"Have you never wanted to see the ocean Anlon?" Rixa asked looking up from the flower he was demolishing with his fingers, petals strewn around him as he lay on his stomach on the soft green grass of the meadow they occupied.
Basking in the warm summer sunlight, he looked so radiant Anlon had thought. So happy and hopeful.
"I have imagined what it would be like," He had read the accounts given by mortals, the poems, and paintings depicting the large body of water that seemingly continued forever. But unlike Rixa, Anlon was content to live in the Valley, and continue the tradition of his family in the House of Healing passing off their knowledge to mortals that sought them out in this isolated land.
"I plan to ask the Council of Elders to let me leave!"
Anlon was shocked to hear Rixa's admission, "I don't understand, why would you leave?"
Rixa chuckled, "There is a whole Continent out there to waiting be seen by my eyes. Why must it be denied to us?"
"The Goddess had instructed us--"
Rixa sighed and rolled on to his back, "But why? Nobody gives me an satisfactory answer, and she has been silent since before my father was born, before yours. Why can't we make our own destinies, chose our own paths instead of following our ancestors, and abiding by Her edicts? I do not want to be sentinel like my father, or guide mortals, or teach them as you desire. I want more out of this life!"
They had this conversation a hundred times. Rixa's discontent never abating no matter how much Anlon tried to soothe his friend. Maybe if he had, none of what would transpired would. And the world would be better for it. But Anlon had been woefully naive, but how could he not? He knew nothing else but the Valley, and the peace that existed within.
"I plan to ask the Council of Elders for permission to leave. It has been done before."
"Not in many centuries Rixa, don't get your hopes up to high." Anlon cautioned.
"I want you to come with me!" Rixa flashed him a dazzling bright smile.
Oh if only he had.
He bit his tongue to prevent himself from saying something utterly foolish. Knuckles white as he griped the side of his chair listening to the words of the ambassador. The ambassador of the Empire of the Golden Sun stood giving his spiel about why they should enter an alliance with his Emperor, Master of All! Tiernan could not believe the utter shite coming from the mouth of this man. Everyone within the hall knew this ambassador was spouting nonsense. The Empire never accepted allies, only taking verbal surrenders that led to not a single ounce of blood dropped. Many smaller, weaker nations conceded to the will of the Empire to prevent a war they knew they could not win. King Vissarion, Tiernan's father had told him not to judge those nations unfairly. They did what they thought best for their people, as he and every other elected king before him sought to do. But unlike those other nations, Thyraza was built with blood of their warriors. To be a citizen of Thyraza one had to pick up a sword or spear and defend their land. To concede defeat was unheard of in their society. They had enemies they kept at bay, and would again. Someone had to stand up against the Empire.
The ambassador a man named Aeron draped in a finely woven robe dyed in a deep blue it was almost black stood proud, with a condescending sneer on his face. The arrogance he exuded was insufferable to Tiernan. The man likely did not know how to wield any weapon, relying on the power of his Empire and boughten soldiers.
"I thank you for sharing the words of your Emperor. We will take them under consideration. As king I cannot make this decision alone. I must consult the representatives of the people," Vissarion spoke graciously, "Please accept our hospitality, and wait until we've made our decision. Every comfort will be provided to you and your entourage. And tonight we will feast in your honor."
Tiernan thought the gesture was a mistake. Why waste resources on a man who would not appreciate them. It was clear the ambassador looked down at them. But wearing a mask of a diplomat, the ambassador bowed and accepted Vissarion's invitation.
Once he and his men were escorted away did Tiernan unleash his thoughts.
"Father you can't--"
Vissarion held out his hand to silence his outspoken son, "Stop. I know what you will say. You think your father foolish to not know this alliance is mere pretense? I know they ready their armies to march on us, and for them to overthrow our government and replace it with their lackeys. I have no doubt right now they have sent envoys to the major families of Thyraza with chests of gold and other such bribes." He smiled sadly knowing they would find some success. Greed was common even here.
"Then is it war?"
King Vissarion rose, and so did everyone in the hall who was seated, "I shall convene a meeting of the Senate in one hour time. We shall vote to accept or go to war."
Once he left the dais, the whole hall explored into chatter. Tiernan looked back as he followed his father from the main hall and saw a few piercing glares in their direction. While his father had much support of the Senate, there were those that despised him, wanting their chosen preference for king to be elected and were thwarted. Tiernan could not grasp how some men could but the people beneath their own selfish ambitions. Maybe he'd request extra guards for his father, only those he knew could not be bought to ensure his father's safety. This would be the perfect opportunity for someone to make a move, Tiernan knew it, and so did his father.
