"Juliet said she wouldn't leave! She lied! Sh-shes's just like HIM!" I grab a pillow from nearby and scream into it, crying even more. I keep my face in the pillow for a minute before I look up and I realize snot and tears are covering my face and the pillow. I grab a tissue from the table in front of me and wipe off my face and the pillow. She's looking at me with that stupid face again."I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled, you didn't do anything."
"That's okay. So this breakup is reminding you of your biological dad, what exact memories are resurfacing?" She tilts her head as she asks the question.
"When he messaged me on Skype and told me I wasn't his daughter. He said he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He told me I was my mom's problem now and she could deal with me, he said he didn't want any contact with me anymore. He just left me. With no reason at all. I was so alone. I lost my dad and I didn't know what to do. When I was in a mental hospital for the first time for trying to commit suicide, I wanted to call him and talk to him so my mom emailed him, he said he didn't care I tried to kill myself and he didn't want anything to do with me. He told my mom it was her fault! He left me. And she's just like him. Just like him and my old friends. They left me too!"
"Which friends?" She wrote in her clipboard most of the time I was talking about my dad.
"The ones from my old school. Some of them said I was toxic, others said they couldn't handle my issues. One just left without a reason. She stopped talking to me and avoided me until I moved. My old girlfriend from 8th grade moved and didn't tell me until she was all the way in New York. And Iv'e lost so many people and I can't loose any more."
"I have no friends, the one friend I did have, Juliet, freaking left me! The last person I had. She was one of the only people keeping me going for so long. She made my happier then I had been in while."
"Did she say why she was breaking up with you?" She continued to write in her clipboard.
"She said our relationship was becoming unhealthy because she was my only support system. I didn't think it was unhealthy. I thought everything was fine. But she broke up with me right after I called her telling her I wanted to hurt myself. She broke up with me at the worst time, I was already dealing with a lot and then she just left. I don't know maybe it was becoming unhealthy and I just didn't see it." I sigh and look down at my hands realizing Iv'e bitten off all my nails.
"How long ago did she break up with you?"
"Six days, but this is the first time Iv'e actually really talked about how iv'e felt about it. I mean Iv'e kinda talked to my mom but not like in detail."
"I see." She looks at her watch then back at me "Well, Kai, our time is almost up for today, was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
"No, nothing else."
"Okay well, have your mom talk to the receptionist about your next appointment and i'll see you next week." She smiles and we both stand up. She opens the door for me and I walk back to the front where my mom is. She makes my appointment and gets a school note, I have to go back to school since its only 12. After that we head outside.
It started raining while we were inside so we had to run to the car. When we get inside my mom starts the car and looks at me.
"Sooo, how was your session?" She can probably tell that Iv'e been crying. My face is most likely all red and puffy.
"It was okay, I mean, I cried.. a lot." She grabs my had and squeezes it slightly.
"I know, I can tell, but it's going to be okay, did you talk about Juliet?"
"Yeah, but I don't want to talk about it or else I'll start crying again."
"It's good to cry, but its okay if you don't want to talk about it." We put on our seat belts and head to my school.
She keeps a hold of my hand for the rest of the ride.
When we get to my school they give me a pass and I go to my homeroom class. That's where I spend most of my day. I go to an alternative school so my school's a little different than most schools. First of all its a lot smaller. Most of my classes have only like 5 people in them. And It's split up between people who chose to go here(for a variety of reasons), and people who are here because they got in trouble or they got expelled from their old school. I chose to go here because normal school is too stressful, I can't handle all the people and this school does online school mostly. And It's easier to get caught back up if I have to go back to a mental hospital.
When I get to my class I notice there is someone I don't recognize. She's sitting with her head on her desk. I mean I don't really pay attention to most people but this girl is like really noticeable. First of all, she's the only one in the class with colored hair. She has her hair dyed light teal and it's put into two braids. She's sitting at the computer next to where I usually sit so I carefully sit down trying not to startle her. Which I fail at doing since she instantly shoots up and looks directly at me. Oops, I decide to apologize.
"Hi, uh, sorry for scaring you." She studies my face for a few seconds then responds.
"You seem nice. You're the first person to talk to me all day, what's your name?" She rubs her eyes, she looks pretty tired.
"It's Kai. What about you?" She nods her head.454Please respect copyright.PENANAY1AMbV4bxt
"Kai, interesting name, means water in Japanese. Well it's nice to meet you Kai, my name's Lilith."