Sabrina woke up in the morning after the alarm rang. She got out of bed and changed to her black jacket, white shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She went downstairs and noticed that her parents are not her. She went to search for them, but they’re gone. She panicked and went to her iPhone. She picked up her iPhone, but suddenly her iPhone now got eyes and a mouth.
”Hi!” her iPhone said.
Sabrina screamed and dropped the iPhone. The iPhone sprouted arms and legs and landed on the ground with its feet.
“What’s that for?!” the iPhone said.
Sabrina heavily breathed.
This can’t be real thought Sabrina.
”Uh, hello?” her iPhone said.
”You Are Not Real!” Sabrina cried.
Her iPhone pinched her.
”Ow!” Sabrina yelped.
”I’m real.” The iPhone said.
Sabrina heavily breathed.
”Why are you alive?” Sabrina asked the iPhone.
”Well, all of objects are actually alive. Well, some of us are,” the iPhone explained, “We are actually ghosts possessing inanimate objects. Of course, none of us chose the toilet or the toilet paper.”
Sabrina then felt like she’s losing her mind. Ghosts are real.
“Uh, are you okay?” The iPhone asked.
“No. My parents are not here and ghosts are real.” said Sabrina.
”Sorry to scare ya!” The iPhone said.
Sabrina slowly calmed down and realized she has to go to school.
”I need to go to school.” Sabrina said as she grabbed her backpack.
”I’ll come too!” The iPhone said has it jumped into her backpack.
Sabrina sighed and went to school.