Ivory's POV:
"Ok, don't forget to go over the list of nouns and pronouns," I called out to the class just as the last bell of the day rang. "You will be tested on it on Monday."
After the thirty or so students all piled out of my classroom, I sat down at my desk, thankfully, in total silence. I was staring down at the lesson plan for my next class when I heard a faint knock on the open doorway.
"It's open," I said without looking up. "Just give me one second..."
"Just so you know, I think it's pathetic that you gave me detention," A familiar voice said. "I didn't even do anything wrong."
"You're early... Impressive." I replied as I looked up and saw Bella slowly walking into my classroom. "Have a seat and do some homework or something."
Bella was a beautiful girl with a tomboy look about her. She was about 5'8" tall with short brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black t-shirt under her black leather jacket and black jeans along with a pair of combat boots. At first glance, she seemed like your typical Senior in high school.
"It's the first day of school. I don't have any homework," Bella responded in a condescending voice as she sat form in en empty desk in the front row. "I shouldn't even be here right now."
"You shouldn't, but you are and that's your own doing," I said as I closed my classroom door and turned around to face her. "You'll be hanging out with your friends again before you know it so just sit..."
"That's where you're wrong," Bella snapped at me. "I don't have any friends."
"That's really sad," I said as I walked across my classroom and sat down in the empty desk right next to Bella. "You must have at least one friend."
"Aren't you a little young to be a teacher?" Bella asked as she turned her head and stared at me. "What are you, like, twenty-two, twenty-three?"
"Actually, I'm twenty-six," I responded. "Aren't you a little old to be a Senior in high school? What are you, like, twenty-one?"
"Shit, I wish," Bella replied with a chuckle. "I'll be nineteen in three weeks."
"That wasn't so hard was it?" I asked in a soft voice, trying to sound as non-combatant as possible. "Laughing, smiling, I mean."
"Whatever," Bella said as she folded her arms across her chest and put her feet up on the desk. "It must be an off day because I never smile."
Normally, I wouldn't allow my students to put their feet up on a desk but given the fact that Bella was having a hard time opening up to me, I let it go and not start another confrontation with her.
"That's a shame," I said as I turned sideways, crossing my legs, facing Bella. "You're such a pretty girl. You should smile."
"You're a teacher, you get paid to say that", Bella fired back as she took her feet down of the desk again. "Besides, I haven't had a reason to smile in almost six years now."
That's a long time to go without smiling," I said. "What happened six..."
"Miss Newman to the principal's office, please," Debbie, the school secretary announced over the intercom system. "Miss Newman to the principal's office, please and thank you."
"Hope that thought, Bella. I'll be right back." I said, sighing, as I got up from my desk. "I'll expect you to still be here when I get back."
Bella said nothing as I left my classroom, shutting the door behind me, and hurried down the hallway. Needless to say that I was a little more than annoyed when I got there and discovered that all Debbi wanted was for me to sign some stupid forms for class material that I'd be needing for the first term.
I honestly expected Bella to be gone when I got back to my classroom but she wasn't. When I opened the door and made my way inside, I found her sitting behind my desk and not the one she occupied earlier.
"What are you doing?" I asked her as I shut the door behind me. "Why are you sitting behind my desk?"
"Is this what I think it is?" Bella asked, seemingly in a little better mood now than she was when I left the classroom. "Is this the advanced copy of the test next..."
"Bella, give that back to me, right now," I said as she finally got up from my desk. "You had no right sitting behind my desk and you have absolutely no right snooping through..."
"It's not snooping if it's left out in the open for everyone to see," Bella replied, pushing my chair out of the way and teasing me by holding the paper high in the air, walking backwards around my desk. "I can make copies of this and sell it to everyone in Senior class for ten... Twenty bucks a pop and make myself a fortune."
"Bella, I'm not joking. Give me the test, now," I ordered her as I followed her all the way around my desk until we were standing behind it again. "I said give me that test... Right now."
I made a grab for the rest just as Bella pulled it away from me. Somehow, I found myself leaning back against my desk as I struggled to get control of the test.
"Fine, take it," Bella finally says as she began laughing. "I was just trying to..."
Bella finally let go of the paper and as I leaned forward, I fell into her and, totally by accident, found my lips pressed firmly against hers. I don't know who was more shocked, Bella or me, but for about three or four seconds, we were kissing each other.
"Oh, my God, Bella. I'm..." I quickly broke the kiss and pushed her away. "I'm... I'm so sorry. That wasn't supposed to happen, Bella. I didn't mean to kiss..."
"Miss Newman, calm the fuck down," Bella whispered. "You didn't kiss me. I kissed you and..."
"Watch your language," I said, pointing my finger at her. "It doesn't matter who kissed who Bella, it shouldn't have happened,". I added as I turned away from her and began picking up the rest of the papers on my desk. "You can go now. That's enough detention for today."
"What do you mean today?" Bella asked. "How many days is it?"
"I was going to give you a week but..." I said, pausing to swallow the lump in my throat. "After what just happened I don't think that's such a good idea."
"Screw that," Bella replied. "I got a week's detention... I'll be here tomorrow."
"Bella, it's not necessary," I replied as I turned around and faced her. "I really shouldn't have..." Before I could even finish what I was saying, Bella leaned forward and kissed my lips, very intentionally this time, and, again, it took about three or four seconds before she pulled away.
"Now, we're even," She said in a soft seductive voice as she slowly walked around my desk. "Don't be sorry, Miss Newman, because I'm not. I'll see you tomorrow."
I stood behind my desk and watched as Bella slowly made her way across my classroom and opened the door. Just before she walked out through it, she turned around and stared straight at me.
"Yeah," I whispered, putting my hand in my desk to balance myself as my knees became week in the knees. "I'll see you tomorrow."
After Bella left my classroom, still in total shock, I walked around my desk and sat down in the empty desk that Bella was sitting in earlier, holding my face in my hands, trying to catch my breath.