Author’s Suggestion,
Song ahead, please play the song in the background and read the chapter so that you can feel the atmosphere in the scene.
Thank you.
Venessa’s POV.
Sitting in a restaurant, I was waiting for my bestie, Rory Blaze, I wanted to meet him and his daughter.
We have been friends for the past 3 years. I met him at my Mom’s party. We became friends, he was 17 back then and I was 15. Now he’s 20 and I’m 18. When he was 18, he impregnated a girl, and Her name was Charley Louis. She wasn't a good girl. She had cheated on him a number of times. He always forgives her. He was a man who believes in second chances, but she doesn't deserve it. He took full responsibility for the situation and promised to take care of the child, but she turned out as a complete bitch and tried to abort the baby without his knowledge, but Rory didn’t let that happen. He paid her with a good sum of money, she many times tried to abort the child, Rory was smart, he put a caretaker and maid around her, to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. After she had given birth to the child, he took care of that baby alone. He raised her as a single Father with nobody’s help. Charley didn't even hold her baby once. She walked away with the money he gave.
So, Yeah, he has a daughter of 2 years old. She is a very cute little girl. He named her Ariel Blaze. I called and asked him to meet me. He said as usual “ I’m busy, Can’t Meet you“ God, I hate those words. I begged him to meet me. I miss him and his daughter so much.
After pleading and begging him he finally said ok and I decided on the place and time. You may feel I'm not a good friend and a selfish one to disturb him when he's very busy with a lot of work but this is me. I love his company. I just want to spend time with him and his cute little daughter. It has been so long that I didn't meet him, I know he was busy with so much on his plate. I was worried about him and his daughter. I went to his condo many times. The Babysitter used to tell me he went to the office or had some important meetings. I used to wait for hours and eventually leave.
So here I am in a restaurant, sitting at my table waiting for him. I told him to meet me at eight. It’s 8:40 now, Still no sign of him. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dialed his number; I was about to call him then saw him coming inside with his daughter in his arms, she saw me, jumped from his arms and ran towards me “ v... “
“Hey munchkin, how are you doing?“ lifting her up.
“Me fine, you?“ She said, smiling at me.
“I’m good,“ kissing her cheek.
“I’m sorry for making you wait v,” he said, hugging me.
“It’s okay,“ I smiled, kissing him on his left cheek.
We ordered our meal, After some time the waiter brought us our meal. We started digging in.
"How's work going on?" I asked,
"It's going fine, dad's secretary Mr. Adam was helping and guiding me in many things. I'm just nervous about the new project I'm working on right now."
"Don't stress about it Ro, I know you'll do good" I squeezed his hand.
"Thank you, Venn"
"Sunng" Ariel pulled the hem of my top, pointing at the group who was singing on the stage. When I visit his house, I sing songs and rhymes for Ariel, she also dances when I sing, it's so cute to watch her dance. I read somewhere that singing songs would help kids to speak early and make them active.
I looked up to see the band on stage, playing a slow song. I was watching the lead singer; she has a very good voice. I saw her somewhere I can’t remember but I feel like I know her. Her gaze fell on me, and she smiled.
Rory saw my confused face, and asked, "Do you know her?".
"No...But I feel like I saw her somewhere, I can't remember where."
He turned to her, watching her.
"V, go sing," Ariel said pointing at the stage, I smiled at her. Bending over, I said.
"I'm not their band member, I cannot go there and sing Ariel, it's rude."
"Please…" she requested with her big baby brown eyes.
"Ariel baby, she is not their band member. How can she go there and sing dear? She doesn't know them, I promise I'll make her sing a song after our dinner okay" Rory took her hand and kissed it.
"Daddy promise?" She grinned.
Nodding to her, "Daddy Promise" he grinned.
I smiled at them; Rory is the best father I have ever seen before. Anybody who sees their relationship will say that a thousand times because he's really a very good father, he never made her cry. He gave her his time and love, Even when he's busy with lots of work he would run to her when she's sad. I craved that kind of love, I missed it terribly.
After finishing the song, The lead singer waved at me signaled me to come onto the stage.
It confused me. Normally bands never call a stranger to the stage to sing when they are performing, I know it because I have gone to many concerts and I don't remember any of the singers calling someone over to the stage and allowing them to sing. Maybe they do, but I never saw or heard about it.
