It took Allister no more than thirty minutes to reach the café. He greeted Sadie with the same pearl white smile he had before, which somehow brightened her mood. She hadn’t even known him for an hour, and she could already tell they would get along well. “Long time no see!” Beamed Allister as he sat in the seat in front of her. She was already on her second cup of coffee, but she still felt her stresses melt away with each sip. The smell of coffee seemed to be bothering him though because his expression changed as soon as he sat down. Apparently, this didn’t last long because he shook his head and started a conversation.
Allister moved from Holly Hills, SC so he could get a degree in psychology just like her. He seemed to be a very well-rounded individual who valued his studies. He claimed he moved in a couple days prior to Ryder’s murder and Sadie wondered whether she should ask him about it. However, she opted not to say anything for fear of him thinking she’s crazy and scaring him off. Instead, she talked about the past couple years of her college life that had been relatively uneventful. She talked about her friends and what she wanted to do after college along with several other random things. Of course, he asked if she had a boyfriend to which she shook her head. Sadie told him about her first and only boyfriend who was a dick who broke up with her just because she didn’t want to have sex with him just yet.
“Yea, he does sound like quite the dick head.” Allister replied as she stared at the tiles on the floor. He then changed the topic and pointed to the cross hanging around her neck. “Were you wearing that earlier?” He asked. “Yea, I always wear it. You may think it’s silly, but I believe it protects me.” She replied, gripping it tightly in her hands. For some reason, this made him laugh. “What’s so funny?” Sadie asked with a puzzled look. Allister stopped laughing and apologized, “I don’t really believe in all that, but to each their own.” An awkward silence befell the two of them before Sadie realized the time. They had been talking for two hours! She was supposed to meet up with her friends to grab dinner!
Sadie stood up and began assembling her belongings. As she did so, Allister gently grabbed her wrist. “Hey, I didn’t mean to offend you a second ago, please don’t leave yet!” he said. She could sense a true apology in his voice, however that wasn’t why she was leaving. “It’s fine, I’m packing up because I have to meet up with my friends for dinner.” She replied with a laugh. Allister smiled before releasing her wrist, “That was a little aggressive, sorry!”. Sadie shook her head and laughed again, “Lighten up dude, it’s fine you don’t have to apologize!” He walked her out the café doors and bid her farewell before disappearing into the crowd of college students.
As she was heading towards the trolley stop, her phone began to buzz in her pocket. A quick glance at her phone informed her that it was Kat. Maybe she wanted to apologize for earlier. Of course, she too owed Kat an apology for the way she reacted. Sadie answered to find a seemingly distressed Kat. “Hey,” began her friend, “Aubrey is sick, and Aria has a family emergency that just came up, so she won’t be back til’ Tuesday. Nikolai doesn’t feel like going to town because he’s finishing an essay. I guess we’ll have to reschedule are outing…” She thought for a moment before suggesting an idea, “What if you two come over to my place to hang out? I’ll fix dinner and Nikolai can finish his paper. Sound like a plan?” There was a short pause, and Sadie could hear a small argument in the background. When Kat came back, she told her that they would love to come over and that they would be there in thirty minutes.
Sadie now had to rush back to her apartment to see what she had to make dinner with. After entering her apartment and rushing to her refrigerator, she found: a pack of three chicken breast, a pack of butter, a carton of heavy whipping cream, and a pack of Parmesan cheese. Once she did a little research, she figured she could make fettuccine Alfredo only instead of using fettuccine noodles, she was going to use spaghetti noodles since that was all she had. Sadie got to work and was able to slice and season the chicken breast before there was a knock on the door. Kat and Nikolai opened the door before she could make it over too it. Kat instantly ran up to her and hugged her before apologizing for the events that had happened that morning. She returned the hug and exclaimed that she could have reacted better and that she too was sorry. After their make-up session, Kat joined her boyfriend on the couch. Nikolai hadn’t said a single word to her (not like he ever did), and instead just stared at her like the creep he was.
