Ivory's POV:
I made my way down the hallway from the main office to my classroom just after the first bell of the day rang signalling the start of classes for the day. I rented my class and was about to shut the door when I felt it being pulled bank open behind me.
"Bella, you're late again," I said as I turned around and saw her standing there. "That's the second time this week."
I'm sorry, Miss Newman,". Bella said, grinning at me, as she walked past me and sat down in her seat. "It won't happen again. I was late because I was..."
"I don't want to hear it and, no, it won't happen again," I said in a stern voice as I slammed my classroom door shut and turned around to face my students. "Because if it does, you'll be expelled from my class," I declared, almost staring a hole through Bella. "Punctuality is just as important as grammar in my class and your tardiness won't be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, very clear," Bella replied, staring around the classroom and then back at me. "I said I was..."
"And I said I don't want to hear it. I'll see you after class," I said, snapping at Bella, as I began pacing back and forth. "Now, I want everyone to bring your homework assignment to the front of the class and put it on my desk, face down."
I watched as, one by one, each and every student in my class brought a piece of paper forward, placed it face down on my desk, and returned to their seat. Each and every student, that is, except for Bella. I'm not sure if she was trying to take advantage of our recent closeness or just trying to make a fool out of me just to amuse her classmates but I wasn't impressed with her and I wasn't having either of it.
"Bella, your paper," I said as I stood directly in front of her desk with my arms folded across my chest. "Give it to me, now."
"Um, well, I have it done but..." Bella replied as she pulled a paper out of her schoolbag and stared at it before looking up at me. "I wrote the rough copy last night and then I fell asleep. I still have to rewrite the..."
"Too late," I said as I snatched the paper away from Bella and walked back to my desk. "I'll grade it as is, where is," I said, putting Bella's paper down on top of the rest, and addressed my class again. "Now, moving on... Your next assignment is to write an opinionated essay, ten thousand words, correct spelling and grammar, and it's due in exactly one week from now. You can use the rest of this class to get started on it just because I don't want to talk to any of you right now."
I sat back down at my desk and began reading the cinquains that my students wrote. Of course, I picked up the very top paper, totally forgetting that I literally just asked Bella to bring it forward. As I started to read Bella's poem, I felt a lump forming in my throat as my heart began racing out of my chest and my pussy began tingling like never before.
I slowly put the paper form on my desk, still shaking like a leaf, as I looked up at Bella. She was sitting up straight in her seat, making direct eye contact with me, with absolutely no expression on her face.
Trying not to bring too much attention to myself as I starred around my class before making eye contact with Bella again, I reread the part of her poem that instantly made me wet between my legs.
Make myself cum
So fucking hard for
I don't know how long I was staring at the poem or how many times I silently read it over in my head but, before I knew it, the bell had rung and students were starting to pile out of my class. When I finally looked up, Bella was standing directly in front of my desk.
"What in the hell were you thinking?" I asked her in a low voice as I jumped up from my desk. "You can't write stuff like..."
"I told you it was just a rough copy and that I had to rewrite it," Bella replied in a soft voice, pouting her lips at me, as she watched me walk around her desk. "I'm sorry but after yesterday, I went home last night and..."
"Bella, the door is wide open," I replied, cutting her off, going back into teacher mode. "You were late for my class this morning and now failed to hand in a homework assignment," I said in a stern voice as two students walked in through the door. "I'll see you after school for detention. Now, go to your next class."
"Can I at least have my rough copy back?". Bella asked, exhaling quickly, trying desperately not to smile at me. "I can have it rewritten..."
"No, you can't," I replied as I held Bella's paper against my chest. "Rewrite it again and start from scratch. Now, get out of here and don't be late for detention."
As much as I wanted to be, and as much as she deserved it, I couldn't stay angry with Bella. I tried to breathe as normally as possible as she left my class but that wasn't easy.
I managed to get through the next class and the rest of the day as, thankfully, time seemed to go by rather quickly. However, I couldn't stop thinking about Bella and the Cinquain that she wrote for her homework assignment. After the final bell of the day rang and all of my students had left, I sat down at my desk and, of course, was reading Bella's poem again when she showed up for detention.