“Everyone.... Meet my friend Vanessa Foster. She is a very good singer too, let’s hear her “ she announced.
Friend? I don't even know her, why is she lying. Who is she? Do I know her? If I do then why can't I remember her?
Everyone was looking at me, and I was feeling nervous. I don’t know her and she just announced my name, asking me to sing. I turned to look at Rory, he was encouraging me to go. Ariel was grinning and gesturing me to go, I stood up, I was trying hard not to show my nervousness on my face, my legs were weak. It was hard for me to move them, and I feel like I was lifting a huge rock. I slowly began to walk to the stage. My hands were sweating and shaking. I climbed up on the stage and took a deep breath and smiled at everyone hiding my nervousness, with my shaking hands I took the mike from her, she smiled at me which confused me more. Why on Earth is she asking me to sing? How did she know that I sing? How did she know my name? So many questions were running in my mind, but I have no answers to them.
Like the lightning bolt I remembered her, she was there when I sang on an occasion. Where my mom was a host, her name was Olivia Carl, my mom’s boss treated me like his daughter. My mother told him that I can sing, so he requested me to perform, So I did. Olivia was a guest there; she saw me singing and praised me. I don't personally know her, only once I met her and I never saw her after that. I didn't say anything to her. I turned around to face the people who were curious to hear me sing.
I looked at munchkin and smiled. Her innocent face relaxed my nerves a bit.
I remembered the song which I recently liked, Looking at every one maintaining eye contact with them, I was clearing my throat.
Desert Rose.
[Rising High Note](mine)
I closed my eyes while doing the high note, I guess my nerves are popping out on my neck. Pressing more I sang without breaking.
[Note] (me) I continued to do another note while she was backing.
[Note] (backing vocalist Olivia)
[Verse 1]
"Inshallah," that's what you say
(I opened my eyes)
You think I lost my faith.
You won't speak my name.
Forbidden, won't see you again
(I Breathed out)
I chose a life of sin
Wish you could forgive
[Note] [backing vocalist]
I got sharp edges, I get defensive
Too lost to care, middle finger in the air
I'm sorry that I scared ya
[While I’m singing the song, I saw a gentleman at the last table, looking at me with those mesmerizing green eyes. They had an intensity in them that I started sweating, I wasn’t breaking eye contact, he wasn’t breaking it either.]
Be my protector when I cross the Sahara
Take me there, take me there and…
[That jawline, I just want to trace my finger on it. I once wanted to feel his skin against mine. His Sharp and hard jawline was giving me a hard time, I blinked a few times to get out of it. I shifted my gaze on someone opposite to me)
Love me like a desert rose
Hold me like you can't let go
Keep me safe when I come home
Love me like a...desert rose
[Note] [backing vocalist]
[My Note with her]
(closing my eyes tightly I sang my high note).
[Verse 2]
Regarde nous
(My eyes met his again)
Les mêmes joues
Toi et moi, tous les deux les mêmes
(Like he understood what I’m saying, he was watching my every move, my hands, my face without blinking)
Plus de joie, en rentrant dans le bled
I got sharp edges, I got defensive.
Too lost to care, middle finger in the air
I'm sorry that I scared ya
[I'm sorry that l scared ya] [backing vocalist]
Be my protector when I cross the sahara
[when I cross the Sahara]
Take me there, take me there and
[Take me there, and…]
Love me like a desert rose [rose]
(Love me)(backing vocalist)
(He is very handsome and hot too, he was wearing a black Armani suit, talking to someone sitting opposite him. The man reeked of dominance and authority)
Hold me like you can't let go (Like you can't let go)
Keep me safe when I come home
Love me like a–
[De…….] [Backing Vocalist]
[My grip on mike increases with my voice and high notes]
Love me, that's all I want (Habibi)
Hold me, is that too much? (Habibi)
Keep me safe when I come home (Habibi)
Love me, ah, love me like a–[my Bridge Note]
Love me like a desert rose
(Like a desert rose)(Me)
Hold me like you can't let go
(Like you can't let go)(me)
Keep me safe when I come home
(Like a)(me)
Love me like a–...
(Like a desert…)(me)
(My knuckles turned into White, my eyes weren't leaving him, I could see him gripping his glass of water. His jaw clenched and a nerve popping out on his forehead and on his hands)
Habibi, Habibi (Habibi)(backing, oliva)
Habibi, Habibi, ah (Habibi)(backing, oliva)
Habibi, Habibi, ah…(me).
