The diner table neatly decorated with cutlery and crockery is dusted for the tenth time this day. On a regular day, I'd eye the maids, today I don't look in anyone's eyes. I flaten the cloth on my lap whenever I realise my hands are clampy.
If I push even one burning candle placed at center of the table, will the table instantly lit up with fire? They will put out the fire as soon as I will start working on my escape. Wouldn't they?
The knifes blunt enough to only slice through a mutton slice had been on my mind since the maids took it out from the shelves. I ran my thumb along its edge, dig further, but no blood could be drawn.
The clock ticked half past seven. The car's tyres screech to a halt. My heart thumped in the pit of my stomach.
A maid from the kitchen hurried to the main door, there is no need. But he's the Boss.
I remember the time, when he first brought me here. We were happy, I was happy.
It's a cabin, in the middle of nowhere. We bedecked our plans for future here. I was too carefree abandoning my former single workaholic life, floating in pleasant dreams of us, together, Soon I was surviving the same Nightmare, every single day.
Five years ago, his eagle like chocolate eyes when Tenderly Rest upon mine, I'd go weak at the knees. His rough hands once had been gentle when he'd ask for permission to even touch me.
A cold shiver ran down my bones as he descend upon this house.
One simple souvenir he had left me.
He is nicely dressed in black coat, white shirt and Black trousers, he loosens his tie exhaling a tiring sigh. No matter how tired he is I can't knock him out and also get rid of the maid and get out the door and not meet his bodyguards blocking the exit. Ever since my hopes have been crushed that our love can ever melt his heart and he will leave with doors unlocked and his adherent maids retire, it's been my dream to meet such opportunity by any twisted means. Any.
I noticed his belt but this bouquet of striking bold red roses been shoved against my face came as a surprise to me. I come to my senses, it's that day already. If they left the dressing up on me I'd rather stay in the nightdress all day, but maids are my incharge so I was dolled up in a Blush v-neck wrap jumpsuit, he probably sent it beforehand.
"Erika! What are you thinking? I've been standing here for ages! Don't think I will be this polite all the time." I zoned out not hearing him approach. "Fuckin' take it!" He yelled, I abruptly took the bouquet, he had delivered some romantic speach while I played the memories of our innocent day together, I didn't hear him. He waited, I met his expecting eyes "Th-thank you" I utter low with a forced smile. Contented, He walks over to his side of the table and sits gracefully. I remained fixated on the roses that lay dead on my lap,
Every year, like a ceremony we dine, exchange gifts, sweet words and kisses same as before, only everything between us now remains void of pure love and sweetness. Maybe he does it as a formality or torturing me gets him off. I don't really care anymore.
"Did you I make you wait for long?"
"No, you actually arrived early." I stutter. He frowned. Maybe I said too much, "Infact, we can have a dance." I added. I don't have the energy too, but he may get suspecious over nothing, Going through a dance is better than punishment.
In the beginning he used beat me with a look of guilt and horror upon his face, now there is only pleasure.614Please respect copyright.PENANAGWVSI90Z6z
"Yes. A dance sounds good." He says, his good mood reflecting on his face leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
I rise to my feet. The pain in my thigh come alive with the pressure on my feet as my muscles spasms for I've been left chained in the basement for long. If it wasn't for the table, I could've fallen down any moment.
In an instant Brian appears by my side. His broad chest graze my back as he does so, liberating the stinging pain from his recent whiplash to discipline me. I hissed not realising and bit my tongue to swallow down my cry.
"Every action reminds you of me. Isn't it beautiful, Erika?" He whispers in my ear, I flinch.
It's sick!
My waterfall braided hairs can't even hide the disgust on my face, I duck my head instead, he thinks I'm embarrassed and gently ushers me to the empty space in the living room.
My bones highlight my skin, Brian says I'm becoming slender.
I focus on his shadow, a slow sickening music plays in the background. I don't even pay attention, it's as if air is propelling me to move at his sync. Though his heavy hand wrapping around my waist and another lacing his fingers into mine had me on alert, My toes on his feet has my chest hurting.
I'm gloomy, My head hurts because of constant movement.
It's been days since I've seen real food and when it was withen reach Brian's presence turned everything bitter.
His phone rang. He fishes it outnof his pocket. I turned away it's bright light hurting my eyes. I intended to create distance at the chance but he griped my arm with such strength, what could've been a shriek came out as a gasp out of experience.
That'll add to the another one of unhealed bruises.
He picks up the call. "Hello?"
"I fuckin' toldya I'm not comin' back tonight!" He yells into the phone, must be his wife.
I chose not to express my opinion.
