Hassan's Diary, May 5, 2025:
"Still another day with Leif. Till this point, we are still heading toward where we need to go. South of Adamstown, the Pitcairn Islands, the edge between the sky and the ocean blends into one piece. That was probably how the Europeans saw the Oceanus Æthiopicus in the Medival Era, which they believe is the edge of the world. Unlike the Oceanus Æthiopicus, which some islands sprinkle on in the middle of it, this part of the Pacific is absolute emptiness. In the past, the Magellan, the Cook, and many others had sailed through this. However, unlike them, which they are seeking for new islands for settlements, our destination is deep inside this emptiness.
One thing worth mention is that we are on track. According to the water samples we collected earlier in the morning, the concentration of Element 237, or the Icy Ruby, we called it, is steadily increasing. Underneath this emptiness, we will find the essential key for us to overcome the threshold of sustainability.
The night when my team and I discovered the existence of this element, we forgot the tiredness we had on the path. It is the game-changer of the current energy structure, in which the energy stored in one single crystal cannot be underestimated. It is perfectly zero-emission. It is even better than Uranium, which still produces dangerous radiation in comparison, while it has the energy 30000 times more than Uranium.
However, as we are getting closer to the destination, the raging ocean attacks our ship more and more boldly. Under the anger of Chalchiuhtlicue, our vessel is no different than the canoes when the ancient Polynesians were trying to conquer the unknown world. I know the crew members are handling this, but who else would have to suffer that type of tides. Probably, we are not welcome here.
At one point, I am questioning myself, are we the ruthless invaders to this holy land, which Mother Nature had protected for thousands of years, or the saviours of humanity? Or probably both? "
Meanwhile, in the lab, Catharina and others still work on tracking the Icy Ruby:
Catharina: “Here we are. According to our Ruberium detector, we are only 30 nautical miles away from the site. I had never felt so excited like this.”
Jacob: “That's great. Call the professor now.”
Catharina exited.
Jacob: (looking at the 3D model of the red ice) “My petite, delicate, fragile ferch…. No, the merched, you deserve a perfect bachgen to emphasize your beauty. I will be depressed if your glorious brightness is faded by the jealousy, ugly bwystfilod. Here I’m coming to save you.”
In the meeting room, Justin, the vice master and the onboard computer technician, is having a conversation with Hassan.
Justin: “Professor Ba, I know you have universal knowledge of geology and oceanology. But you know, I am also very interested in some of these stuff about the ocean. Here I just have a question that I am uncertain you can answer that.”
Hassan: “Sure I would just go straight forward. By the way, just truth, I’m just a newbie for ocean science.”
Justin: “Do you truly believe that there are some forces and voids that we haven’t figured out in the ocean?”
Hassan: “Well, I’m pretty confident to tell you, even as a scientist myself, I still believe in these ‘myths.'”
Justin: “Really?”
Hassan: “As you can see, our humanity had already conquered Mt.Everest decades ago. We now have aeroplanes, satellites, spacecraft... We can go very far in height. However, while I am answering your question, we’re still on the surface of the ocean, the largest water body on our own planet. Just now, as you know, we’re on the way of uncovering this kind of sustainable energy resource. However, compared to Voyager 1, it is just a speck of tiny dust we have known about the ocean.”
Justin: “But why we understand in height more than depth?”
Hassan: “Height and depth are the same measures. The only difference is everyone’s reaction and effort. You see, we only discover the ocean when we need to grab some resources from it. As a specie, human also has fear. What we are terrified of is the deep ocean or Thalassophobia. This can be one of the barriers to our discovery of the deep world.”
Justin: “True.”
Hassan: “That’s why I published this article on National Geographic. (Showing the cover of National Geographic) ‘The time we understand the ocean, the time we understand the universe’. Many people criticized me that I ignored many facts, but the purpose I post this just reminds people to not giving up the research on the ocean.”
Justin: “Now I understand…”
Meanwhile, In the bridge, the tide is raging against the vessel.
