Easy?! I can't even do hurdles! How can you tell yourself that this is easy?" Yuuki smiles to Chinabi's exaggeration and smirks. "It may be your body, but I hope it can do whatever I'm planning." He walks back to the starting line and gets ready.
Chinabi's gym teacher was a young woman in her late twenties, with short, straight purple hair and green, sharp eyes. She has a youthful appearance and is wearing a black shirt with a purple skull playing the guitar, black shorts with a white belt and a white lab rock. She also wears black knee-high stockings and black shoes.
"This obstacle course is to test your speed, agility, and flexibility. You can go above, through, or under the obstacles if you like. There is no penalty for being creative throughout your run. Even though hurdles are meant to be jumped over, you can freely use hands to help get over them. Even though you're timed for this, make sure to prioritize your safety at all cost. Ready?" Yuuki only gave the teacher a slight nod to signal her. "Set.... Go!"
When his teacher told him to begin, he sprinted his way to his first obstacle, which was the hurdles. "Yuuki!!" Ignoring her cry, Yuuki does a side flip over the first hurdle. This caused a commotion in the class. Everyone set their eyes on Yuuki as he made his way to the second hurdle. On the second hurdle, he turns around and leans backwards on the hurdle, allowing him to do the 'gate vault'. He catches himself on the other side and continues to run without stopping. On the last hurdle, he noticed that there was a mat on the other side. This gave him the idea to try out a move he always wanted. He dives above the hurdle and spins his entire body into a 360 spin and breaks out of the twist by going into a safety roll. This causes him to soften the impact of the roll and continue to the run with being interrupted.
On the second course, the slanted climb, he runs up and there was a small enough platform to show off a little more of his news. He does a cart wheel to side flip. At the end of the side flip, he manages to chain the side flip and slides down the other side of the climb. And he continues to the rock climb.
There was a couple of girls ready to put on the harness on him, but instead, he planted his right feet on the wall, at hip height, and launches him upward. He catches one of the protruding ledges and starts climbing. Above him, there was part of the wall that was branching outwards. He kicks off the wall and grabs the branching ledge. As he did this, all the girls were concerned for his safety, but Yuuki displayed his professionalism in gymnastics and gets through safely. He reaches the top with no problem and finishes the course with a record breaking time of fifteen seconds.
"Yuuki, I'm going to kill you if I meet you in real life!!" Chinabi was scared to the core because of Yuuki's crazy antics.
Back in class, it was finally lunch time and Yuuki was really hungry. Chinabi's mother made him lunch and eats it. He opens the red colored bento box. Inside, was an assortment of cute looking foods. "Wow! Your mom must be a great cook!"
"What's wrong Chinabi?"
"Oh, nothing. Go ahead and enjoy yourself." He takes a piece of the rolled up egg and eats it. Later, he tasted something that was foul and strange. "Mom's not that good of a cook. It's my sister and I who usually cooks in the house." Hearing how melancholic she sounds about her mother's cooking, Yuuki forces himself to eat it. "What are you doing?!" He finishes it and puts everything back. "Sure, it may taste horrible and all, but your mother made it with her own effort. It's not a good thing to waste that person's effort nor is it to waste food. I'm pretty sure she will be glad to hear that I finished it."
"... I see. You're right! My sister and I shouldn't be wasting our mom's efforts. She's done a lot for us already, so we shouldn't let those efforts go to waste! Right Yuuki!?"
"Right..... Hnng..." Yuuki was holding his stomach as he groaned in misery. "Run to the restroom, my friend." Without wasting a second, he calmly leaves the room and makes his way to the restroom.
During the last class of today, Yuuki has been wondering about what happened to his body. "Hey Chinabi..."
"Yes? What is it?"
"If it's alright with you, after school, can I visit my home and ask my mother what happened to me?"
"Hmm... I highly disregard that, but I'm curious as well on what happened to you. If we can find out what happened to you, then maybe it will shedsome light on our situation. Okay then, it's settled, we will visit your home after school. And please call my mother before you leave school." He agrees to call her mother after school to tell her that she's going to be visiting a friend and she will be coming home late.
Arriving at Yuuki's household, Chinabi reminds him to act within her own character. He presses the button on the intercom, which rings a bell in the inside of the house. They wait for a reply back, but nothing happened. They try again but to no avail, no results. "Maybe she's not home at the moment." Yuuki turns around, but was called by young woman. "Excuse me? Is there something you need?"
He turns back and sees a woman with long black hair and light brown eyes. She was wearing simple house clothes such as white blouse, with an orange shawl covering her shoulders and a long light blue skirt with ruffles. In her hands, she has a bag of groceries.
"Stay calm Yuuki. I can hear your heart beat like crazy."671Please respect copyright.PENANAuYS2NNspt9
671Please respect copyright.PENANAcxzv8Xjvcq
"Ah, you must be Yuuki's mother, am I right?" The young woman blinks her eyes and smiles and replays back. "Yes, I am. And who are you?"