Love me
(I closed my eyes)
(My Note)
Won't you love me?
When I opened my eyes, everyone stood up and I was greeted by applause from the crowd, praising me for my skills and voice.
"Thank you," I said shyly, Olivia came to me and hugged me. "you sing so well, It amazing to watch you sing like an angel dear."
"Thank you," I smiled, walking back to my table I see Rory clapping and smiling at me, I sat down on my chair.
“You know you have a beautiful voice, if you utilize it you can be a popular singer, make it as your passion and career Venessa,“ he said.
I just smiled at him.
"You sing well," Ariel said and kissed me on my right cheek,
"what's that song called?" He asked taking a spoon of his meal.
"It's Desert Rose "
"Is it a new song?"
"Yes, I think it released recently."
"Love it," Ariel said, looking at me.
I smiled at her, "Oh...So, my munchkin liked the song hm… Then I have to sing it every time I come to your home!"I said, tapping my chin.
"Yes, yes," she said with excitement.
"Okay, I will sing this song for you, and you have to dance for me then deal?"
Nodding and grinning "Deal," she replied and I grinned.
"Oh! I forgot to ask how's Mr. blaze? I heard he's sick now."
"He's fine, it's just the flu."
"Your Mom?"
"She's Fine, Too,"
"Tell me about the business,"
He sighed, "stressful"
"You need to take some rest, and you're not a machine to work all day without taking rest Ro, you look awfully weaker than before."
"I will."
"You should or else I have to put a babysitter for you."
Ariel laughed at it, "Daddy gets it, haha!"
I laughed with her, "yeah, so funny" he got irritated,
"Okay, no laughing" I put a finger on my lips,
Ariel also put a finger on her lips.
"Hm…(I suppressed my laughter.) what was your project about" I diverted the topic,
"It was about a product I've been working lately."
"what product?"
"It's a shower gel…"
I could feel someone's gaze on me. It was so intense that I had to look back. Whatever Ro was telling me wasn't reaching me.
Those eyes, God just by looking at them I was mesmerized. He got this intimidating personality like a dark aura around him, Making every one bow down to him. Those beautiful eyes, sharp jaw, kissable pink lips and pointed nose everything about him was attractive and screaming for attention. The man sitting opposite to him was telling him something, but his full attention was on me. We were staring at each other like everything around us had disappeared. He was looking at me like he was memorizing every single part of my face and it was very intimidating.
I heard someone calling me; I turned around to see Rory's worried face.
“What happened, what are you looking at?” Rory said,
“Nothing, you’re saying?“ I replied.
“Yeah. So I was thinking of investing in that company“ he was talking about his company. His father was sick, and he took over the company blaze textiles, it’s leading in Los Angeles. His father has put people around Ro to help him with things with the company.
My mind was elsewhere, everything I could think was him. I don’t know why, but he took all my interest.
After our dinner, we bid goodbyes, and he took off in his car and I started walking towards my car. I saw a sleek black Lamborghini waiting. I saw that same man getting in “rich people,” I mumbled and drove off from the restaurant.
While I’m riding, I felt like some one’s following me. I checked out, but couldn’t find anyone. So, I parked my car and went inside my house.
Yeah, I live alone, my mom died due to cancer 3 years back and father died in a car accident when I was eight. I hate my cousins and relatives. So, I only have my grandma left, she lives in Florida far from Los Angeles.
I’m still a student studying in Los Angeles high school. I was a High scoring candidate in my school, because of which, I was receiving a very good scholarship from my school. I worked hard for it.
My mother and my father have put so much money on my name because of which I haven't had a problem till now, my grandmother also sends me money every month without delay.
I was setting up time in my alarm to wake up and get ready tomorrow morning for school.
I was about to lay down on my bed but heard someone furiously knocking on the door.
I stood up, slowly walked out of my room to open the main door.
I slowly opened it and saw a very handsome man wearing a black suit standing there with something in his hand.
Author’s Note:
Hey readers, This is my first book, please read it and if you find any grammar mistakes please ignore it. Let me know your opinion on this chapter. Please leave your comments and votes. It’ll encourage me to write more and more chapters ��♥️