Captain De Vrie: “Report our position, Zach.”
Zachary: “2572.17 nautical miles east of Tikitiki, New Zealand.”
Captain De Vrie: “ Okay.”
(Murmured: “Things are getting devastating. It could be the worst sail I have ever experienced.”)
(In the meeting room)
Justin: “By the way, have you seen my girlfriend Angioletta?”
Hassan: “She has great progress during the voyage. I know she takes care of everyone like an angel, while her appeal is also very nice. By the way, have you two been married?”
Justin: “Not really, but we’ll have done this by the end of this research. You know, she doesn't really like to have the wedding, since she wants to stay her life like a high school girl. But anyway, I’m really glad to see you and your Catharina participate."
(A sound of cracking took place, but no one was noticed)
Catharina: (speaking through the speaker): "Professor Ba, we have some progress here. Could you come right now?"
Hassan: “I think Catharina and Jacob still need me. Just have a good night, my vice master.”
Justin: “Thank you, bye.”
(The door was shut. Following the close of the door, a noisy crack of metal was heard by Justin. Then, the table starts to slide toward the wall.)
Justin: “What happened? I have to see the master now.”
(He hurried to the corridor and headed to the bridge)
Justin: “Master! Master! There is…”
(As he opens the door, the door was thrown into the ocean, and the bridge disappears.”
Justin: “Master…”
(He turned back to the meeting room and heading to the lab)
(Meanwhile in the mechanic room)
Ray Sydney: “Chief, we have some serious problems!”
Nicholas: “There is no truth on your legs! Just leave your watch site and tell me, Ray.”
engineer 2: “We have lost the power supply, and the seawater poured inside!”
Nicholas: “ Tell the master!”
Ray Sydney: “We lost the contact with the master. Maybe we have already lost the whole bridge!”
Nicholas: “Eto piz`dets (all troubles up)…Finding all the survivors!”(Murmur: “I don’t want these krasotas eaten by the ocean, they’re mine!”)
(In the lab, a series of knocking crushes onto the door.)
Emily: “I’m doing this.” (Open the door)”Hi, my great vice-captain…”
Justin: “We have some serious problems… The ship is collapsing, and floating like on a piece of wood!”
Emily: “What are you talking about? Take a breath.”
(Another cracking)
Catharina: "Right. I felt like the vessel had lost its main power supply at one moment. I also heard the emergency generator is generating."
Hassan: “Have you tried to contact the captain?”
Justin: “No good. The whole bridge was disappeared… I think this piece of the vessel wouldn't float very long and the power supply would soon run out! Guys, just bring your necessaries and gather on the back deck lifeboats.”(Leave the room)
(In the infirmary, where Angioletta was checking the news her phone. The headline of the news is about the Syrian refugees starts to rebuild their country.)
Angioletta: “Hi, Nick…What’s going on here?”
Nicholas: “Just follow me and ask no question.” (Grab her)
Angioletta: “Ah, stop! Can you tell me what happened?”
Nicholas: "It's complicated... Basically, the ship is sinking."
Angioletta: "How could this be possible”
(Everyone starts to gather on the deck )
Justin: " There are three lifeboats left. Just get to the nearest boat now!"
Hassan's diary, May 5, 2025:
“We got on the lifeboat. We’re getting away from the only civilized island in this darkness, and sliding into the savagery heart of South Pacific. The advanced technology we had did not help us navigate through the emptiness. The little light from my torch cannot penetrate the darkness in front of us. On the boat, there were 5 of us. Catharina sat beside me. Her ruby necklace is the only object that is shining other than the torch and the star. We didn't know how many of us were survived from this ship-wreck. Probably only five of us."
We had no idea where we were heading. New Zealand? The Pitcairn Islands? Or another unknown world…”
Hassan’s diary, May X+2,2025:
“I woke up before everyone else. I didn’t know how long the ocean current has carried us. Suddenly, I heard a noise- it must be our lifeboat rubbed on the land.”