About a year ago, I suspect they had a fight, he burst inside this cabin Drunk that night. He blabbered, "It's a sham marriage! For god sake! Leave me alone!" In order to do what's right, I consoled him, "every marriage is a sham if you don't put effort in Building the relationship. You have to step back every now and then in order to achieve longevity-" Perhaps my voice had been too weak to enter his brain. He slammed my head against the wall by my neck, his fingers dig into the malnutritionized flesh. He didn't remove his claws, not before he was done spouting to his heart's content. "She thinks she can get rid of you. But you ain't dying until I allow you to! You don't fuckin' tell me what to do! Im'ma cut her tongue off.." His words grew distant as my vision blurred. I could see Blood trailing down my nose, I still pat my back how I refrained from vomiting on spot. My conscience focused where His finger stung suffocating the life out of me, the throbbing in my head and heart pulsating chilled blood. "No.. don't... Please..." Were my last words for nothing before I passed out.
I shake my head side to side vigorously and focus on the present. He already had his phone back in its place. Seems like the time for dance had come to an end because he again grabs my wrist and drags me back to our dinner table, He has grown accustomed to my aloofness and thus, dominantly controls me.
His phone vibrates again, he scrunches up his nose and leaves the table. This time he doesn't want me to hear his conversation so he goes back to the living room and stands by the couch. Scratching his jaw irritated he barks into the phone, his ripped back caught my attention as he looked out of the window, there was a time I'd jump on his back and he'd run around the grassy field and around the tree carrying me on his back. Clear memory of his worked up muscles that clashes with my beautiful past is when he couldn't stop belting me, my soul extracted out of eyes in the form of water, I had stopped screaming hysterically, my voice had left me too, just frozen bleak eyes staring at the reflection of his brawn back. I blink away those moments, My throat dries up, I take a sip of water, what does he have left to hide, huh!?
Yet again I drift in that painful memory watching him pacing within those recoated walls of that reequiped room.
Not even two years completed since I moved in this small place, it was almost as if We lived here together, he never once gave me reason to walk out even to pick eatables, every morning he'd keep everything ready and clean, I used to melt and I almost considered this small place our home. I remember, he had men coming over for his business meetings, I had no problem since his little efforts made me go soft on him, but soon their discussion turned into a brawl, to cool their temper down I brought drinks and snacks over to them. I didn't know if it's appropriate for me to be present there for longer than required since Brian hadn't introduced us either so I excused myself after retrieving the tray. I heard glass shattering, screams and smoke when I was doing the dishes. I rushed over to the living room "What happened?" and found one man's body lying on the broken table, so slow his blood pooling around his head and more soaking up his back shirt and coat. His fingers twitching and then went still. I shrieked hysterically, my knees buckling up I fell scooting back to the corner wall. Brian had a gun in his hand and another dripping of red sticky paint. My bulging eyes travelled up his disheveled clothes to his ablaze eyes, rage pulsed through his veins. He had gone mad. I had seen his anger before many times when I won't oblige him, but this had passed the point. It was my first time seeing him in such barbaric form. This was not the man I knew. The other two stood quiet, not even a reaction. Everything has paused. I tried to crawl to the main door seeing the chance, Brian held his bloody hand up. "Take her inside!" My throat closed up at his grim calm orders. Two men charged in from the door which could have been my escape they pick me by my arms and lift me up I shout and cry and kick in air yet no-one budged, they locked me up in my room. I banged the door countless times. I stopped as I heard another crackle and three gun shots, more shattering sound. There were two more men standing beside the murdered one too. Followed by the haunting silence I heard a sick bone chilling laughter, I can never forget the first time I had to crawl under the bed to fool myself to hide. I heard his footsteps leisurely approaching towards me and I scoot closer to the end wall, I had been shivering uncontrollably. "Come out kitty, I won't kill you." A whimper escaped and I clamp my mouth shut he bent down to his haunches, "I can never kill you, come to me, love." I didn't so he cursed and dragged me out by the hair. My head inflamed from the pressure. He brought me where now three bodies piled up in blood oozing sickening smell, their nailless fingers dripping scarlet, limbs visibly lie broken, crimson sprinkles decorating the wall, my stomach twisted and I lurched forward as I threw up. I don't remember all good things Brian had been whispering about how much he loves me and I vomited more and didn't stop until he called a doctor.
That doctor now has been appointed as my personal full time maid. Since I tried to hurt myself or attempt to suicide, she would treat me and force me to get well. She waits and stands in the corner, when he's done hurting me she silently patches me and supervise from distance. I couldn't fight her when I was rebellious and immature because her assistants tie me up and I can move no more and give in or lose consciousness. Brian enjoys all. He keeps me under surveillance all the time, It sickens me.
Some nights I would look out the shielded window yet find no light in the neighbouring residences. I had realised long ago when I received no help after screaming frantically that there's only our Street lamp lightening the loneliness for me alone.
