Everyone seems to think that Lily Evans is this sweet little bookworm, goody-two-shoes Gryffindor. Well, let me tell you where you’re wrong. She’s the biggest witch, excuse my pun, I’ve ever known. She spends most of her time in detention, and she definitely isn’t a Gryffindor. No, she’s, surprisingly, a Slytherin. Now I know not all Slytherins are bad, after all one of my best friend's is a Slytherin, but she, Lily, puts a bad name on the house. If you’re wondering how I know this, it’s because I’m her twin.
I’m the one who married James, Lily ended up marrying good ol’ Snivilly, sorry I mean Snape, but the people who tell the stories ‘forget’ to mention me and the truth about Lily, obviously. My name is Primrose Evans. I know, Primrose Potter doesn’t have the same ring to it as Lily Potter. Here’s the thing, no they didn’t confuse her and me. There’s no way they could have. Lily has red hair and mossy green eyes, like our mother, while I have strawberry blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, like our father. If it wasn’t for us having the same last name no-one would even think we were related. James did like Lily at one point, but never chased after her because A) she was sorted into Slytherin and B) he talked to her once and she treated him like dirt.
So now it’s my turn to tell the story. Now it’s my turn to tell people what happened, the truth. It’s about time, don’t you think? You’ve been lied to for so long. So let me take you back to where it all began. No, not at our births, that’s too far back, our 11th birthday. The day we got our Hogwarts letter. The day everything changed, the day my life changed for the better, at least in the beginning.