"Great... how can we answer that?"671Please respect copyright.PENANA2qw2PABMvU
671Please respect copyright.PENANAtOGFRiXVJi
"I'm Chinabi Natsume. I'm one of Yuuki's friends."
"Really?" His mother gives him a once over and said, "You're not wearing the girl's uniform of the school he goes to..."
"Well, yes. But we met online, so when he told me that he was going to move over here. I wanted to come by and meet him myself."
"Oh, so it's that kinda thing huh?... Well, would you like to come inside for some tea and talk a little more?"
"Yes, please!" Yuuki bows his head and his mother him inside. "Nice job. With this, you have control on some topics since its yourself whose talking to your mom, everything should play out smoothly." Yuuki enters the living room and sits down on the couch. "I'm sorry if things are kinda messy, we just moved into the area and we have things still being brought in."
"No no, it's fine. I understand." His mother went into the kitchen to put away the groceries and at the same time, she manages to keep the conversation going. "My, my, Yuuki has gotten such a cute girlfriend~."
"Yuuki!! Don't you dare say anything that doesn't make things complicated for the both of us!"671Please respect copyright.PENANAKJVm3uL2Yp
671Please respect copyright.PENANAenoQywjAEd
"I know. I know! I have no interest in being in a relationship at the moment...."671Please respect copyright.PENANAMNygZDRhB6
671Please respect copyright.PENANAbgyUiIVNb2
"No, no, Miss Yoshida. As I have stated before, Yuuki and I are just friends who met online. Nothing more than that."
"Hm... But you're so cute looking. It will be nice to see him have a girlfriend though... He got rejected by the girl he liked back in middle school." Chinabi notices the instant change in Yuuki's composure. His facial expression became sullen and his hands started to tremble. He clasps his hands together and controls the arising emotions he covered up in deep with inside of him. "I-I see..."
"...Yuuki, is that true?..."671Please respect copyright.PENANA7fs6QAtaHw
671Please respect copyright.PENANAfb0JUDIwFH
"Shut up Chinabi! I'm trying my best to control myself. Please don't make it any worse. Especially don't butt in, it's not your problem to deal with. It's mine and mine alone." Chinabi fell silent as she was told that it wasn't for her to worry about. The thought still lingered in her mind; the thought of rejection by someone you love must've been painful, especially now since he's inside a girl's body.
His mother made tea for him and sat in front of him. "So, what is it that you want to talk about?" His mother asked. He quickly covers up the painful emotions and said, "Um, before I ask that one thing, Yuuki said he would let me borrow his violin to practice with, so can I may borrow his violin?"
"Yuuki gave you permission beforehand so you may borrow it. Would you like me to get it? Or-?"
"If possible, may I get it from his room?" His mother smiles and said, "It's upstairs, first room to your right." He stands up, thanks her, and heads upstairs. "Yuuki, what are you doing!? I can't play the violin!"
"I'm sorry, Chinabi... Thanks to my mom, I'm clearly not stable at the moment and I need to calm myself down."
"You need to calm yourself down?"
Entering the bedroom, the room was clean and nearly fixed. Everything had a place for it and it was really easy to find everything. He walks over to the closet and slides it open. Inside, two instrument cases were leaning on the back wall. One was smaller and the other one was bigger. He took the smaller one and closes the closet. "Yuuki, did you notice that your body isn't here? Where do you think your body is being held at?" He didn't reply and went back into living room. "I see that you found."
"Yeah... It was in his closet."
"Do you know how to play Chinabi?"
"Yea-... Just a little... He was going to teach me how to play if we met..."
"Can you show me what you know?"
"Yuuki!!" Chinabi worries. Yuuki places the violin case on the table in form of him and pops the latches.
Inside was a beautiful violin made out of redwood, the surface was lacquered to a shine. It was clearly evident that he maintained it well.
He picks up the violin and the bow. He nestles the violin into his shoulders, sets his fingers into position, and readies the bow. "You look incredible with a violin." His mother complimented him which made him blush. He glances at the mirror across from him and sees a beautiful girl holding a violin. "I hate to admit it, but I actually look nice holding this instrument."
"Thanks for the compliment."
"Interesting song of choice, you played Chinabi."
"Why's that?"
"I remember that Yuuki always played that song to get his mind off things, whether if it's his own depression or something else that has been on his mind that makes him feel anxious."
"R-really now!? When Yuuki first played this to me, I was in love with how the melody sounded. So, I practiced this song, back in my school's music room, whenever I got the chance to do so."
"I'm pretty sure, he would love to hear it when he recovers."