During my early years I had been jumpy with all my protests, short-sighted and selfish for freedom but I Learnt with time, if I only stop struggling and mould, it will hurt less. 614Please respect copyright.PENANAZaH0UjlANB
My ears always block his sorry ass apologies, neither remember any of his heartfelt speeches. There are many things I don't intend to do but come as involuntary in response to certain people. Like I don't realise I'm cold and shivering until his warm hands engulf mine.
The clock struck eight and I focus on the present still like a stone. He cuts the call, the maid doesn't move from the kitchen her heavy eyes rest upon me, "shall we start?" I nod and gulp. "Yes please. After you." Not more than a whisper comes out of me, he strains to hear, the maid reappears with some more delicacies. I don't look up. My head hurts, too many memories flooding in today. I retreat the hand that I initially planned to rest on his warm ones.
Today I have a strange urge to go lenient on him.
"Come sit on my lap, Erika." He says ever so politely, I wouldn't fallen for his charm in my teens but now it's reduced to a command. Without a word I go over to him and he picks me up and places me where I feel his bitter warmth and thorny heartbeats, over the years I've picked on unspoken rules and many questions to never raise. I don't touch the fork or knife until he tells me to. I actually can't because he has trapped me with just one hand pressing me to his chest. He feeds me first then take a bite himself, I feel blessed when the Savory meat melt in my mouth. I eat with intrest, soon plates go empty. I lick my chapped colourless lips in satisfaction and notice a bit of sauce on his chin too and I lick it clean too.
His hooded eyes turn to me. What is so attractive about these sunken eyes? He brush my hair back. The maid clears the table and leave.
He crashes his lips onto mine and forces his tongue in. This time I respond and he loosens his grip seeing me give in to him. I break away, huffing.
This another one of my trials to trick him. If only, I gain control.. I can flee.
He places me back on my feet. I turn to leave "Don't move." He orders, so instead I step closer to him. He ruffles his hair and looks about for a moment while I stand still, waiting he picks on something to humiliate me and we fall back into the same routine.
~I..I'm fleeting away...
Out of the blue he get on his knee, squeezes his eyes shut and takes a deep breath in. "There has been ups and downs in our lives but I promise to give you the love you deserve. Our lives will be better henceforth. I'm again sorry I hurt you, I will always be sorry. Please have the heart to give me one more chance."
My watery eyes very much interested yet confused, I step back taken aback. So formal for the first time. "What.. what you saying? What do you mean? All of a sudden.." My astonishment barely come as a whisper.
"I've always waited for this day, Erika. I've waited long to say this."
~How long 'I've' waited to hear this..614Please respect copyright.PENANA71K0lC9dn4
He pops a diamond ring. It looked beautiful. "Marry me, Erika." He says very seriously looking in my eyes with unwavering determination. He pops the ring forth. It's diamond reflects the dull light of the room with much more intensity which pricks my eyes.
~Feels as if a load has been lifted...
I gasp covering my mouth stepping back. "You're already married Brian. What is all this? You know this can't happen." I sob. He gets back on his feet and get me stand still by grabbing me by my forearm.
"All those unnecessary matter will be taken care of. In two or three days I'll get rid of her. She'll be out of the way. But since we met this day, I wanted to propose today itself. No other day seemed perfect, Erika." He sounded almost desperate.
He digs out a necklace from his brest-pocket and secures it around my neck and praises me likewise. "and this is our anniversary gift." He says proudly and looks approvingly at his choice of jewelery. I don't have the energy or the interest to gaze at it with appreciation. "So what is your answer my girl?" He says chuckling as if a possibility of refusal doesn't exist.
"Yes!" I beam.
He lifts me and twirls with me in the air. I felt nauseous but manage to give him a satisfactory smile. Then He sits back on the dining chair with me in his lap inhaling my stench and went down kissing me from my forehead to my chin. His happiness knew no bounds. Only I felt like a stone was crushed in this moment.
He never lets the marks on my body fade away, he leaves more if that doesn't satisfy him. His saliva on me right now aroused the suppressed anger within my heart for myself even more.
I feel The maids discerning eyes and I ball into his embrace, he flicks his finger dismissively at her, from the corner of my eye I notice her bow and disappear into the living room and then I heard the main door click shut.
Never had I ever felt this bold in any of my conspiracies as this one showed massive progress.
Generally she'd walk away, inside. Their trust sky-rocketed on me pretty easily.
I unbutton top three buttons of his shirt. He sees his lust reflecting in the fire of my eyes,
Little did he know.
He sucks on my neck and shoulder. "This calls for a wine?" I thought I suggest but then I changed my tone to question, incase he gets triggered. He has restrained me from taking such beverages so I hesitated to pull that card. He was already breathing heavily when he met my eyes again. I stress to lift the corner of my lips in a smile.
