“Sing the EastEnders theme tune while gurgling milk!” dared India.548Please respect copyright.PENANACIXYZC6hY0
Unsurprisingly, Katie rolled her icy blue eyes sarcastically at Chloe. Katie would do any dare- I reckon that she would jump of a cliff if she was asked. Chloe at the minute didn’t look so sure about her dare. She didn’t even like milk!
She was about to back out when she caught Katie’s gaze. Wanting to beat Dare Queen Katie Reynolds was top of everyone’s priorities right now but no-one believed that they could do it, except for Chloe. She looked determined to beat Katie at all costs. We all stared at her like she was mad when she agreed to the milk dare. Georgia was out already out of the running after refusing to climb out the window and abseil down from the third floor of Katie’s house, and I beacause I didn’t want to run outside fully naked!
As a cool breeze swept in from the open window but the atmosphere still heated up as Chloe poured the white liquid into her petite mouth. Her pink lipstick smudged and made her look like a circus clown. We could all see Katie’s forehead crease worriedly. Chloe could actullay beat her at her own game. The tension was lifted when a strange, alien noise came towards us. We gasped- Chloe gad done it. After India gave her the thumbs up to finish, she ran to the adjacent bathroom to spit out the offending liquid. It didn’t look like she would be doing that again in a hurry.
“Right,” began Chloe as she re-entered the room, “I dare…”
“Pizza’s ready!” called Mrs Reynolds.
She was completely oblivious to the moment she had totally ruined. We could all tell that Chloe would dare Katie - why wouldn’t she? But we were all wondering what the dare would actually be. We knew that we could not talk about it downstairs. Katie’s mum was way against dares- she claimed that they were a form of bullying- and would flip if she knew Katie was known as the Dare Queen.
After a delicious dinner of crispy fries and mouth-watering pizza. We drifted upstairs to find out the dare. Georgia and I especially were on tender-hooks after spending an hour listening to them playing the game. But it was exciting now- Katie’s crown was on the line here! And if I am brutally honest I want to see her demise. She boasts about her prowess to anyone who would listen and I want her to be taken down a peg or two.
Chloe soon called us to be quiet- she was loving killing us with suspense.
“Right Katie, I dare you to get a tray from the kitchen and ride it down the bannisters!”
We were all shocked- Mrs Reynolds would be sure to hear the noise. Katie looked cocky though.
“Mum!” she yelled down the stairs, “Can I have a tray to ride down the bannisters!”
“Sure, darling” was the surprising reply.
With a smirk, Katie danced down the stairs and wore a tremendous scowl. When Katie came back she noticed this and ushered us to the landing. Although I hate to admit it, she is awesome at it. She sped down the spiral staircase and then finished with a flip at the end. We applauded her even though we knew that the las bit was just plain showing off.
“Mum lets Kai and I do it all the time!” she giggled, her eyes casting astray, in the direction of a sulky Chloe.
Chloe looked like she was about to run at Katie when I stepped in and suggested for Katie to dare Chloe. We knew this one would be the biggest dare to date and I had a really bad feeling that however mad it was, Chloe would do it. I said that Katie would jump off a cliff but at the moment, it looks like the meek and mild Chloe would do it too! Things seemed to be even worse when Katie looked more than miscievious, scary in fact as the knot in my stomach just got a whole lot bigger.
I spat my coke all over the mahogany wood flooring when she revealed the dare. India exclaimed that it wasn’t fair because Katie had already asked Georgia to complete the dare but refused to do it and I backed her up with that statement. Katie then pointed out that there wasn’t a rule saying that you couldn’t ask the same dare twice and that it wasn’t as if she was asking the same person twice. Georgia just looked pale. She was well aware that Chloe might actually complete the dare and that if she did agree to it, she probably wouldn’t succeed in it or come out alive for that matter.
I saw from the corner of my eye India trying to reason beg Chloe not even think about doing it.
“She’s taken it too far!” was India’s argument.
How can a fun night with your friends turn out like this? Tears of worry streamed out of Georgia’s eyes as Chloe tried to prise open the window. My heart skipped a beat as she tied together bed sheets to form a rope. I knew it wouldn’t hold her, but I felt like I was paralysed, unable to do anything as my friend went towards her certain death. Katie rose from her seat.
“Look Chloe,” she pleaded, “You win- you are the Dare Queen! But please do not go out of the window, I’m begging you!”
Chloe ignored her and started walking down the vertical wall. She was going to actually make it! Then there was a sickening noise of fabric tearing, a blood curdling scream and two jolting thuds as Katie leapt out after the fallen queen…