Felt the 2nd way wasn't good enough so trying again a 3rd time. 3rd time's the charm after all.
There are 4 Race Categories:
> Demon: Beings that aren't human but can be humanoid or take human appearance, yet have more strength, keener ears and/or sharper eyes than a human with at times beast features, such as animal ears, horns, tails, wings, etc.
> Celestial: Beings that aren't demons and are viewed as more holy, such as angels/archangels, guardians, spiritual creatures.
> Mythological: Creatures that are more found in our mythology.
> Unsorted: Creatures that don't quite fit in any of the 3 above or I am uncertain upon detailing where they properly fit.
I'll try to organize the entry's so they are grouped together by their Race Categories and then are sorted alphabetically.