Flora and Morgana rode alongside each other. Flora didn't know the horse before the events that started her on her quest, but she trusted it. The beautiful creature reminded her of home.
She was exhausted as they'd been riding all night. Morning had set in and with it an ever growing hunger. Flora hadn't had a meal in days, her stomach began to growl.
"Can you shut that thing up?" Asked Morgana.
"I haven't eaten, I can't make it stop unless I feed myself." She answered.
"It's going to annoy me." She said.
"Then find me something to eat."
Morgana stopped her horse, she was irritated.
Flora was afraid as Morgana dismounted her horse and stood next to her. She reached to the ground and plucked a beetle from it. She threw it at Flora.
"Here you are my princess!" She said with a bitter tone. "Eat up!"
Flora picked up the bug. "This? You want me to eat it?"
"You're hungry aren't you?"
She looked at the bug hesitantly... She was very hungry.
"Is it safe to eat?" She asked.
"What do you think I survived on all these years? Hunters brought meat but when food was scarce we ate the beetles." She answered.
Flora looked at the bug. A wave of hunger washed over her as she put the beetle in her mouth and began chewing...
"Oh my god!" Morgana said in amazement. "You actually ate it!? That can't be safe!"
Flora spat the bug out from her mouth. "You told me it was alright to eat!"
"I told a princess a lie," She said as she mounted her horse. "You need to forget about royalty and learn to live on the road."
Using a handkerchief, Flora cleaned her mouth best she could.
"If I am to ride with you, and be in your presence on this journey, you need to change a few things." They began to ride again.
"Like what?" Flora asked.
"For one you'll need to learn how to fight." Morgana answered.
"Will you teach me?" She asked.
"When we have time yes."
"Will you teach me how to use that?" Flora asked, pointing to Morgana's bow.
"If you don't get yourself killed yes."
"What else?" She asked.
"You will need to learn how to live on the road. Forget the luxury life you once had, sleep wherever, on whatever. Eat what you can and provide what you will."
"I think I can do that." Flora said with a smile.
Morgana frowned.
"What?" Flora asked.
"You'll lose that happiness once Nirmal dries it from your soul."
She could tell Morgana was sad.
"Is that all?"
"No." Morgana answered. "If you annoy me, or talk too much, I will leave you to die alone. Or worse, kill you myself."
"Got it!" Flora smiled nervously. "So can we make camp? I'm so very tired, I feel as if I'll fall over."
"No!" Morgana said authoritatively. "We're nearly there."
Flora sighed.
"I swear you are like a child."
It didn't take long for Flora to fall asleep, her eyes closed and she drifted off into a dream.
She dreamt of the man with no hands, walking alone in the woods. She knew this man, not very well, but his face was sketched into her memory.
His name was Burge, he wished Flora harm not long ago.
Somehow she knew he was searching for something, something she'd encountered before.
A dark smoke appeared in front of the man, from the smoke formed the Demon.
"Speak your business." Demanded the Demon.
"I wish for you to restore my hands!" Begged Burge. "Do this and I will join you."
The Demon began to laugh.
"Petty human's..." The man cowered as the Demon stepped closer to him. "Together you may show slight promise, but alone... I've never met a force so weak!"
He grabbed ahold of the man's throat and lifted him from the ground. "You are a fool, as I don't need your permission for you to join my army."
"Please..." Cried the man, choking for breath. "Show... mercy..."
"I haven't any mercy left." Replied the Demon.
The jewel on the Demon's chest emanated a bright white glow, it reached for the man, as it did his body decomposed like that of a corpse.
Flora knew this is how the Demon absorbed souls.
"Arise." Command the Demon. "Join us in the realm of life."
The man's eyes turned from brown to red, his soul was replaced with that of another Demon.
"Join me and my army," Said the Demon. "Together we shall open the gates of hell..."
It was then Flora saw the small army of Demons behind him. Chained and bound among them was Flora's sister.
"Hannah!" She called out to her.
The Demon froze, he ceased to move. This frightened her.
His eyes turned to meet hers, glowing red. Her heart raced with fear and terror. He stepped closer.
Can he see me? She wondered, isn't this but a dream?
He stood inches from her, staring her directly into her eyes as if he were looking into her soul.
"I see you Elf." He said.
She was too afraid to speak.
"If you remain persistent upon this path, it's result will be your death." He placed his finger on her chest, the armor cold and pointed.
"Consider this your final warning, foolish Elf."
Flora woke gasping for air, her heart still racing from the horror she'd witnessed. She had almost fallen off her horse.
"Bad dream?" Asked Morgana.
Flora paused... "I'm not certain it was a dream."
There was a sharp pain in her chest right where the Demon had touched her.
"You woke just in time, we're nearly there."
Flora was silent, afraid for her sisters life.
"There it is." Said Morgana.
In the near distance stood a castle, massive in size. It reached high above the trees, a town of people just behind it. A river separated the castle from the rest of the land, the only way to cross was to pass over the drawbridge.
They approach the bridge, it was drawn up preventing them from crossing.
"Who goes there?" Shouted a guard atop the stone wall that surround the castle.
"Flora of Woodburrow, and Morgana of-..." She stopped herself. "I am here to see the King."
"I know no one by that name." Shouted the guard.
"Princess Flora of Woodburrow you idiot!" Shouted Morgana. "Let us in!"
The guard was silent for a moment. "O-one m-moment!" He stuttered before stumbling away.
"I hope they know who you are, princess." Said Morgana.
"They do."
