Ivory's POV:
Hello, Grace, good afternoon, Donavan," I said as I stood outside of my classroom door greeting students as they walked in. "Hi, Lexie, nice shirt, Brayden. Put away the phone, Ty," I said to another student who was texting. That's when I saw her, Bella, heading my way.
She was wearing her black combat boots and a pair of faded Blue jeans but that wasn't what caught my attention. It was her super tight neon Green t-shirt that made my heart race. I know I shouldn't have been looking at one of my students that way but how that shirt made her breasts look was absolutely breathtaking.
"Good afternoon, Bella," I said as she stared directly into my eyes, walking right by me without uttering a single word. Almost instantly, my heart began to race a mile a minute. "Ok, I think that's everyone," I announced as I finally entered my classroom and shut the door behind me. "Let's see a show of hands. How many of you know what a Cinquain is?"
"It's a natural disaster," Ty spoke up and said. "New Orleans was almost wiped out by one, remember."
"QUIET!" I yelled as just about the entire class started laughing and pointing at him. "That was a hurricane, Ty, not a Cinquain," I added as I slowly paced back and forth in front of my desk. "A Cinquain is a poem with just five lines in each stanza. The first line has one word, two words in the second line, three in the third line and four words in the fourth line. However, the fifth line has only one word. Allow me to demonstrate," I said as I began writing on the whiteboard.
A Cinquain
Using proper spelling
Talking about your future
"This is a Cinquain," I said as I turned around and faced my class again. "This is also your homework assignment for tonight. I want a Cinquain written just like this but I want two stanzas," I said as I slowly walked around my desk and sat down. "I'll even let you use the rest of class time to work on it Any questions? No, good. Get started on your assignments."
The Truth is, it was the last class of the day and I couldn't wait for it to be over. As I sat at my desk and watched the students in my class quietly working on their homework assignment, Bella was the only one who didn't appear to be writing a single word on paper. I was going to call her out on it but the last thing I wanted to do was embarrass her again in front of her classmates so I just left it alone. Although I may have appeared to be working with the rest of the class, I'm pretty sure that Bella knew otherwise. We secretly maintained eye contact with each other for the rest of the class I think. I think the only time either of us looked away from each other was to look at the clock on the wall.
I had no idea what I was going to say to Bella but I knew I had to talk to her after class. I had to clear the air between us and make things less awkward for both of us going forward.
"Have a great evening class. Remember, your homework assignments are due on my desk at the beginning of next class," I said, watching my students practically run for the door after the bell rang. "Bella, stick around for a bit."
After all the students except for Bella had left my class, I got up from my desk and I shut the door before turning around to finally face Bella. She was standing in front of my desk, leaning against it, with her arms folded and staring down at the floor.
"You weren't writing anything on paper during class," I said in a low voice as I slowly walked across my classroom. "Why?"
"You know why. We both know why," Bella responded as she unfolded her arms and hopped up on my desk, sitting on it, with her legs dangling over the side of it. "I was thinking about, you know, what happened between us yesterday."
"Fair enough," I said, slightly nodding my head, trying to choose my words carefully. "I... I was actually thinking about that lot... Last night and today and..."
"I want you to be honest with me, Miss Newman," Bella said, interrupting me after she cleared her throat. "Was it the worst kiss you've ever shared with anyone?"
"Bella, that's... That's not fair," I said as I watched her put her hands down on my desk beside her, staring straight at me, and lean forwards a little. Deep down in my heart, I knew that, above all else, I had to be honest with Bella. "No... No, it wasn't," I finally replied after taking a long deep breath. "In fact, honestly, that was probably the most incredible kiss I've ever felt in my life but, Bella, it can't..."
"Did you masturbate?" Bella blurted out, causing me to stop talking and stare at her in total shock. "You said you were thinking about us kissing last night," She went on to say. "Did you masturbate while you were thinking about it? I did."
"No, you didn't,". I quickly replied. "We can't have this conversation. We're not..."
"After I got home yesterday, I took a nice long hot shower," Bella explained, speaking in a soft seductive voice, as she began staring up at the ceiling. "I thought about you and I kissing and I couldn't help myself. I wanted to cum so bad... So, I did."
"My God, Bella," I said, gasping for breath, feeling my entire body starting to shake. "You can't be telling me stuff like that. It's..."
"It's turning you in, isn't it?" Bella replied without barely moving her lips. Before I knew it, she reached out for my hand and pulled me forward so that I was now standing between her open legs. "Actually, I made myself cum twice in the shower thinking about you, Miss Newman."
"I shouldn't be telling you this, Bella, but... Yes, I'm really getting turned on by you right now," I said as I placed my two hands on the top of her legs and stared straight ahead into her eyes. "And, by the way, it's Ivory."
"Good, I want you turned on," Bella whispered as she leaned her head forward, stopping as her lips came within millimetres of mine. "Who's Ivory?"
"My name," I whispered back as I felt Bella's fingertips on my neck and her thumbs on my cheeks. "My name is Ivory. You can call me Ivory when we alone instead of Miss Newman if... If you want."
"I like calling you Miss Newman," Bella said as she licked my lips with the tip of her tongue. "But I think I'm gonna like calling you Ivory just as much."
I did it again. Before Bella could kiss me, I kissed her, hard, passionately, and with full intent behind it. I could feel myself getting more and more turned on as our tongues circled each other and as our bodies clung onto each other. Bella placed her hands on my upper chest and began to unbutton my blouse. Very reluctantly, I had to stop her.
"What's wrong? I want you so much, Miss Newman," Bella said in between kisses. "Ivory, whatever you want me to call you, it doesn't matter. I want you, all of you."
"I know you do, Bella, and believe me, as wrong as it may be, I want you too. I do," I said as I held her hands in mine, kissed her lips, and smiled at her all at the same time. "But I have a staff meeting in ten minutes. If I'm not there, they're gonna get suspicious and come looking for me."
"Just when you're starting to make me wet," Bella said, sighing heavily, as she rested her forehead against mine. "Can we continue this tomorrow?"
"You have detention tomorrow, don't you?" I asked Bella in a soft seductive voice. After she nodded her head, I went into Miss Newman mode again. "I'm still your teacher and I expect that assignment for by tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Miss Newman," Bella replied as she hopped from my desk and began kissing me again. "About my future goals, right," She said as she finally broke the kiss between us.
"That's right, and be serious about it, Bella. I mean it," I replied, trying to look as serious as I could. "And just so you know... It's definitely sexy when you call me Miss Newman. Now, get out of here so I can get to my staff meeting."
"Yes, Miss Newman," Bella replied as she slowly walked across my classroom and picked up her schoolbag off the floor by her desk. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"You better," I replied as I meet her by my classroom door and have her another long passionate kiss. "Ok... Go."
I opened the door and stepped aside to allow Bella to exit my classroom. As she did so, her breasts brushed directly up against mine, sending shockwaves through my entire body. I wanted to kiss her again, badly, but I knew I couldn't risk anyone seeing that happen.
"Tease," I whispered as Bella stepped out into the hallway. "Get that poem written."
Bella didn't respond verbally but she did lick her lips and lick her tongue out at me before turning and slowly making her way down the hallway.
"Did I masturbate last night?" I thought to myself as I made my way back into my classroom. "You bet your sexy little ass I did." Even with a wicked tingling feeling between my legs, I began to gather my things together and get ready for my staff meeting. "I did last night and I will be again tonight," I said as I made my way out of my classroom.