Stuck behind the walls of the Senate room as the Senators and his father debated their course of action and vote, Tiernan was anxious. The great colonnaded wall leading to the great domed Senate room was crawling with guards. Some might say it was bit of an overreaction but King Vissarion took no chances. It was well known the underhanded methods of the Empire used to "convince" nations in their favor. Assassins, and even bombs used to rid them of opposition.
Gliding elegantly down the hall came Tiernan's mother, wife of Vissarion, Danai. She sought her son and knew he'd be hovering around the door in anticipation of the outcome.
"It's no good to fret, come join your mother back at the palace. Will you know their decision soon enough."
"No, once the doors open I must be first to know!"
Danai smiled softly, "You could be waiting for hours. Come help me prepare the feast for tonight."
Tiernan did not want to order servants around, and choose dishes to be served, or oversee the musicians coming in to entertain. His mother took this job very seriously, ensuring everything was perfect. Even if it was for their loathsome guest.
"I don't--" he began to object, but one stern look from his mother, Tiernan ate his words and was dragged away.
Instead of heading towards the kitchen or the hall where the feast was to be held, Danai led her son to the outer section of the labyrinth palace.
"Mother? We're going the wrong way!"
Suddenly four armored men appeared at the end of the narrow corridor. Tiernan was startled but recognized them as his father's prime guards. The very elite warriors hand chosen to serve the current king. Why were they here?
Danai stopped and turned to her only son, grabbing his shoulders to look deep in his eyes.
"What I am about to say and do will be difficult but you must do as I say."
Tiernan never heard her sound so serious, and was that tear in her voice as well?
"Tiernan, my cherished son, go with Aris, he will lead you to safety. You must live my son, as your mother I command that you do."
A chill ran up Tiernan's spine, what was she saying? "I don't understand!"
Danai's voice broke in a sob, "There is a plot to dethrone your father, they are backed by the Empire and I fear they will succeed."
Tiernan shrugged off his mother's grasp, "We must warn father! Stop it!"
Danai wept and shook her head, "It's too late! But it's not too late to save you! You must go! Now! Far away!" she shot out her hand and took Tiernan's wrist, "The Empire will swallow the entire Continent, but my mother's people spoke of those that can stop it! I have given instructions to Aris to take you someone very far. Find them, and convince them to help us!"
Overcome with emotion, and confusion, Tiernan was at a loss for words. "Mother..."
She pulled him to her and kissed his cheek having to stand on her tiptoes, "I will stay by your father's side until the very end as a loyal wife should do. Do not grieve to much for us, we will see each other again in the Field of Paradise. Now go! Who knows what ears are around."
Danai finally let her son go, as Aris approached his face hidden with his helmet and roughly took Tiernan by the arm knowing the young man would not go easily.
"Mother! NO!" he shouted as Aris yanked him away.
Danai cried as she watched her son be taken away. But he'd live on, he had to!
"I love you!" she wailed as he vanished around the corner.
After a few minutes of calming herself, Danai, a proud woman of Thyraza walked back. As she made her way back to the Senate room there was an explosion, the earth rumbled beneath her feet but she continued to walk in stride never faltering. The guards began to scramble around, a few called out to her telling to her go somewhere safe but she ignored them. Standing by the door, she pushed it open. The Senators, those not involved in the conspiracy were panicking.
"What's going on?" was being shouted by many.
Danai locked eyes with her husband who understood what was happening. He was attacked from the rear by but deflected the attack, and Danai unsheathed her hidden dagger, lunging towards another man aiming to kill her husband. They'd take down as many as they could amongst the chaos. Warriors to the end. Reaching her husbands side, Vissarion asked if their son was safe.
"He will be, I trust Aris." she replied, with dagger bloodied held out before her.
Vissarion smiled and kissed his wife one final time on this plain of existence. Soon they'd be overwhelmed, as the Imperial soldiers poured into the palace. There was some satisfaction in slaying the traitors side by side with his wife were Vissarion's final thoughts.
Taking through the underground sewers of the palace, Tiernan heard the faint rumble of an explosion.
Still too stunned to speak, Tiernan mindlessly followed Aris and his men forward until the reached the end of the tunnel at an iron grate that dumped the filthy water into the ocean. Clambering along the rocks, they made their way to a small patch of sand where a boat waited for them. A small vessel.
"Where are we going?" Tiernan asked breaking his silence.
Aris stopped and looked back, "First we will go to the village of my family, and from there will be make preparations to head North."
What could possibly exist North? Tiernan wondered before his nostrils were struck with the scent of smoke and ash. The palace was burning! A feeling of being punched in his chest nearly caused him to double over, but Aris caught him.
"There is no time prince, we must go!"
Aris half dragged the young man to the boat.