Once everyone was seated and comfortable, Sadie began cooking again. She cooked the chicken and started her fettuccine sauce as well as starting the water for the noodles. It didn’t take long to get everything ready and by the time Nikolai was done with his paper, she was done cooking. They all fixed their plates and put on one of their favorite horror movies, The Conjuring. When the movie had finished, Kat suggested they play some video games and of course Nikolai would agree. He hogged one of the remotes the entire time, so Kat and Sadie had to switch off. They were getting wrecked by other Call of Duty players which ultimately caused Nikolai to have a rage fest. “You two don’t fucking know how to do anything! Why the hell am I even playing with you to? You’re damn useless!” Nikolai screamed as he was killed by another player. “It’s just a game calm down!” Sadie replied. Nikolai threw her PS4 controller into the wall and then stormed out of her apartment. She wanted to follow him and give him a piece of her mind, but she bit her tongue for Kat.
Kat stood up and a tear rolled down her cheek. She wiped it away before apologizing for her boyfriend’s childish behavior. “I guess I better catch up with him, I’ll call you tomorrow and we can get lunch after class.” She said as she left the apartment. Sadie was all by herself now. She grabbed the controller Nikolai threw and inspected it to make sure it wasn’t damaged. Thankfully it wasn’t, so she returned it to its charger and shut off her PlayStation. She cleaned her small kitchen and washed the few dishes she had. It wasn’t a difficult task and having people over allowed her to use the groceries she bought before they went bad.
Nikolai’s little episode kept replaying in her head which reminded her that she was still pissed off. Between everyone seeming to forget about Ryder’s murder and Nikolai being a dick head, Sadie was ready to take a nice bath and head to bed. She drew her bath water and sank into the warmth of her tub. Her bathroom window was open, and she could hear the sounds of nightlife around campus. When she finished, she got out and began drying her hair. The wind began to blow the blinds in front of the window around, so she decided to shut the window. Upon doing so, she saw a figure staring at her from the ground below. While there were lights all around campus, this person positioned themselves strategically enough to where the light wouldn’t reveal who they were.
Hurriedly, she shut off the light so maybe the person would think she left and would therefore leave too. The man from her dreams instantly popped into her mind as she studied this person’s masculine silhouette. Although, they appeared to be smaller than the stranger in her dreams. Even though she had turned the light off, the figure just stood there; watching the window as if something exciting was about to happen. This creeped her out and she considered calling campus police, however she didn’t want them thinking she was trying to cause trouble. After all, she was safe inside her apartment and if someone tried to break in, her fellow residents would respond in an instant. When she turned back to see if the person was still there, she found that they had disappeared and were nowhere to be seen. Relief rushed over her and she readied herself for bed.
Sadie tossed and turned before finally being able to sleep. She began having the same dream but in a different scenario. She was in the bayou this time, running from the same man, and she had just tripped over a fallen tree when she was awoken by a knocking on her apartment door. When she rolled over, she saw that it was two o’clock in the morning and wondered who the hell would be up this early. At first, she thought if she ignored them, they would go away, but the knocking just got louder. Finally, she had enough and put on a long robe. Since she had on no bra and was wearing a frilly night-gown, she didn’t want to look indecent. After peering through the peephole on the door, she could see Nikolai standing in the hallway.
This was an odd encounter and Kat didn’t look to be with him. Perhaps they had left something, and he came to retrieve it. Sadie opened the door and kindly greeted her friend’s boyfriend before asking him why he was there. “I think I left my laptop charger plugged into the wall behind the couch.” He said as he entered the apartment. Sadie looked one last time to see if Kat was somewhere behind him, but she never appeared. After shutting the door, she asked, “Where’s Kat Nikolai?” which birthed a long sigh from Nikolai’s mouth. “I broke up with her and told her to get out of my apartment.” He said with no sense of remorse. This time, Sadie refused to hold her tongue and shot him down with every comment she had stored within her. Nikolai just laughed as he looked behind the couch, “I knew it wouldn’t be here, but it’s ok I didn’t really lose it.” He told her as he pulled the charger from his coat pocket. Now, she was very confused.