"Recovers?"671Please respect copyright.PENANA9mNtZcSygy
671Please respect copyright.PENANATj0PrmQE5t
"Recovers? What do you mean by that?" The mother was surprised and became sadden to remember. "Well, Chinabi... Yuuki was in a accident. He saved one of his classmate from getting hit by a car, but instead of her, it was him who was hit. It's sad... Getting rejected by the girl he loved, moving to the city with no friends, getting into a accident and being hospitalized... He's going through a lot, but he never shows any signs of stress or pain from any of it. I guess that's why he turned to music. Please take care of the violin, he takes great pride of it. It helped him a lot."
"I will. By the way, is it okay if I visit him in the hospital?"
"I will be sad if you didn't. Please visit him. If anything, you're the closest friend he has in the city. I heard that his classmates are visiting him after school, including the girl he saved."
"I see... Well then, thank you for your time, Miss Yoshida. I hope he gets better quickly." Finishing up the tea, he stands up, thanks her for her time and walks out the house. His mother encourages him to visit either her son or her anytime. With the violin in hand, he makes his way back to Chinabi's house.
"Yuuki... I'm sorry for what you're going through."
"It's okay Chinabi, we both wanted to know what happened to my body. I'm sorry for making up lies about us being friends."
"No it's okay. Maybe if I was in your shoes, I would've done the same to my mom just so I can know what happened to me. If anything, the way how we met today was really random and strange, but I didn't hate it. I actually enjoyed it. Today, I was really scared about having a guy control my body and make my decisions today, but here I was, worrying for no reason. Starting today, let's become friends, okay?"
"...Okay then. Starting today, we're friends."
"And to be honest, you're the first boy I befriended. My mom always sent me to an all girl school, so I never came into contact with someone of the opposite sex, so in way, I'm glad we met this way."
".... You know? You became friends with a boy, who saw you and your classmates naked."
"Man! Why did you have to say that! What I said before made a great atmosphere for the two of us, but then you just ruined it by saying that! I'm still not letting you off the hook for that, you know?"
"Yeah yeah, I know."
"And besides, we couldn't do anything about it. I can't stay home from school. It's irrational! You can only not go to school if you are sick. I wasn't sick so I couldn't stay home."
Returning home, Yuuki encounters a hungry mother and little sister. "Chinabi! Where were you? Did you forget that it's your turn to cook dinner?" Her little sister, Chifuni stated. "I'm sorry, I had to visit a friend of mine." Yuuki pats the little girl's head and heads upstairs to Chinabi's room. "I'm going to change first and then cook dinner, so on hold a little bit more."
"This is so delicious!!" Chifuni said, while scarfing down her food. Chinabi's mother tasted the food and was astounded on how the flavors were profound and vibrant. "This is delicious... Since when did you learn how to cook like this?" He smiles wryly as he made a mistake. Right now, he is in Chinabi's body, not his own body and it's evident that the food he made wasn't Chinabi's. "I've been reading a lot of cookbooks online lately."
"I see..." Her mother went back eating. "Seconds!" Chifuni declares. Yuuki smiles, takes her rice bowl, packs in more rice, and gives it back. "Can you cook tomorrow too, big sister!"
"Now, now, isn't tomorrow your turn?"
"I know... But big sister's cooking is much more better than mine!! I want to eat food this tasty again!!"
"Hehe... When it's my turn to cook again, I will make sure to cook something tasty again."
"Fine...." Chinabi's little sister pouted with a pudgy cheek. "Hehe, you act as if you were part of the family."
"I'm in your body, so I have to. I'm an only child so I don't have any siblings to take care of."
"Well, why not be Chifuni's big brother? I mean, she's taken a liking to you."
"It's because I'm in your body. She doesn't know that the person in front of her is a guy."
"True true, but what if she met you? Do you think she will like you?"
"I don't know really. I really get anxious when I get around kids."
"Well... You got a point there... I too get anxious when I'm around kids. Hmm... I want try eating some of your food... Huh!?"
"What's wrong Chinabi! Chinabi!!"
"It's so good!!"
"When I thought of eating some of the food you made, in front me was a table full of food identical to the food you cooked for my family."
"...Wait... Let me get this straight... You thought about wanting to eat food that I cooked, then all of a sudden a table of food just popped out of nowhere?"
"Yup!!~ Your cooking tastes so good!!"
".... I'm so done with you...."
"Hey! What does that mean!?"
"Chinabi, what's wrong? It seems like you have a lot on you mind." Her mother pointed out. Yuuki snaps out of the conversation with Chinabi and said, "I'm fine! I'm fine! Just a bit tired, that's all." He finishes his dinner, gathers his dishes into the sink, and puts on an apron.
"What are you doing now Chinabi?" Chinabi's little sister notices. "I'm making preparations for your lunch tomorrow. When you wake up, all you have to do is just microwave it before you leave for school, okay?"