"Shut the door behind you," I said as I put the paper down, slowly stood up, and walked around my desk. "We need to talk, Bella."
"I was late because I slept in," She replied, shutting the classroom door and turning around to face me. "It's not fair that you attacked me like that this morning."
"And it's not fair for you to be taking advantage of me," I quickly replied as I slowly walked back and leaned up against my desk. "When that bell rings, I'm still your teacher, Bella, and I expect you to..."
"What about before and after class?" Bella asked, speaking in a soft seductive voice, as she dropped her schoolbag on the floor beside my desk. "What about right now, Ivory? Are you my teacher now?"
Bella quickly leaned against me and began kissing me. As soon as our lips touched, I put my hands on her hips and used her body to balance myself as I quickly hopped up onto my desk and allowed her to stand between my legs.
"I... I rewrote the poem," Bella said between kisses as she began pushing my skirt up over my legs, all the way up until she exposed my panties. "It's in my schoolbag. Should I get it for you now?"
"No... Later," I replied as I pushed my panties down over my legs as Bella tugged on them. "God, I... I can't believe we're doing this right now," I said as I kissed Bella again. "I'm so fucking wet right now, Bella."
"Good," Bella said. "I've been waiting all day for this, Miss Newman," She said as she spread my legs apart again and stood between them. "Fuck, you are wet," She gasped loudly, putting her hand directly between my legs, running her finger up and down between my lips. "Wait... We need to lock the door before we..."
"It's ok, it locks automatically when you close it," I replied in a low voice, exhaling slowly, as I felt Bella's middle finger entering my pussy. "Put it all the way in, Bella," I practically begged her as I began kissing her lips again. "Let me feel your fingers inside of me."
"Yes, Miss Newman," Bella replied, sending a rush of adrenaline flowing through my body again when she called me Miss Newman. "Whatever you say."
Not only did Bella stick her middle finger deep into my pussy, but she also worked a second and third finger deep inside of me too. It was everything I could do not to screen at the top of my lungs as Bella Bergen fucking me harder now. Leaning back on my desk, resting on one of my hands, I used the other hand to cover my mouth and allow myself to thoroughly enjoy what I've been craving all day long.
"Aren't you going to cum for me, Miss Newman?" Bella asked as she reached in under of my blouse and even my bra with her free hand and began massaging my breast while continuing to aggressively work her fingers in and out of me. "You want to cum, Miss Newman, I know you do, so just..."
"Oh, my God, Bella, I mumbled loudly with my hand still over my mouth. "I'm... I'm so close right now. Don't... Don't stop, Bella, whatever... Whatever you do, don't fucking stop."
As good as it felt, I couldn't believe that I was actually letting one of my students finger my pussy like this as I laid back on my desk. It was wrong, I know, but Bella made me feel better than any man, or woman for that matter, that I've ever been within my life. Not only did she look older than she actually was, but she was also way more sexually mature than I ever imagined she could be or would ever be.
"Bella! Bella, I'm gonna cum!" I whispered between deep breaths as I felt the immense pressure building between my legs. I'm gonna fucking cum, Bella!"
"Yes, do it. Cum for me," Bella replied as she began fucking my pussy so fast now that her entire body started shaking. "Cum for me, Miss Newman. Fucking cum for me... Right fucking..."
"Cumming! I'm cumming! Oh, God! Bella!" I laid down, flat on my back as I covered my mouth with my two hands now just to keep myself from screaming like I was being murdered or something. "MMM! MMM! Bella, yes! Yes! fuck, yes!"
I could actually feel myself cumming all over Bella's fingers. Even though she kept them inside of my pussy, thankfully, she took pity on me and stopped fucking me. Everything down there was just so sensitive now.
When Bella finally did pull her fingers out of me, she did it slowly and gently, not like a guy who would just rip his cock out of me when he was done fucking me. As I said, Bella was sexually mature way beyond her years.
After I wiped the tears away from my eyes, holding onto my desk, I pulled myself up into a sitting position just in time to watch Bella suck my cum off her fingers. I must've looked stupid staring at her with my mouth open as wide as my legs just were but I didn't care. Watching her sucking on her fingers and smiling at me, I swear, that made me wet all over again.