A short time passed before the drawbridge began to lower.
Once it was fully lowered three men appeared on the other side with guards trailing behind them.
One of them was a young man who looked to be just younger than Flora. Another slightly older than her, who looked around her sister's age. The third man was much older, he wore a white robe.
They approached the men slowly.
"Oh my dear Flora!" Said the older man, he had a light and soft voice. "I am so happy to see you alive and well. We caught news of the events that befell Woodburrow, such a shame."
"It is." She replied.
"The King of Woodburrow, the great Draven, your father has fallen. This saddens me."
"Not as much as I." Said Flora.
"I know, I apologize." He said.
"Is your sister Hannah alive?" Asked the older boy.
"Davon! Manners!" Shouted the older man.
"I am sorry my lady." Said the boy. "My name is Davon, the oldest son of King Elton."
He bowed.
"This is my younger brother Silo, the youngest son of King Elton." The young boy smiled, his grin full of vanity.
"I very much look forward to getting to know you, sweet Flora." His words seemed hallow and were followed by a wink.
Flora was disgusted.
"And this is our uncle and advisor to the King, Sir Valor."
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance my dear," he bowed, his movements graceful.
"Our guards will take care of your horses for you." Said Valor. "Who is your companion?"
"The name is Morgana." She answered. "The less you say to me the better."
"Please, Flora." Said Davon. "Is Hannah alright?"
"She's been taken by a Demon." Answered Flora.
"The one of mist and vapor?" Asked Valor.
"Yes." She was confused, how could he know of him?
"I was afraid of such..." He said, his face paling.
"You know of him?" She asked.
"I do." He said. "I was alive during his reign of terror upon this land."
Davon jumped into the conversation. "You see, our uncle is not of our blood. He is much older than he appears."
"That I am." He said. "I was great friends with your grandfather."
"You knew him?" Asked Flora.
"Yes, I met him when he was just a boy." He said. "I was there when he lost half of his soul. I was there when he helped lock the Demon away."
Flora paused for a moment...
"Do you know the Demon?" She asked.
He was silent for a moment, as if the thought of him bought dread.
"I knew him," he sighed. "I dare not speak his name."
"You know its name?"
"It be best if you forget about the Demon and settle here." Said Valor. "I assume the marriage is still on? You are still of royal blood and princess of Woodburrow."
"What?" Flora was furious, she had been set on her quest and this man was telling her to abandon it to marry a man who in her eyes resembled a pig.
"That makes you and I engaged." Said Silo. "How I look forward to our many night's together."
She looked at him, a pig of a man.
"No?" Asked Valor.
"My father died, my grandfather gave me a quest to rescue my sister and stop a Demon. I'm not going to abandon it for a marriage I never wanted."
They were silent.
"Now where is your King?" She asked. "I need to speak with him."
"He is unavailable at this time." Said Valor.
"When will he be available?" Asked Flora.
"When is soon?" Asked Morgana.
"I'm not sure, the king won't be disturbed when he doesn't wish to be."
"How long must we wait?" Asked Flora.
"He will be at dinner." Valor said. "You may enjoy our guest bedrooms, and you're welcome to bathe." He glanced at Morgana. "One of you reeks of dry blood."
"Sure do!" Morgana smiled, it was more of a taunt than a genuine grin.
"If you want me to visit your chambers sweet Flora," Silo said with a seductive look in his eyes. "All you need to do is ask."
Together they walked to the castle.
"That boy is who you were supposed to marry?" Morgana asked when they were a fair distance away from Silo.
"I'd rather marry the Demon." She joked.
"As would I." Flora was serious, she hated Silo, everything he did made her stomach churn.
Their horses were taken to the stables. Inside, Morgana and Flora parted ways to enter their separate guest rooms across from each other.
Morgana bathed quickly, only scrubbing the blood off with a wet rag. She slept for a few hours before she was awoken by someone knocking on her door.
She approached the door, wearing nothing but a blanket.
"What?" She asked after opening the door. On the other side was Davon, the oldest son.
"Uh," he paused, unprepared for what he found.
"Spit it out." She demanded. His pretty face and wavy hair pissed her off, maybe because it reminded her of the beauty she didn't have. Or possibly just because he'd woken her from sleep.
"It's not very lady like to open a door whilst exposed." He said.
"I'm covered by a blanket," she smirked. "Would it be ladylike to drop the blanket and give the pretty prince a peek underneath?"
He was petrified.
"Would it?" She asked harshly.
"Look at my face." She demanded. "Do I look like a lady to you?"
For a moment he was silent, lost in her eyes.
"Do I?"
"Yes." He answered.
She was speechless.
"Yes my lady..."
"Get... Out..."
She slammed the door shut.
"Dinner is at sundown!" He shouted, his voice muffled by the door.
She ignored him.
"I look forward to-"
"Go away!" She shouted.
"Alright!" He said as he moved away from the door.
Flora had approached the bath, it had felt like forever since she'd been clean. She removed her clothes and climbed into the tub before her.
"Ah," she groaned. There was a brief pain in her chest. She looked down and was terrified of what she saw.
There was a small black mark where the Demon had touched her in the dream.
"Was it not just a dream?" She asked herself. She was afraid of what the mark was, and what it might do.
She wanted to tell Morgana, she trusted her more than anyone else here. But she knew it might irritate Morgana if she woke her from sleep.
The pain faded, it was only there for a moment. Flora cleaned herself before putting on a nightgown and falling asleep on the comfortable bed.