"Okay!" Her mother suspects something was wrong with her daughter, but she just brushes it off as if her daughter was just going through a change in her life.
"Alright, now that's done, let's check on this." Checking the oven, he makes sure that the cake was thoroughly cooked and was ready for icing and decorations. "Why are you making a cake?"
"I really don't know... I guess it's just a force of habit to make sweets before going to bed hehe..."
"You can cook and bake... What are you? Some kind of housewife?"
"It's not surprising for me if you came to that conclusion. All my friends say that I'm more of a housewife. I cook and bake better than them, it strangely pisses of the girls in my group, hehe... Well, it's almost time for the icing and decorations so let's get to it!"
A fee minutes, he finally finished the icing and decorations of the cake. It was a simple two-layer cake that has vanilla frosting in the middle and it was iced with a sweet and light fluffy meringue. He smoothed out the sides and top of the cake to make it more presentable. Then after smoothing out the frosting, he decorates it with a piping bag with different nozzle formations. He forms peaks with the piping bag and lays down thin pieces of chocolate on top, slanting at an angle. He finishes it off with strawberries in the middle as a garnish. "There we go! Now time to let it sit in the fridge and it should be ready to eat by morning." After setting it in the fridge, he heads upstairs to take a relaxing bath.
"Ah~ this feels so good." Staring at the green-tea colored water, he wonders how long this unusual phenomenon will last. Thinking about it, he would be behind by one year and the friends he had back in middle school would be ahead of him. Realizing how far back he would be from them, made him sad. "Its okay Yuuki." Chinabi tries cheer him up. "I hope so..."
"Is something the matter?"
"I... I... Crap! I need to play!" He gets out of the tub, dries himself, gets dressed, and rushes into the bedroom. He takes the violin case, places it on the desk, opens it, and holds the violin and in his hands. He rushes out to the balcony which welcomed him with beautiful light from the moon and stars. He takes a deep breath, sighs, and readies to play a song he dearly cherish.
The sound from the violin reverberated throughout the house, alerting both her mother and little sister. Through pure curiosity, the two meet up at the door to her room. Chifuni opens the door and the sound of the violin grew as they got closer to the source. The two were astonished by how Chinabi (Yuuki in Chinabi's body) played the violin. The melody was based on a sad tone, but it was pleasant to the ear to calm oneself. The two of them were also surprised on how beautiful Chinabi looked when she played the violin. When the song ended, Yuuki successfully calmed hisself down and control any arising emotions deep within him.
"That was so pretty!!" Chifuni applauds. Yuuki was caught off guard by the small audience behind him which made him feel embarrassed. "When did you learn to play the violin?" Her mother ask. He looks at the violin and lied to her, "From a friend..."
"Is that why you were late? You visited a friend who helped you learn the violin, well that's nice. Where is this person now?" Yuuki grips the violin and bow in hand and said, "He's in the hospital..."
"The person who taught you how to play a violin was a boy!?" Yuuki hears the sudden change of tone from Chinabi's mother. She walks up to him and slaps him. Without flinching or worrying about the pain, he was just shocked by how the mother reacted. "I told you to never come into contact with a boy! Didn't I tell you not to meet with one!?"
"...I didn't know... Yes..." The mother was furious with him, but she couldn't do anything about the violin she was holding. She knew it belonged to a boy who was her friend, but she also knew that it was for her daughter's safety. "Tomorrow, return that violin back to him." Yuuki's eyes widen in bewilderment to Chinabi's mother words. In Yuuki's hands, were the only things he had to use against his own mind. He clenches his teeth and bitterly says the word Chinabi's mother wanted to hear, "...Yes..."
"Good. Put that away and go to sleep, you have school tomorrow." The mother and little sister left the room leaving the atmosphere heavy for him to bear. He puts the violin back into its case, turns off the lights, close the balcony door, and heads to bed. Tears begin to slide his own cheeks, knowing that his own emotions would get the better of him in the near future. Having no way to vent them out, his way, he clenches the pillow his head was one. "I'm so sorry Yuuki. I didn't tell you that my mom didn't like boys."
"It's okay... I don't mind it...."
"Yuuki... It's my fault you got hurt by my mom. I'm really sorry!"
"It's okay Chinabi. I'm not blaming you for anything. I... just want to disappear from this world....."
Author's Note: And that's it for Chapter One! I'm very sorry if it's mostly dialogue, but since one character is controlling the body and the other in mind, you can't really distinguish what the character in mind is doing unless the person says anything about. Next chapter would be in Chinabi's perspective. I also wonder how Chinabi will deal with this situation... O-O. Knowing that she got her new friend hurt by her mom by not telling him about her mother's hate for boys. Also for the fact that, Yuuki isn't mentally stable and he has no way to calm himself down. If you want to know, stick around for Side Chinabi: Chapter II - How can I help him?
See you guys in the next chapter!