Hassan: “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to wake up. We’ve landed.”
Catharina: “Okay…Wait, how long we’ve been on the lifeboat? And where are we?”
Angioletta: “Hah (yarning)…Why it’s so noisy…Who’s dragging me? I cannot even move…”
Nicholas: “Don’t move. Just stay for a while, I haven’t done it with you, my little angel…”(holding her tightly and touching her body)
Angioletta (Slap on Nicholas): “How dare are you, you pervert! What you've done on me?”
Nicholas: (Just woke up) “Blyat, What did you say!?”
Justin: “Could everyone calm down now? We have no idea where we are, but we know we are at least on a piece of earth. I think the priority should be checking the surroundings and know where we are.”
(Somewhere else on the island)
Jack: “Hey gentlemen, wake up. We still have some work to do”
engineer 1: “Ahh, Just give us another break. We don’t know where we are yet.”
Jack: “You know who is the chief now!” (kicking the person).
scientist 1: “Hey, Jacob, stop! You shall not be the chief unless Justin and Hassan is confirmed to be dead.”
Jacob: “Do you think a dark-skin Moor and a slanted-eye Asian can survive these devastating waves last night? You know, our great British people are always doing the best.”
scientist 1: “Stop your racism!”
Jacob: “And shut up your lame mouth!” (Strike him)
scientist 2: “He is right. Jacob, it’s not your time to show your power and your hatred. We have to take a break and then find all these survivors.”
Jacob: “Apologize for my behaviour. But I couldn't find anything good from Hassan. What makes him special? His knowledge? How about my fifteen years of researching? That Moor, he stole my lovely Catharina from me. She was blinded by his appearance. Under the respectful mask, Hassan is the most jealous person I have ever met. Again, I spent more time with him than you gentlemen, so don’t be blind by his appearances. I feel sorry to swear on the vice-master. These languages come from my bloody-hell instinct. Sorry about that.”
(On the other side of the island)
Catharina: “We found Emily at the end of the beach. She said her lifeboat was sunk by the coral and she was the only survivor of that boat.”
Justin: “Have you seen Jacob?”
Angioletta: “No. Maybe he is also on the same boat. ”
Hassan: “Okay. Just forget this. Now we need an assembly to choose who is going to be the leader. You know, we need a leader who is of the people, by the people and for the people.”
Justin: “And we already found a ruby-ish stone on the beach. Let’s keep this as the key for speaking.”
Angioletta: “Oh, do you mean we can act like the boys in Lord of the Flies? That would be efficient and interesting. Hope there won’t be a Jack here…”
Catharina: “By the way, Justin, can you keep the ruby-ish stone for me?”(grab the stone) “I vote for Hassan. He was the head of our scientists, and his knowledge can save us from the danger.”
Angioletta: “I prefer Justin. He led the whole evacuation and he was one of the honest people I had ever seen. As all of you know, justice and honest is more important than the knowledge for a leader.”
Justin: “so we got 1 vote for each of us. What about you, Nicholas?”
Nicholas: “Well I vote Justin, just for his girlfriend’s sake.”
Angioletta: “Stash your lewd mind!”
Catharina: “Come on, could you please pay some basic respects on her…”
Emilia: “Oh (Just woke up) what happened? Where am I?”
Angioletta: “Oh Jesus Christ! You just woke up!”
Catharina: “Emily, we are having a meeting about what’s next thing to do.”
Emilia: “Where is Jack?”
Catharina: “Perhaps he shall live in the furious waves forever…”
Emilia: “Sorry for asking that… But are we going to vote a leader? If you want me to vote, I prefer Hassan.”
Justin: “It's tough.”
Hassan: “That’s okay. I think you will be the minister of justice, and I’ll be the minister of technology. ”
Justin: “Sure.”
Hassan: “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Ye will be our minister of justice and I’ll be our minister of technology, fair enough?”
Nicholas: “Never bother.”
All women: “Agreed.”
Justin: “So let’s make a plan about what are going to do next.”