Guys! We're getting to the good bit! Today I'm going to show everyone how to start a book on Penana! And I have a new story, so it works out perfectly!
Hopefully, we all know the home page by now, so I'll spare you the picture. Click on the "Create a New Story!" button (finally), we're publishing this sucker!
There's information on nearly every option you have to take for your story, so I'll spare you the super long explanations. Choose your rating, language, collaborators, genre, and subgenres, folks! Next, we have to set up the beginning of the story!
Once you have inputted all the different information, this screen should come up. Here, you input your title, and a brief introduction. Genrally, you'll get cut off after, oh, 20-ish words, if it's even that long, so short, sweet, and to the point here always helps. The sidebar can allow you to change any details of the story you're writing before you publish it. And that little yellow box above the blue box is very important. Know why? That's where you can add a story cover from your computer! Note that as of now I don't know how you could upload an image from online, if you could; you have to have it saved to your computer.
So you have your story title, cover, everything set. You click create! Your story is out there! Almost. There's one last step.
Here you either write in or copy-and-paste your story from another source into the pale peach box, where your word count will be tallied and a reading time will be generated. Once you have everything how you like it, click publish. Simple as that! You now have a published story on Penana! Pat yourself on the back, you deserve it!
That took...less time than expected. Wow. Creating a story is pretty easy. I can go into more detail about adding media and links the next time, if you guys want. Let me know! Keep writing!