“Then why are you here?” she asked. Nikolai smiled before taking off his jacket. The vibe he was emitting made her scared for some reason. He had never talked to her without making a smart-ass remark. She turned to go open the door so she could demand he leave but he blocked it. “Nikolai, what the fuck are you doing? Leave!” she yelled. His eyes changed, it was like smoke was emitting from his pupil’s and slowly filling the rest of his eyes. Her fight or flight response kicked in and she began to back away from him. Before she knew it, he grabbed her so quickly that she had no time to react. “Remember this?” he asked before showing her Ryder’s journal. “Where did you get that?” she responded. Nikolai didn’t answer her question and instead tossed it to the side. “Ryder was such an idiot, all he had to do was follow instructions. But no, he wanted to play the hero and save the girl he loved. Tch, you should’ve seen his face when I slit his throat! The sight of all that blood was very exciting!” he exclaimed, proudly, as he licked the side of her cheek.
By this time, she began to tear up and her tears slowly began to fall down her cheeks. Nikolai was unfazed by this and instead said, “Somebodies got big plans for you, but my boss hired an idiot for the job, so I think I’m gonna take his place.” He said as he showed her to the ground. Sadie took this as a time to escape, so she tried to shimmy away only to have Nikolai pounce on top of her. She attempted to scream but he slapped his left hand over her mouth. “You humans are so stupid.” He said with a laugh. At this point, she had no idea what was happening. The loud sound of his breathing filled her ears and she couldn’t think straight. It took Nikolai kissing her neck before she realized what was going on. She instantly tried to fight him off and even though he had one of her hands restricted, she tried to hit his head with the other. His reflexes were too fast for her, almost inhuman honestly, and he dodged her attack.
Nikolai ripped her robe open, exposing her full figure. “Damn,” he began, “for a human, you’re pretty fine, what are those a double D?” he finished glancing at her breast. Sadie squirmed as his hand trailed down her stomach. He bit the top of her night gown and ripped the flimsy thing down the middle. Now, she was completely naked and scared. His pitch-black eyes showed no emotion and he slid his hand down her pants. Sadie closed her eyes and tried to forget everything that was happening. “Open you’re fucking eyes! I want you to see the beauty of what’s about to happen to you!” he hissed as he slammed her head on the ground. She listened and he ordered her to undue his belt. Every bone in her body urged her not to submit but her muscles screamed of exhaustion. So, she did as she was instructed and all he said was a soft, “good girl”.
She could feel his hard dick touch her skin and instantly wanted to throw up. Something awoke in her and she gained the energy to fight again. Sadie took her free hand and dug her thumb into his demonic eye. Nikolai hissed and fell back allowing her to spring up and run for the door. The door was within her reach and she had just opened it before Nikolai slammed it shut along with her hand. She screamed in pain as she gazed at her possibly broken hand. He threw her to the ground and slapped her so hard, that her vision blurred. Why wasn’t anyone coming? You would think with all the commotion going on, someone would notify the police. As if he could read her mind, Nikolai said, “No one can hear you, they are all in a deep sleep and won’t wake up for a while!”. He grabbed her legs and pulled her back under him. No matter how much she begged and pleaded, he didn’t stop.
Nikolai took no hesitation and began his assault. His grunting grew louder with each thrust. Suddenly, she could hear a gunshot and Nikolai stopped. He gazed at her as black blood oozed from his mouth. Before she knew it, he slumped down on top of her and became motionless. Time had frozen and for some reason she could picture Allister above her. “Sadie!” his voice boomed bringing her back to reality. With tears in her eyes she stared at him. Allister quickly shoved Nikolai’s body to the side and covered her with her robe. She tried to find the strength to talk to him, but he motioned for her to stay silent. “Listen, I’ll explain in the car, but right now we have to get out of here! With him dead, people will wake up soon.” With all that had happened, you would think she would be weary of him however this was not the case. She took his outstretched hand and began to follow him out the door. “Wait, my necklace!” she said as she dashed to the bathroom to grab it. She held it close to her, and said a soft prayer, before joining Allister back at the door.
He quickly took her down the stairs and to his, running, black 1998 Camaro Z28. Allister delicately aided her in getting in the passenger seat before quickly heading to the driver’s side. If all the previous commotion didn’t wake anyone up, the sound of his turbo would! He asked her a question, but it was like she couldn’t hear him. The world began to spin, and a wave of dizziness crashed over her. Not a moment after this feeling befell her, the world went black and she became clueless to her surroundings. Hopefully, Allister’s intentions would prove to be good.