The bells outside were ringing, there were excited calls of the common folk putting up banners, tents, and other temporary buildings. It was a day of rejoice. The Queen was going to give birth that day. Everyone, common folk and noble men alike, was rushing to make sure that everything was ready, perfect for the new prince or princess. Those people included twins Ressi and Kiran.
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The twins, like other squires and low ranking soldiers, were carrying strange instruments back and forth. The majority of the time, the kids didn't even know what they were carrying. They did their job well anyway as they were as excited as everyone else for the new royal baby.
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Kiran carefully placed the object he was carrying down on a table that was next to the door to the birthing chamber. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he leaned against the table. As he slacked, he decided to examine the unusual instrument. “Hey, Ressi, what do you think this thing even does?”
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Ressi placed the item she was carrying next to the object Kiran was questioning. She shrugged and poked around at it, “I dunno. Is it even for birthing royalty?”
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“I think so? I mean, it's gotta be otherwise there wouldn't even be a reason for us to be carrying these things around, right?”
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“Yeah, but, I thought the queen births it by herself. Does she need a robot assistant or something?”
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A small laugh escaped from Kiran, “This looks nothing like a robot, you idiot!”
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“Hey! It kind of looks like an arm, shut up!” Ressi barked back. Kiran just stuck his tongue out at her. Before she could give him the beating of his lifetime (or for the day, at least), two large hands picked up the twins to separate them.
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"Honestly children, it's like we have to keep you two under close watch at all times," The large man, Archibald, shook his head.
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Ressi struggled against the man's firm grip but all she accomplished was tiring herself out. She gave up reluctantly and crossed her arms as she did so, looking away from both Archibald and Kiran. Archibald just laughed and placed them both back on the ground. Kiran looked smug as Ressi pouted.
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Archibald pat the twins' heads, his hands seemingly able to crush them if he so wished. He did not wish to, of course. He grinned down at them, "Alright, kids, go back down to the storage room. There's still plenty of jun-- erm, important items for you to carry up here!"
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Kiran looked up from his smug expression at his sister, "Wait, were you about to say--"
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But he was quickly cut off by Archibald's laugh as he pushed the two away from the doors of the birthing chamber, "Come now, kids! You don't want to be caught slacking off on the big day, huh? This day only comes a couple times per generation, you know!"
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As he began to escort the kids down the hall, Archibald noticed a tall robed figure across the way and called out to the familiar man, "Hey! Reldin! What are you doing out of your laboratory?"
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The figure, Reldin, looked somehow simultaneously displeased and pleased at Archibald's shouting. He hesitated before approaching, then spoke to Archibald in his usual tired drawl, "I am simply delivering these pain resistance potions to the Queen." He paused before continuing, eyeing the young twins, "You know better than anyone that I leave my laboratory daily."
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Archibald just beamed as Ressi looked between the two curiously. She opened her mouth to say something before she was interrupted by the chamber doors clambering open, the King appearing. "Reldin!" He called with his usual authority, though he was sweatier than usual and seemed a bit shaken. Ressi could only wonder why he looked almost afraid. Was giving birth really that scary? "Your potions are needed, quickly!"
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Reldin immediately walked away on cue with a quick, "I will be seeing you, Archibald."
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Archibald called back to him, "I said to call me Archie!"
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Reldin's response was ambiguous as he was leaving but there was an almost disappointed looking shake of a head before he entered the birthing chamber. The King stayed behind and approached Archibald and the twins, "I need you to stay right outside the door, and keep those kids with you. I believe we will need them close after the child is born."
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Archibald bowed his head, "Of course, Your Grace." He grinned at the twins, clapping them on their backs, "You hear that, kids? Seems like you have an important job ahead of you!"
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The King gave a small yet soft smile before he headed back into the chamber to accompany his wife. He hesitated a bit at the door, but he was able to keep his composure as he reentered the room.
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"What is in there that is so scary?" Ressi asked, "I mean, isn't bringing in new royalty supposed to be something beautiful? That's what everyone keeps saying!"
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"Yeah, the miracle of life!" Kiran added, clearly on the same wavelength as his twin, "I thought there would be light shining from the sky as the baby went into the Queen's arms or something."
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"Or a large bird flies into the window with the baby all wrapped up in a blanket!"
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Archibald laughed, yet not his usual hearty laugh. It was more nervous and unsure, "Ah, it's a bit more complicated than that. But I'm pretty sure everyone in that room wishes your ideas were true, that's for sure." He lead the twins back to the chamber door before they asked too many questions. "Anyway, you kiddos have any idea why the King wants you stationed here with me?"