He likes the idea! He places me on the table "Yes. I'll get some right now!" He flashes a smile And runs downstairs to his cellar.
I exhale the breath I was holding from I don't know how long.
I'm numb to his affection.
He reappears with a heavy large dark glass bottle with two wine glasses in another hand.
He twists the bottle opener once places the goblets down. I manage to get the name written on its stripe which read, 'Domaine Leroy Chambertin Grand Cru' in bold italic letters.
Men just need Occasions for wine. I get down on my feet,
He pours the scarlet liquid for me, I taste it. I am mesmerized.
But That's not enough to get him drunk. This isn't going as expected.
I try weighting that bottle. He notices, "want more?" I nod, gladly he doesn't suspect anything, atleast his brain's on sleep mode.
We just stand there savouring the moment. I am building determination and plans, Replaying the dreams that can come true once I take this step, my misery can come to an end.
All I need is courage. Didn't I just ate? I have the required energy, the bottle wasn't too heavy that I even swing it. But I haven't tried anything like that in my life! Haven't I experienced more than a dead person is capable of?
I look at him. He's going on about something but I'm too lost in my own thoughts. Sometimes I think he chatter ever after not receiving any response from me in an attempt to cheer me up.
I cannot claw out his eyes. Neither can I axe my way out of it. Just because I'm not strong enough.
I put back my empty glass back and keeping eyeing that bottle. It's intriguing, my chance. If I walk away now. It's going to be a lifetime in isolation.
I look at him and then at the bottle and keep dodging between the two. I am frozen on spot. I have said to much to myself that I have stopped shivering.
Maybe it's the wine or the drunk air surrounding us. The clock ticked slow. I lift the glass bottle with both my hands and grip tight as I raise it and direct the hit on his head, his teethy smile winking at me as I smash the glass on his head my cry on pitch and his groan following the shatter of the glass. "WHAT THE FUCK!" He falls to his knees his glass clattering in a shatter as well. He growls he covers his throbbing head with both his paws. It only took half a bottle to his downfall. I smash the light upper portion of the remaining bottle I had my grasp.
He tries failed attempts to kick and punch but I am out of reach. I also whack my wine glass on his bleeding head.
He's drenched in wine and blood in trailing behind too.
I pick up the knifes and forks from the crockery decorating the table mids. I am not sure about how forks can be put into good use so I just insert the knifes on his palm and neck.
He's powerless. He's nothing against me.
I content my eyes with his pained expressions. My ears perk not missing his screams filled with terror.
I convulse with Laughter. The house reverberating imbibing my sadistic pleasure.
He spits out blood. His clean teeth now bloody. His eyes droopy. He whispers, pleads, I consume that all.
"Ple.. please. Help me. Don't do this. You'll regret this." I hate he still has the audacity to scare me. I pump in another knife on his clean forearm. He screams hysterically. Tears leaking from his merciless eyes. His cold gaze finally showing some signs of life. "Please, I'm sorry. I beg you." He cries and continues with his pleadings.
I Fish out his phone. He's too weak to do that. I throw that thing and it collides with the wall, l take out my frustration smashing it again and again until it breaks into pieces.
The fun leaves me.
I turn to him who is now sleeping face planted.
What else?
The dining chair!
I lift that heavy thing andet it go whacking it on his back, I do the same with the remaining chairs. He flinchedms, groans and hisses, his shallow breaths doesn't let him sleep once and for all.
I push the table forcing it to balance on its two legs and let go, the heavy wooden table loose it's balance and its edge hits Brian's head as it falls.
A groan irrupts from the pit of his belly, his eyes have rolled back to the point I doubt he sees what lies beneath my bloodshot eyes. He should see me right now.
I might have used the last of my strength. The Ghostly power that took over me for the slightest of moment and allow me to mobilize is such a Demonic manner seem to cease my body.
His blood is pooling around in all directions. He can't even make a sound.
I wobble and fall to my knees. It's rather hot in here. I am soaked in sweat, even my eyes are sweating, my face is wet. I wipe my cheeks yet this wetness covers it again. The buzzing in my ear subsides and I hear my own cry. I scream. Pull my hairs. The numbness fade away and I feel pain, everywhere!
It hurts too much!
My heart aches.
I'm shivering to the bones.
So cold.
Yet I manage to crawl away from his corpse. Through the backdoor I finally make an escape. His men are standing on guard outside the front main door, it's normal for them to hear such homie noises everyday they must probably being yawning.
I see the morning light, the shine pricks my eyes. Ever so slowly I make it to the highway border.
Someone soon pick me up and deposit me to the hospital,
My journey ends here.
I wish for no more,
I achieved my Salvation by my own.
That house is a witness to a dark side of my life, Which hopefully dies here.