"You taste good," Bella said as she leaned into me and kissed my lips. "See, I told you," She said as she began giggling at me. "You turn me on so... Fuck! There's someone at..."
"I know! Go sit down in your desk, quick," I told Bella as I hopped from off my desk and grabbed some tissue out of my drawer to wipe the top of it clean. "Just one moment,". I called out, putting on my panties quicker than I ever had before in my life. "Bella, quick, take out your books. Make it look like you're working or something."
"Miss Newman, didn't you hear me knocking?" Principal Sanderson asked after I finally opened the classroom door. "I just wanted to... Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had a student here with you."
"Yes, she's an unruly one, she is," I replied, inhaling through my nose and exhaling slowly, trying to quickly go back into teacher mode again. "But, she has potential. She just needs to apply herself a little..."
"Excuse me, I'm right here," Bella spoke up as she waved her hand. I wanted to kiss her for proving me right. "If you have something to say, at least do it TO me and not ABOUT me."
"And... This is who you want to hire as your student assistant, miss Newman," Principal Sanderson said as she turned around and faced me. "Are you sure about that?"
"I'm sorry, student assistant?" Bella asked, as surprised by what Principal Sanderson said as I was that age even showed up at my class. "What do you mean, hire me?"
"I... I haven't discussed it with her," I replied as I smiled at Principal Sanderson. "Bella, I'll explain everything in a bit. Principal Sanderson, is there something in particular that you wanted?"
"Yes, I wanted to bring you these forms," She replied as she handed me a bunch of papers. "Basically, they're a bunch of permission forms for the Senior class trip next month."
"Well, thank you," I replied as I took the papers and put them down on my desk. "I'll see that they get signed and returned by the end of next week."
"Good idea," Principal Sanderson answered as she looked at me, almost with a confused look on her face. "You almost seem like you're out of breath. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied. "I had asthma as a kid and I think it's flaring up again."
"Get that checked out," Principal Sanderson said, smiling at me, as she placed her hand on my arm and began gently rubbing it up and down. "That's an order."
"I will, to I promise," I replied, nodding my head. "I'll make an appointment with a doctor right away."
After Principal Sanderson left my classroom, I shut the door and, legitimately, almost did have an asthma attack. I sat on the front of my desk again and buried my face in my hands.
"That was too close... Too fucking close, Bella," I said as I removed my hands from my face and looked up at her. "We can't do this again, Bella," I said as I began shaking my head. "Not here, not on school property."
"Student assistant," Bella responded as she stood up from her seat. "Care to explain that to..."
"After what just happened, that's all that you..." I was almost shocked by Bella's response to what I'd just said to her. "Did you hear what I just said. We can't keep doing this, Bella."
"You said not here, not on school property," Bella answered me back in that soft seductive sexy voice of hers as she leaned forwards and began kissing my neck. "I guess that means we'll just have to take it off school property. Maybe someplace like, I don't know, my house."
"Are you crazy?" I said, pushing Bella back a little and staring into her eyes. "We'd have less chance at getting caught her at school. How are you gonna explain to your parents that you're..."
"Parent... Not parents," Bella replied with a suddenly serious look on her face. "My dad died and my mom's not home and she won't be for at least a few days. Come on, Ivory. Come back to my place with..."
"I can't, Bella," I replied, reluctantly, I started up at the ceiling and sighed heavily. "I... I want to, I really do but I have a lot of work to do before I..."
"Fine!" Bella replied as she threw her arms up in the air and backed away from me. "As long as you get off, that's all that matters, right. No, don't touch me!" She warned me as she threw her books back in her schoolbag. "You're my teacher, right. Well, you know, except for when you need your pussy fucked, right."
"Bella, keep your voice down," I said, looking towards my classroom door and then back at her. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"
"What's gotten into me? Well, it's certainly not you or your fingers, is it?" Bella replied as she slapped a piece of paper against my chest and held it there. "As promised, Miss Newman here's the final copy of my homework assignment. I hope it's satisfactory."
"Bella, please... Don't leave like this." I said, frozen in my tracks, watching her march across my classroom and out through the door without even looking back at me. "Bella!"