Power shut off quickly. At precisely a quarter to four. I had only fallen asleep two hours prior. It's always surprising how quiet the whole house becomes when the power shuts off. Everyone is still, holding their breath. Still hoping the power will return. Just a few moments of silence and hope. Things that don't normally make noise become apparent over the wind. The deep creaking of the trees as they try to stand up to the wind. The chains clacking against medal as the swings tangle against each other and the frame they're attached to. The tensing of the wooden house as each gust puts it to the test. It never lasts for long. There is always a cry, "Mommy?" the kids are scared.
Then the heat moves in. Annoyingly fast. You'd think with a hurricane the winds would at least keep you cool, but even they are hot. After moving the kids to the big bed where they feel safer - Why? You're closer to the tree that could crush our house. - they can fall asleep. The wind pushes itself into even the smallest of cracks. Almost shrieking. The sound of cracking branches accompanies the eerie howls. Closer to dawn the sound of a shotgun shakes the house, that's going to be expensive, at least the branch didn't go through the house.
As the sun rises, the damage becomes more apparent. Shingles, trash, even a second trampoline in the yard. Not to mention the huge branches from the old oak trees. The wind still hasn't calmed blowing in every direction imaginable. The rain shoots like bullets at anything in reach. Even with the damage now visible and the storm still raging, it feels safer here in the light.
Everyone crowds around the kitchen table to play a board game trying to ignore the chaos outside. Sandwiches for breakfast, something normally so odd, but this is an odd morning. Well, odd isn't the right word...
Around midday, the storm is passed. The air is still and thick with hot moisture. The sirens start as emergency vehicles clear roads and rescue people they couldn't get to in the storm. Whispers of damage come from the neighbors. The phones don't work right. The towers are down. The power won't be back for at least a week.
I sigh and begin cleaning the yard while planning for the hot week ahead. Campouts in the living room with the kids as we share the only fan the generator can handle. Shadow puppets with the flashlight so they aren't afraid of the dark. Cold showers. Days spent outside because inside is ten degrees worse. Bug bites.
Inspite it all I can still smile, my family is still here, but fuck is it hot.