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Ressi and Kiran looked at each other and back up at Archibald, shaking their heads at the same time. "Well, it looks like you're getting the same job as I have."
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"We're going to be the official guardians of the Queen?" Ressi blurted, beaming.
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Archibald laughed, "No, no. It seems to me you two--" he poked them each with his large hands "-- are going to be the official guardians of the new royal child."
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Ressi gasped, “That’s even better!”
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Kiran nodded along excitedly, "I wonder what the child will be like?"
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"I hope she would like to sword fight with us!" Ressi excitedly exclaimed.
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"She?! What makes you think it won't be a he?" Kiran asked.
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"Because I want her to be a girl!" Ressi said, making a face at her twin brother.
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"Well I want him to be a boy!" Kiran countered, making his own face back.
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Archibald laughed and got between the two for the second time today, "Alright you two, settle down. We need proper guards for the Queen."
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The twins straightened and saluted, "Right!" They said simultaneously as they walked in opposite directions so they were standing across from each other on either side of the hall.
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Archibald looked proud of the twins and went to stand sentry at the door to the chambers and all three waited. And waited.
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And waited.
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Every once in a while, Reldin would run out and come back with more potion. Each time Archibald would drag him into a conversation that would be interrupted when the King came out to fetch the Mage. Other than that, there was nothing really of note happening for hours and hours. The twins were only ten years of age and understandably bored out of their minds.
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Finally, finally, the King poked his head out of the chamber and called the Knight and his two squires in.
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The chamber was flooded with light from the large windows on either side of the balcony door, where the King and Queen will be showing off the new royal child. The Queen lay on the bed, damp from exertion yet happy of the outcome. The light shined around her as if she was the one who was emitting it.
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If Archibald, Kiran, and Ressi had any drop of poet blood in their veins, they would have waxed the moment they stepped in. But they did not and the three quickly made their way over to the bed. Ressi bounced over, "Is it a prince or a princess?"
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The Queen smiled at her baby, the mother's love clear, "She's a princess."
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Kiran crossed his arms in disappointment as Ressi stuck her tongue out at him. Though his eyes were still wide in wonder at the new princess. "What's her name?" He asked.
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The Queen looked to her husband, then back to her daughter, "Martina."
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Archibald let out a boisterous laugh and reached his arms out for the princess. The Queen handed her over to her trusted knight as he lifted the princess up in the air for all to see. "Princess Martina Garamond! Daughter of King Kenman and Queen Antella Garamond of Stornval!" He announced proudly.
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The King let out a small chuckle as Archibald handed his daughter back. He looked to the two children, "I have a job for you two."
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Ressi gasped, "What is it?!" The twins looked at each other in excitement then back to the King.
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"You two," he started, and paused for dramatic effect, "are to be the official guardians of the princess."
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"Archibald was right!" Ressi yelled in excitement as Kiran let out a whoop of joy.
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The King's eyes narrowed at Archibald who looked embarrassed. He sighed, "Yes, Archibald was indeed correct. Though do not get too excited--" The twins ceased the celebration and stood at attention-- "The job requires more responsibility than any in the kingdom. You will have an exceedingly strict schedule and Martina will have the most control over you than anyone. Betraying her trust will lead you to exile or even death. Is that clear, you two?"
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The twins nodded in unison, faces serious. The King smiled, "Then that is settled. I officially name Kiran Victor and Respelda Victor the guardians of my daughter, Princess Martina Garamond of Stornval."
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Kiran and Ressi celebrated together for a moment before the King continued, "Archibald, Reldin, show the Guardians to their new quarters. Those of such titles need a little more room for growth."
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The twins whooped and cheered and danced as Archibald and Reldin ushered them off to their new living quarters. The two barreled into the room and immediately made their way over to the bed and started jumping on it.
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Reldin looked to Archibald, "Aren't there supposed to be two beds?"
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"Ah, well," Archibald explained, "There's usually only one guardian per royal. I had to make a case for both of them, otherwise it would have only been Kiran."
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"Kiran would have made a fine guardian by himself, why both?"
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Archibald looked at the Mage as if he were mad, "They're twins. You can't exactly separate them now, can you?"
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Reldin let out an almost imperceptible chuckle, "No, I suppose not."
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Archibald and Reldin got ready to fight instinctually at the noise but… it was just the kids. Ressi was pushed off the bed but she quickly jumped back up to do the same to Kiran. The elder two relaxed. "Those two are not sharing a bed," Archibald stated plainly. Reldin silently agreed.
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The training of these two will be interesting.